Tuesday, September 29th:
Shortened Day!
Write a short entry about a memory you have of either a trip, an accident, a favorite place you love to go, your “first”, or or family stories - or another memory that doesn’t fit into the other categories. Share with a neighbor.
Wednesday, September 30th:
Read CAT’S EYE in DAYBOOK of Critical Readings and Writing. Create a cluster about a person you know who is similar to a character in CAT’S EYE. Write the person’s name in a central cloud;then another cloud with her/his physical traits,another cloud with her/his personality traits and another cloud with the actions that show her/his personality.
Write a short paragraph describing the person you have chosen. Make sure you include enough information to show how the person you have chosen is similar to one of the characters in the story.
Thursday, October 1st:
Write a brief paragraph about each character’s motivations. Then write a brief monologue with the thoughts of the character justifying her actions.
Read the second part of CAT’S CRADLE. Write a “Before” and “After” chart on Elaine which shows how she was before the incident and she changed after the incident.
Make a chart which lists key incidents in the story and then write the incident from the point of view of each of the main characters.
Friday, October 2nd:
Culminating assignment: Choose one of the characters and write an extended version of a key incident from her point of view. This will be due on Tuesday, October 6th.
Mystery question: What is the next play at Hollywood High?