For the Week of March 28, 2011:
How to do the vocabulary homework:
Unit 6 Vocabulary
Write the word; the part of speech; the definition and the short example
Completing the Sentence:
Just write the word
Write the entire list of words and then write and underline the vocabulary words.
Same as synonyms!
Choosing the Right Word:
Just write the right word.
HOLT HANDBOOK; adverbial clauses; pages 104 - 106; exercise 4
On the grammar homework:
Write the entire sentence
Underline the adverbial
Circle the subordinate conjunction
Tell how the adverbial phrase is being used.
Whenever we climb Mount Shasta, we are thrilled by the view.
Adverbial clause describes the verb
An adverbial clause is introduced by something called a subordinate coordinating conjunction:
As if
As long as
The words which follow the subordinate coordinate conjunction are part of the adverbial clause.
The adverbial clause answers the following questions:
When something was done
How it was done
Under what condition
Why it was done
To what extent something was done
1. If you look through newspapers from the first half of the twentieth century, you will see many pictures of Gandhi. (Under what circumstance do you find a picture of Gandhi – if you look through the newspapers!)
This man led India to Independence from Britain, and he took his spinning wheel wherever he went. (The adverbial clauses answers where? Where he would take his spinning wheel? Wherever he went!)