Monday, February 6th:
Vocabulary Workshop, Unit 4 will be assigned tomorrow.
Please bring your book on Tuesday, February 7th.
The next due date for the AR test and reading log is:
Friday, March 25th!!!!!!!
The Enchantress Circe
Page 673
The Wind God
The Island of Circe
Fawning: showing excessive attention; displaying exaggerated
attention or flattery
Pigsty: a pigpen
Swine: a very large pig
Please write in your reading log:
A brief summary of what we read today – the Wind God and The
Hall of Circe.
Then write what lesson each story, the Wind God and The
Enchantress Circe, can give us
Tuesday, February 7th:
Tuesday, February 7th:
Passed back tests
To improve your grade, please rewrite the
question, and the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper; then staple the
paper onto your test and turn in for a higher grade! This will be due on Thursday, February 9th.
Assigned Unit 4 Vocabulary – due Tuesday,
February 14th!
Read “The Odyssey, pages 675 – 676
Discussion of Hades, Demeter, Persephone,
and Tereisias.
Wednesday, February 8th:
Wednesday, February 8th:
Either read your new AR book, which is due on Friday, March
25th or work on your vocabulary, unit 4, which is due on Tuesday,
February 14th.
Vocabulary Unit 4, pages 51 - 57
Definitions (page
51 – 53)
Write the word, the part of speech, the definitions, and the
brief sentence underneath:
1. Annul
(verb) to reduce to nothing; to make ineffective or inoperative; to declare
legally invalid or void. The
state legislators voted by an overwhelming majority to annul the out-of-date
Carolina and Jennifer drew a
time-line of the Odyssey up to the Isle of the Enchantress Circe,
Read The Odyssey, from pages 676 to
Read from lines 624 – 634 and then
write down what you think Teriesias is saying.
Cattle: a herd of cows, plural for
What did Teriesias predict:
1. Poseidon
will pay him back for blinding his son.
2. The
crew will land on the island of Helios, which is owned by Helios, the sun god,
who has cattle and sheep on his island. The crew will be starving and will eat
Helios’ cattle and sheep, which will gravely anger him. Helios will have Zeus
destroy Odysseus’ ship, and the only survivor will be Odysseus.
3. Odysseus
will return to Ithaca to find his home overrun with rude and insolent men who
are “eating his family out of house and home”. The men are drinking his wife’s
wine and eating her food, are flirting and harassing the maids, and trying to
force Penelope into choosing one of those dirty bums to marry her.
Thursday, February 9th:
Thursday, February 9th:
Your next AR reading log and AR test will be due by Friday,
March 25th.
Please write a sentence for each of the following words from
Vocabulary Unit 4
1. Annul:
(verb = action or state of being) to reduce to nothing; to make ineffective or
inoperable; to declare legally invalid or void.
Sentence: After a brief unhappy
honeymoon, the couple decided to annul their marriage.
Write your own sentence: ________________________________________________________
2. Blasé:
(adjective = to describe something or someone) indifferent, bored as a result
of having enjoyed many pleasures, apathetic.
Sentence: Having rich parents and
being spoiled by them, Elizabeth was very blasé when her mother told her they were
going to Disneyland for the week.
Write your own
Read The Odyssey, page 678 - 679
Sirens, Scylla, and Charybdis
log (for tomorrow)
to the Island of Circe
returns to the island of Circe after visiting the Land of the Dead
gives further instructions to Odysseus on how to avoid the Sirens, get past
Scylla and to avoid being sucked down by the whirlpool Charybdis.
warns Odysseus about the Isle of Sirens which is where the Sirens live, hideous
half-bird, half-women creatures who sing men to their deaths. Men who hear the
beautiful singing of these wretched creatures will leap overboard to swim to
the island to be closer to the music, but there they will die. The island is
littered with the dried bones of those men who couldn’t resist the hideous
creatures’ music.
tells Odysseus that he should hear this music – he is after all Odysseus! - but
that he should put beeswax in the ears of his men so they cannot hear. (Being
ordinary men they would not be able to resist the Sirens’ music.) He should
instruct the men to tie him firmly (to lash him) to the mast of the boat and
if, while listening to the Sirens’ music, he is so overwhelmed by their
seductive powers that he begs the men to untie him, then his men must tie him
even more firmly to the mast.
then warns him about the even more hideous Scylla. She has twelve legs,
unjointed tentacles like an octopus. Scylla has serpent necks with six heads on
each swaying neck. Each head has a mouth of triple serried teeth (like a
a cave where an animal or monster sleeps.
So horrible as to be deserving of hatred.
throat and esophagus (the tube that runs from the throat to the stomach).
each ship she takes one man for each gullet.
a high cliff overlooking a body of water.
tells him that on the other side of the strait (narrow body of water between
two land masses) lies Charybdis (Ka rib dis) which is a huge whirlpool that
sucks down all the water three times a day and then vomits it back up (spews)
like a geyser. Avoid it and stick as close as you can, Cire warns him, to the
opposite side of the strait (close to Scylla) and away from Charybdis. Better
you lose a few men than the entire ship.
then warns him about the Island of Thrinakia, the Island of Helios, the sun god
who sees all and hears all as he, in his chariot, drives his thundering steeds
across the sky each day. Nothing escapes him. He keeps on his island cattle and
sheep which he loves very much. These beeves and kine have never been born nor
never die. Do not eat them, Circe warns Odysseus, for if you do you will meet
certain death at the hands of the angry gods.
Friday, February 10th:
Warm-up Activity: Read the definitions and the sentences using the two vocabulary words from Unit 4. Then, write your own two original sentences using the same vocabulary words.
Friday, February 10th:
Warm-up Activity: Read the definitions and the sentences using the two vocabulary words from Unit 4. Then, write your own two original sentences using the same vocabulary words.
Vocabulary Unit 4:
Bolster: (verb = action or state of being) to give a boost
Diana’s mom always tells her daughter how smart she is to
bolster her self-confidence.
Deplore: (verb = action or state of being) to feel or
express regret or disapproval.
Many parents deplore what they see as an excessive use of
cellphones by their children.
Many parents deplore the fashion of “sagging”.
Open your literature book to The Odyssey, page 679, line 695 and read.
We read from page 679 to page 683 and line 695 to line 828
Stopped at “…So these were borne aloft in spasms toward the