Thursday, October 07, 2010

October 11th - 15th Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade Honors English

Monday, October 11th:
Work on the vocabulary and literary handout for "The Most Dangerous Game"
Discussion of plot in "The Most Dangerous Game"

Tuesday, October 12th:
Continuation of the plot in "The Most Dangerous Game"

Wednesday, October 13th:
Your "The Most Dangerous Game" vocabulary and literary handout will be due today.
Test over "The Most Dangerous Game" will include vocabulary, plot and plot graph.

Thursday, October 14th:
Break into groups of three and work on "The Most Dangerous Game" board game.

Friday, October 15th:
Begin work in Perspectives in Multicultural Literature; "Exposition"; Academic Vocabulary; read "Rising Tide"; "An Arctic Floe of Climate Questions".

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