1st and 2nd Periods:
Go through Act 2, Scene 2, and find at least two examples of personification, simile and metaphor. Illustrate the literary figures. If you can’t draw, that’s okay, you can draw stick figures.
Then compare Act 1, Scene 4 with Act 2, Scene 2 and find two examples where Romeo uses dark/heavy imagery with imagery which uses lightness in terms of weight and illumination. (Romeo uses imagery and puns to express how he is feeling.)
Continue reading Act 2 and of course, working on our reading logs.
5th Period:
Today we will take the Act 1 test over ROMEO AND JULIET.
Period 1:
Your ENGLISH WORKSHOP, “Participial Phrases”; pages 155-156; exercise 7 is due today.
Quickly go over our vocabulary and literary terms packet for Act 2.
Continue reading Act 2 and working on our reading logs.
5th Period:
Read Act 2, Scenes 1 and 2; then go through Act 2, Scene 2, and find at least two examples of personification, simile and metaphor. Illustrate the literary figures. If you can’t draw, that’s okay, you can draw stick figures.
Then compare Act 1, Scene 4 with Act 2, Scene 2 and find two examples where Romeo uses dark/heavy imagery with light imagery (light both as in weight and in illumination). Romeo uses imagery and puns to express how he is feeling.
Continue reading Act 2 in ROMEO AND JULIET, and of course, working on our reading logs.
Period 5:
Finally, your long awaited and greatly anticipated Unit One vocabulary test! You will also be asked to write five sentences using your vocabulary words as verbals.
1st and 2nd Periods:
Today please bring your vocabulary book, VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT; pages 61 - 68; exercises 9 - 15 will be assigned today. This will be due on Tuesday, April 22nd.
5th Period:
Today please bring your vocabulary book, VOCABULARY WORKSHOP; level C; Unit 2 will be assigned today. This will be due on Tuesday, April 22nd.
We will continue reading Act 2 in ROMEO AND JULIET and working on our reading logs. As soon as we finish we will have a test over Act 2 and our Act 2 vocabulary and literary terms packet will be due.
Friday, April 18th:
Journal: Write five sentences using your NEW (finally) vocabulary words as participials.
I predict that we will be finished with Act 2 by today at the latest and you know what that means....plus your Act 2 vocabulary and literary terms packet will be due.