Go over Act One Vocabulary
Pass out Act One Open Book Test
Read Act One, Scene Two
Reading logs
An iamb: two syllables!!!!!
Iambic: adjective form of iamb
Penta – five
Meter - rhythm
Iambic pentameter – how many syllables are there per line in
Ten! Therefore, there are usually five iambs per line in Shakespeare's plays!
Blank is not rhymed!
Prose is language or writing that is not in verse, not
rhymed, nor in any form of meter.
Iambic pentameter: unrhymed unstressed/stressed with five iambs (ten syllables) per line.
(Oh, she) (doth teach) (the tor) (ches to) (burn
Act One, Scene Two
Page 796
Page 796
Act 1, Scene 2
occurs in "media res" with Lord Capulet talking to Paris, a much younger
man who wants to marry Juliet.
"Younger maids than she are happy mothers made."
Milan: girls
younger than Juliet – twelve or
thirteen – have become happy
Marred: (to mar) means to be flawed; the beauty or the
perfection to be destroyed; to have an imperfection.
To mar is a verb; however, you put in this form (past
participle) it becomes a past tense verb form of to mar and it also becomes an
Yessenia – Lord Capulet says that if she agrees to it, he will give his consent. However, it would be better if they wait for two
summers to wither before he allows his daughter to marry.
Lord Capulet invited Paris to a party!!!
There will be beautiful young girls at the party for Paris
to compare with Juliet!
"Earth-treading stars" – beautiful girls who are so beautiful they
are like stars walking on the earth!
“Well appareled April” – young beautiful girls!
Tuesday, April 17th:
Go over Act One Vocabulary Handout
Go over Act One Open Book Test
Go over Act One, Scene Two
Reading Logs
Do the first seven questions on the first page of the "Open Book Act 1 Romeo and Juliet Test"
Here's how you do #6 on the test:
An iamb is two syllables that are unstressed/stressed!
(Madam) (an hour) (before) (the wor) (shipped sun)
(Peered forth) (the gol) (den wind) (ow of) (the east)
(A troub) (led mind) (drove me) (to walk) (a broad)
Page 796, Act One, Scene 2
Who did Capulet send to give invitations to his party?
The Servant
Why was this not such a great idea sending this servant on
that task?
What point was the servant making?
Wednesday, April 18th:
Go over Act One Vocabulary Handout
Go over Act One Open Book Test
Read Act One, Scene 3
Reading Logs
Vocabulary Packet
Vocabulary word:
Withal: in addition to, despite that
Scissor, withal knives are good, for cutting.
I went to the mall to see a movie withal my friends.
I told my friend, withal, to stop talking to my boyfriend.
Applying Skills:
On the blanks provided, tell why you think Shakespeare chose
the form he did – blank verse, rhymed, or prose – for each of the following
When did Shakespeare use prose?
Lisbeth: When a servant or a clown was speaking!!!!!
When did Shakespeare use rhymed verse?
Kevin: When lovers spoke!!!!!!
When did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter?
When aristocratic people spoke.
Benvolio – he is an aristocratic young man who
is speaking to his best friend’s well born mother about matters having to do with
emotion, depression, and feelings.
Romeo – he is an aristocratic young man speaking
of love to a beautiful young aristocratic woman.
Romeo and Juliet
Page 797
Act 1, Scene 2
Whose name is on the list?
What does Benvolio suggest Romeo do?
To crash Capulet’s feast (party) and check out the other girls
there and compare his Rosaline to the other ladies.
What is Romeo’s reply to Benvolio’s suggestion?
He will go but only to stare at Rosaline at the party.
Act 1, Scene 3:
What does Juliet’s mom want to talk to Juliet about?
About marrying Paris
Why does Lady Capulet call the Nurse back into the room?
Because she doesn't know what to say to Juliet about marriage.
What does this reveal about Lady Capulet as a mother?
How old is Juliet?
How many teeth does the Nurse have?
When is Juliet’s birthday?
July 31st
According to the Nurse how do women benefit from men?
By increasing their store - and having children
What does the Nurse seem to be obsessed with?
Thursday, April 19th:
Act 1, Scene 3:
Page 800
What does Juliet’s mom want to talk to Juliet about?
Why does Lady Capulet call the Nurse back into the room?
What does reveal about Lady Capulet and her relationship
with her daughter?
How old is
How many teeth does the Nurse have?
When is Juliet’s birthday?
July 31st (Lammastide’s Eve)
Who is Susan?
What happened to Susan?
What happened eleven years ago?
How did the Nurse wean Juliet?
Who does Lady Capulet mention as a possible husband for
(Hint) He is coming to the party tonight!
What do we know about Paris?
On page 802, in Lady Capulet’s speech (lines 79 – 94) to
Juliet, what is she comparing Paris to?
What does the Nurse seem to be obsessed with?
Friday, April 20th:
Watch film Romeo + Juliet
Looking ahead:
Kahoots! "Queen Mab"
Find four scenes in Mercutio's Queen Mab Speech and illustrate each scene with the quotation underneath as a caption.
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