2, 4, and 6
Please make sure you have turned in both Act 1 and Act 2 vocabulary packets and Act 1 and Act 2 open book figurative language tests.
Passed out Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary and Suspense Packet
Passed out Act 3 Figurative Language Open Book test of Romeo and Juliet
Students create sentences using the first six vocabulary words:
Doublet, Dissemblers, Strange, Civil, Fain, Fond
Jose: Doublet
My great-grandfather wore a doublet.
Lizbeth: Dissembler
Lawyers can be considered dissemblers because they will do anything to win a case.
Cierra: Strange - unfamiliar
I saw a movie that was strange.
The man who claimed he was my father was strange (unfamiliar) to me.
She woke up in a strange house.
Julia: Civil
My mother told my little sister to act civil in public places.
Julian: Fain – to gladly do something, happily
Cierra: When my friend got a good grade on the test and I asked her for help, she fain helped me.
Lizbeth L.: Fond – (adjective) foolish
Cierra: My fond brother thought my friend liked him.
The fond boy tripped walking down the stairs.
Read Act 3, Scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet; page 845
Vocabulary and phrases -
Draws his sword: pulls his sword on the waiter or bar tender.
To be moved: moved to anger and fighting
Quarrel: to argue
Addle: rotten
Doublet: jacket
Riband: ribbon
Buy the fee simple: buy insurance on (foreshadowing)
O simple!: stupid
Consort: girlfriend or a servant or a musician, which is why Mercutio starts making musical puns.
Livery: servant’s uniform which shows the house the servant serves.
According to myth, cats have nine lives.
Why doesn’t Romeo want to fight Tybalt?
Nadya, Lizbeth A., Julia: Because Romeo is now Tybalt’s family through his marriage to Juliet.
Why does Tybalt want to fight Romeo?
Julia: Because Romeo crashed the Capulet party.
List the puns and jokes Mercutio makes even as he is dying. (pages 848)
Rat-catcher (before he is mortally wounded)
“No, ‘tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church, but tis enough, ‘twill do.”
Zounds a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat to scratch a man to death!”
“I’m a grave man.”
“Thou hast made worm’s meat of me!”
“I am peppered for this world.’
How many times does Mercutio curse both houses?
Four times. According to myth, the curse of a person on his death bed carries additional power and will certainly come to pass.
Lines 88, 96, 97, 102
What does Romeo do after Benvolio tells him Mercutio is dead?
Romeo kills Tybalt for killing Mercutio.
What does Benvolio tell Romeo to do after Romeo has slain Tybalt?
Benvolio: “Romeo, away, be gone!
Benvolio tells Romeo to run, to escape!
What does Benvolio tell the Prince regarding the fight?
Lines 150 – 172
“…that the quarrel was nice… and mentioned the Prince’s displeasure…”
What is Lady Capulet’s response to Benvolio's account of the fight?
“He (Benvolio) is a kinsman to Montague….affection makes him false…..Romeo slew Tybalt…Romeo must not live…”
What is the Prince’s decree?
“And for that offense immediately we do exile him hence.”
He is banished. If he is found within the walls of Verona “…that hour is his last.”
What is the Prince’s reasoning for the decree?
Montague says:
“His fault concludes but what the law should end. The life of Tybalt.”
Watched Act Three in Romeo + Juliet
Wednesday, May 23rd:
2, 4, and 6
Read Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet
Please do the last four words in your vocabulary packet:
To sack
Cierra: to rob and plunder
The kids sacked the store when the manager was not looking.
The Greeks sacked the city of Troy when they entered the city using a wooden horse.
The senior class briefly entertained the idea of painting the front of the school purple as part of the annual senior prank, but then changed their minds.
Spleen: anger, malice, spite (Spleen is an organ in the body which produces bile, a bitter, scalding hot fluid produced by the digestive system)
The Elizabethans believed that emotions and personality types were the results of various organs in the body producing an excess of fluids.
“To vent your spleen”
Cierra: When I get mad I scream my spleen out to my best friend.
Estate: situation or condition
He is in a bad estate.
Then do the suspense portion of the packet
Then we are going to work on the Act 3 Figurative Language handout
Read “Echo and Narcissus”
Read the rest of Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet
Watch movie
Act some scenes - maybe
Read Act 3, Scene 2, page 853
Juliet is in her bedroom waiting for the night to come so she can be with Romeo! Juliet does not know that Romeo has killed Tybalt and has been exiled (banished) for his killing of Tybalt.
When the Nurse comes in crying and saying, “Oh, he is dead. He is dead!” Juliet immediately thinks who is dead?
What does Juliet quickly figure out when she hears – finally – from the Nurse what has occurred?
What does the Nurse promise Juliet she will do?
Act 3, Scene 3, page 858
In the Friar’s cell
Romeo is hiding there to avoid being captured by the Prince’s men.
What state is Romeo in?
Who arrives at the Friar’s cell and with what news?
What words of advice does the Friar give Romeo?
What does the Friar tell Romeo and the Nurse to do for tonight?
Act 3, Scene 4, page 863
What is Lord Capulet’s attitude regarding Tybalt’s death?
What do you think the Capulets have been discussing with Paris?
What sudden decision does Lord Capulet make in this scene?
Watch movie!
Friday, May 25th:
Act out Act 3, Scene One - with swords!
Friday, May 25th:
Act out Act 3, Scene One - with swords!
Friday, May 25th:
Daily schedule
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