Monday, October 19th:
1st Period
and 3rd Period:
Vocabulary Throw: students get into a circle. One student
throws a ball to another student and says a vocabulary word. The receiving
student has to come up with the definition of the vocabulary word. S/he then
throws the ball to another student and says a vocabulary word.
If a student cannot define the word, then s/he has to “die”
and the other students give a very imaginative way for the student to “die” –
like jumping into a giant vat of jello.
HOLT HANDBOOK; pages 156 – 161; exercises 4 and 5. This will
be due on Tuesday, October 20th.
Exercise 4, pages 160 – 161:
a. You will put your pencil down when the bell rings. (Future Tense)
a. You will put your pencil down when the bell rings. (Future Tense)
b. You will have put down your pencils when
the bell rings. (Future Perfect Tense).
I will have ___________________ by
the time I graduate.
a. He worked at the gas station in the summertime. (Past Tense)
a. He worked at the gas station in the summertime. (Past Tense)
b. He has worked at the gas station in the
summertime. (Present Perfect Tense)
Exercise 5:
1. Maria
always went home at five o’clock. (Past)
1. The
quick, graceful otter has swum to the edge of the pool. (present perfect)
2. With
future progressive we use the "be" form of the verb + ing form of the main verb.
Our class will be reading
Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.
Tuesday, October 20th:
1st Period
Pass out the vocabulary packet to “The Cask of Amontillado”:
vocabulary, dramatic and verbal irony, heightened style, and revising the
Collect the grammar homework, pages 157 – 161; exercises 4
and 5
Pre – before
Re – go back or do something over again
Clud – Latin for close
Jelani: Not
doing my homework will preclude my passing the class.
Salome: Ms. Bridges attempts to preclude us from making bad
Regina: To preclude teen pregnancy and getting low paying
jobs, we need to start doing our work in school.
Period 3:
Collected grammar homework: HOLT HANDBOOK; pages 156 - 161
Passed out "The Cask of Amontillado" vocabulary packet.
Went over vocabulary in the packet.
Asiah: The redresser undid all his wrongs by returning the
items he stole.
The thief redressed his wrongs by returning the items he
Open your book to page 233 in ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE
Read the opening paragraph
Go over the vocabulary
Impunity: freedom from punishment
Im = not
Pun = punishment
Retribution: payback
Re = to go back, to revert
He was killed as retribution for the murder of the man’s
Utterance: this is a noun and it means that which the
speaker is saying.
Utter (verb): to speak, to talk, to say
Ventured: to go forth, to embark upon a task, to do
Avenger: is a person who avenges, to right a wrong.
A redresser rights a wrong.
Reread the first paragraph, using the vocabulary words we
just learned, and then write in your own words what you think Edgar Allan Poe
is saying.
Timerica: I savored my impunity for it would not last very
"The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe
Went over the meanings and showed pictures of the following:
Wednesday, October 21st:
1st Period:
You have several options for BIC. You can:
Do silent sustained reading in your AR book.
You can work on your reading log for your AR book.
You can do your late homework, which is due today. No
You can do your vocabulary packet for “The Caskof
How to Do the Active Reading:
Taylor: “To All the Boys I Loved”. I predict that Morgan
will get mad when she finds out her big sister is dating her ex-boyfriend.
Anselmo: “Freaky Green Eyes” Because of the picture and the
title of the short story, I thought the story was going to be scary, but it’s
actually about a ginger haired girl with green eyes. She is called “Freaky
Green Eyes” at a party. However, her “freaky green eyes saves her from being
Taylor: I wonder why Morgan doesn’t suspect anything because
her sister and her ex-boyfriend are openly doing things in front of her. Matt,
the ex-boyfriend, openly hugs her sister around the waist.
Questions you have:
Sentence starters: I wonder why……” “Why does…….”
Connections the book has with your own life:
“Morgan’s situation with her sister reminds me of the time
in my own life……”
“Shep’s death was really unexpected and upset me. He was my favorite character.”
