Monday, April 23, 2018
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Page 804
Act 1, Scene 1
Big Fight between the Capulets and the Montagues
Everybody is fighting (except for Romeo)
Prince shows up and says if you start another fight again, Old Capulet and you, Old Montague, if you start another fight you will pay for it with your life!!!!!
The Montagues then talk to Benvolio about Romeo and how he is depressed over Rosaline. They see Romeo walking down the street and his parents ask Benvolio to talk to him about why he is depressed – melancholy!!!!
Act 1, Scene 2
Katherine – Capulet and Paris are discussing Paris marrying Juliet. Capulet says she is too young and allow two summers to wither in their prime, and if she agrees then he will consent to the marriage.
Jason and Katherine - Capulet invites Paris to a party.
Idalia - Capulet gives an illiterate (Milan – if you are illiterate, then you cannot read or write) servant the invitations to the party to be delivered.
Lizbeth – “But I am sent to find those persons whose names are found here….” I must to the learned.
Milan – the servant sees Romeo walking down the street and he hands him the list of names to be invited to Capulet’s party tonight.
What does Romeo find on the list?
Julia – He finds Rosalind’s name and he decides to do what?
Julia – Romeo decides to go to the party which is dangerous because he is going into enemy gang territory.
Scene 3:
Cierra – Takes place in Juliet’s home! Lady Capulet talks to Juliet about marrying Paris.
Milan – the Nurse is there also. We found out that the Nurse has four teeth, loves Juliet like her own daughter. Juliet and the Nurse are very close – like mother and daughter.
The Nurse had a daughter about Juliet's age but she died.
The Nurse had a daughter about Juliet's age but she died.
Act 1, Scene 4
Setting: In front of the Capulets’ home, Romeo and his drunken friends, Mercutio and Benvolio, are wearing masks preparing to enter the Capulets’ party. Mercutio is invited – he is a friend of both houses – but Romeo and Benvolio are not. They are bitter enemies and members of a rival gang. They are entering enemy territory!
What kind of mood is Romeo in at the beginning of the scene?
Cierra – “whatever”
Lizbeth – annoyed, stressed, agitated
Melanie - agitated
Why is he agitated?
Look on page 807, between lines 45 and 55
Cierra – He had a dream!
Look on page 808, lines 106 – 111
That Romeo would die an untimely death which would be caused by a series of events that will be started tonight!
Act 1, Scene 5:
Page 809
Setting: the Capulets’ party!!!!!
What kind of mood is Lord Capulet in?
Cierra – Capulet is in a very good mood!
Mercurial - what is the chemical in thermometers that goes up and down!
What is someone called whose personality goes up and down?
Mercurial! A person who is mercurial has mood swings!
Who does Tybalt overhear at the party?
Jose (Cierra) – Romeo
What does Tybalt want to do when he realizes who is at the party?
Jose (Cierra) – Tybalt wants to fight Romeo!
What does Capulet tell Tybalt to do?
Cierra and Adolfo – Capulet tells Tybalt to stop!
Does Romeo know the identity of the beautiful young woman?
Adolfo – When Romeo sees Juliet he does not know her identity and that she is a Capulet!
Who tells him the identity of the beautiful young woman?
Julia – The Nurse tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet!
According to the Nurse, how will the man who marries Juliet benefit?
Jason - He will have a lot of money – “a blue-faced hondo!”
What is the aggressive and forward behavior Romeo engages in?
He flirts with her and kisses her before he even introduces himself !!!!!!
Does Juliet allow Romeo to be aggressive and forward with her? Why?
Yes! Because she likes him!!!!!
What does Romeo compare his hands to?
Pilgrim’s hands and like pilgrims’ hands, let’s put our lips together!
Does Juliet feel the same way about Romeo? Yes!!!!!!
Watch the 1968 Romeo and Juliet film.
Tuesday, April 24th:
Get out your books and open them to Act 1, Romeo and Juliet
Tuesday, April 24th:
Get out your books and open them to Act 1, Romeo and Juliet
Then get out your Vocabulary Act 1 packet + Iambic Pentameter Handout and finish
Then open your Romeo and Juliet Act One Open Book Test and finish the second page
Review of what we have read so far:
Review of what we have read so far:
Tybalt is a cousin of Juliet’s
Tybalt is a Capulet
His name is a popular name for a cat.
He likes to fight.
He likes to fight.
He thinks he is a great swordsman or street fighter.
He may be having an affair with Lady Capulet.
Mercutio is friends with everyone – including the Montagues and the Capulets
Mercutio is also related to the Prince.
Mercutio is a jokester.
His name is suggestive of mercury, which goes up and down. What is a person called whose personality also goes up and down? Mercurial!
Mercutio tries to convince Romeo that his dream is not the truth but lies, fantasies woven by Queen Mab, the fairies’ midwife!!!! A midwife is a nurse who helps the mother give birth!!!!
Game Break! Murder! The Montagues are stalking the Capulets through the streets of Verona!
Game Break! Murder! The Montagues are stalking the Capulets through the streets of Verona!
Break into pairs and choose four scenes from Queen Mab, draw a picture!
Open your books to page 807 – 808 and let's take a look at Mercutio's monologue about
Queen Mab:
Look up the following words and see if you can figure out what lines 79 – 81
A long time ago, people would pay their debts and tithe at the church with a pig or a chicken.
Parsons – a minister, a member of the clergy; a pastor
Tithe – one tenth of one’s salary which one donates to the Church
Benefice – member of the clergy (ministers of the church) especially from the protestant (non Catholic)
Friday, April 27th:
Watch Into the Woods for Arts Integration
Friday, April 27th:
Watch Into the Woods for Arts Integration
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