An introduction to the Odyssey
Read pages 640 – 643
The Iliad is the story of the Trojan War
Melancholy: (noun) a deep sadness; depression
Melancholic: (adjective)
Alejandra is always in a state of melancholy whenever she is on a diet.
Alejandra is always melancholic when she is on a diet.
Hearth: a fireplace
Reviewed the Trojan War
Tuesday, January 23rd:
Tuesday, January 23rd:
Read The Odyssey, pages 643 – 647
The Ancient World and Ours
A Search for Their Places in Life – the theme of The Odyssey
The Odyssey begins “en media res” – which means in the middle of the action. Telemachus was born at the beginning of the Iliad. The Odyssey begins when Telemachus is twenty. The Odyssey is about Odysseus’ attempts to return home after the Trojan War, which is told in flashback. The part of The Odyssey which features Telemachus and the Odysseus on the isle of Calypso, the isle of Alcinous, and his return to Ithaca where he battles the suitors are in “real time”.
Relationships with the Gods
Odysseus is the cleverest and most intelligent of all humans and therefore, is the favorite of Athena, the gray-eyed goddess of wisdom.
His nemesis or enemy is Poseidon, with whom he shares many of the same qualities of arrogance. Poseidon could be said to be Odysseus’ alter-ego.
Wednesday, January 24th:
Watched the Odyssey
Thursday, January 25th:
Wednesday, January 24th:
Watched the Odyssey
Thursday, January 25th:
up the time line
“A Son Seeks a Father”
Muses: nine goddesses who
are the daughters of Zeus who preside over the arts and sciences:dance, music,
poetry, theatre, history, geometry, etc.
Valor: (Noun) great courage
in the face of great danger, particularly in battle
Valiant: (adjective) brave
Themes of The Odyssey:
A boy must struggle to
become a man.
A soldier must struggle to return home from the war.
A king must struggle to
reclaim his kingdom.
A woman must struggle to
maintain her independence and dignity
Mentor: an older, more
experienced person who helps and guides a younger or less experienced person.
Disperse: to break apart, to
Sage: a wise person
Guile: trickery, slyness,
cleverness used to attain something at another’s expense
Insolence: rudeness or lack
of respect
Background story:
Athena, like all gods, could
change her appearance at will. Here she is appearing as a wise older man named
Mentor to help Telemachus deal with the rude insolent suitors who are over running his home.
One of the most important
philosophies in ancient Greece was the relationship or ties between the host and the