Friendly reminder:
Your third and final AR test and reading log will be due this Friday, May 12th.
Beginning reading Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 1
Tuesday, May 9th:
Silent Sustained Reading
Remember: your AR test and AR reading log are due on Friday,
May 12th.
Watch the rest of Romeo
and Juliet
Read Act 1, Scene 1
Brief discussion of Act 1, Scene 1
Wednesday, May 10th:
Wednesday, May 10th:
Silent Sustained Reading
Remember: Friday, May 12th, your AR reading log and AR test are due.
Passed out the open book Romeo
and Juliet test. This test is
on-going, which means we will be going over the questions as we read.
Right now, we are reviewing what we read yesterday.
What are the names of the two groups who arefighting?
The Montagues and the Capulets.
What started the fight?
The thumb biting!
Who tries to stop the fighting?
The cousin!
What’s his name?
Benvolio is the cousin of and best friend of Romeo
Safia’s question:
Who was Romeo sad about?
Carolina and Hellen:
Rosalind didn’t like men and was a follower of Diana, the Roman
goddess of chastity, and archery.
Let’s look at the name of Benvolio:
Maria and Carolina: Benefit
Beneficent, benevolence
The prefix of “ben” means good
What is the Spanish word for bad?
Mal – the prefix mal in English means something bad.
Mal -
Maleficent, Malicious, malnourished, malfunctioned,
Malevolent: having bad intentions
Malign – to say bad things about another person; to tarnish
another’s reputation.
Ashanti: Who is Rosalind?
Safia: Rosalind was being courted by Romeo who wanted to
take it to the next level. Rosalind was not interested and broke Romeo’s heart.
Benvolio was trying to stop the fight.
Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin.
Tybalt was the name of a cat in a popular folktale. Tybalt was also the popular name of
house cats.
Malia – he likes cat fights.
Both Romeo and Juliet came from families of high esteem and
When the Prince sees the street brawl, what does the Prince
Look on page 790!
If ever you disturb the peace, your life shall pay the
If he ever catches them fighting he will execute them.
What did Romeo’s
parents ask Benvolio about Romeo?
Safia: Why was Romeo so sad and walking around all
He walks alone all through the night and when the sun rises,
he goes home to his room, closes the curtains, and makes an artificial night.
What advise did Benvolio give to Romeo to help him forget
about Rosalind?
Shianne: To look at other girls.
What is the exact quotation from Benvolio?
Can be found on page 795
“By giving liberties to thy eyes, examine other beauties”
Thursday, May 11th:
Thursday, May 11th:
Silent Sustained Reading!
Remember! Your AR reading test and AR test are due tomorrow!
Read Romeo and Juliet;
Act 1, Scene 2 and Scene 3
Page 796
Figurative Language
Malia – Capulet
Gina – Servant
Mercedes – Paris
Maria – Benvolio
Hellen – Romeo
Safia – resident expert
What happened two minutes before?
A major brawl just occurred?
Where are Paris and Capulet heading?
The Prince told them to see him about their constant
A suit: a lawsuit or it can be a formal request
Ere: (pronounced like “air”) before
Mar: to scar or to destroy the perfection of something
Marred: to be scarred or to have some injury which detracts
from the beauty of something or someone.
Fennel: sweet smelling herb
Treading: to walk
Lusty: sexually interested
What is Paris’ suit?
Hellen: To ask Capulet for his daughter’s hand in marriage!
What does Capulet say in response?
Onyx -
And too soon marred are those so early made.
Safia -
Capulet also said that she hath not seen the change of
fourteen summers.
So Juliet is thirteen
How many living children did Capulet have?
One and that is Juliet.
The earth hath swallowed all his hopes but she.
What does Capulet invite Paris to?
Danny – a party
Earth treading stars
What does Capulet tell the servant to do?
Safia –
He tells the servant to go this list of people and invite
them to the party.
Act 1, Scene 3:
Safia – Juliet
Kimberly – Lady Capulet
Samantha – the Nurse
This is happening about the same time as Act 1, Scene 2
This takes place in Lady Capulet’s home
How old is Juliet?
Safia – Thirteen
When is Juliet’s birthday?
Eve of Lammastide – July 31st.
How many teeth does the Nurse have?
Stopped at the bottom of page 800
Friday, May 12th:
Friday, May 12th:
Sub for first twenty minutes
Your AR reading log and your AR test are due today!
Finish reading Romeo
and Juliet, Act 1!
What is happening at the Capulets’ house tonight?
Malia – party!
Who’s going to be at the party?
The Class – Paris
Who is Paris?
He’s an up and coming young man who is friends with Capulet.
He wants to marry Juliet.
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