“Shep’s death was really unexpected and upset me. He was my favorite character.”
This is what happened in Chapter 12.
This is what happened in pages 15 – 35.
8:25 – 9:11
Open your books to page 232, “The Cask of Amontillado” by
Edgar Allan Poe.
Please get out your pen and your reading log.
Two criteria for retribution (or payback):
The redresser has to punish with impunity (freedom from
punishment) or getting away with it.
The punishment or payback has to be equal to the insult
given to him by the enemy.
Read up to “It is this,” I answered, producing a trowel from
beneath the folds of my roquelaure.
Period 3:
Catacombs: A vault underneath the mansion or a building or a
street where dead bodies and wine are stored.
Mason: is a semi-religious organization that is open to men
only and to men of a certain class.
Mason: is a person who lays bricks.
Trowel: a small shovel used by a mason to put mortar on the
bricks to make them stick together.
Cask: a barrel
Amontillado: a Spanish wine
Carnival: Mardi Gras; it lasts for a week and it occurs just
before lent.
Lent is the forty days before Easter.
Motley is the fool’s or the jester’s costume.
Orbs: eyes
Participation Points:
Not Paying Attention:
Read, acted out and explained
Thursday, October 22nd:
8:00 – 8:15
When you are finished reading, then please make an entry in
your reading log. You may summarize, or comment on, or ask questions about, or
draw a connection between your own life and what you have read.
When you are finished with the book, do not forget to take
the AR test.
8:15 – 9:11
Read, discussed and finished “The Cask of Amontillado.”
Period 3:
Open your books to page 237, “This is it, I answered, producing a trowel.”
Read, discussed and finished “The Cask of Amontillado”.
No one paying attention - sleeping, etc. Had them read the last page of the story and take a pop test.
Comprehension Test:
1. What
does Montresor find under the pile of bones?
2. What
does he do with the things he finds under the bones?
3. What
does Montresor do after he has laid the fourth tier?
4. Why
does he do this after he has laid the fourth tier?
5. What
does Montresor do with his rapier?
6. What
does it imply when Montresor says, “My heart grew sick – on account of the
dampness of the catacombs.”
7. When
Montresor heard Fortunato scream, what did he do?
8. What
tactic does Fortunato use at first to pretend this isn’t happening?
9. What
happens when Fortunato screams at Montresor “For the love of God!”
10. What is
the eventual fate of Fortunato?
11. How long
after is Montresor telling this story?
3rd Period:
Friday, October 23rd:
Shortened Day!
1st Period:
BIC: 8:00 - 8:30
Sustained Silent Reading
Work on the packet for "The Cask of Amontillado" - vocabulary
Endeavor: to try
Stephanie tried to fix the bike.
Anselmo tried to eat new food.
Jonathan tried to do his math homework.
Stephanie endeavored to fix her bike and was successful.
Anselmo endeavored to eat new food.
Jonathan endeavored to do his math homework which precluded
his failing the class.
Jasmine said to the homeless man that if he endeavored to
redress his life everything would be better.
3. Imposture is a noun. Fraud.
Imposter is a person who pretends to be something or someone
s/he is not.
The police arrested a man for his imposture of posing as a
student to gain access to the school.
James is now behind bars for committing imposture.
A couple, posing as wealthy donors, was caught by the C.I.A.
for their imposture.
Accosted: to approach and to speak to roughly.
Jasmine: When the man accosted me with a gun, I handed over
my purse.
Salome: Boys are boring when they accost girls.
Absconded: to run away with something and hide.
Taylor: Unable to pay their rent, the tenants absconded in
the middle of the night.
Salome: Little Red Riding had absconded from the Big Bad
Wolf in the woods
Jasmine: The little girl absconded from the evil man who was
chasing her.
The puppy absconded with the bone.
Silent Reading Log + reading log!