During the course of this semester, we will read short stories, poetry,
novels, THE ODYSSEY, and ROMEO AND JULIET. As part of the
requirements of this class the student will be required to do the
- The student will write a five page research paper on mythology in MLA format. The student must do research from five acceptable sources, create bibliography cards, note cards, and an outline of the research paper, culminating in the five page research paper. The research paper must be turned into This assignment will occur after we finish The Odyssey.
2. The student will also be required to keep a separate notebook for
English. (Be sure to get a small, light weight notebook - your notebook
is going to get heavy!) Most importantly: KEEP ALL HANDOUTS
TESTS IN THIS NOTEBOOK! At the end of the semester, the notebook
will be checked for organization and completeness and creativity. This is
a major grade. I really appreciate creativity so feel free to put your
drawings, your poetry in your notebook. Let it express who you are.
3. The student is expected to check the weblog for the
daily work and assignments for this class. The address is; click on blogs, click on jbridges and then
click on 9th Grade English. The student should either print out the daily work or the
assignment or copy it down and carry it in his/her notebook.
4. The upcoming tests, assignments, and due dates will be projected onto
the screen and posted on the blog.
5. The handouts for the day's class will be placed in the wire basket on
the table by the door. A student returning from an absence should check
the blog, and check the wire basket on the table for work that has been
passed out during the student's absence.
6. Homework usually will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Sometimes
homework will be given on Friday. Ample time will be given between the time home
work is assigned and when it will be due. Work turned in after the assigned time will
be counted down one letter grade for each day it is late. All typed assignments must
7. Tests will be given from time to time and ample warning will be given for each test. Notification of the test will be on the weblog and
projected on the screen.
8. Students are responsible for make-up work. No make-up work will be
given for truancies. The student will be allowed one day after her/his
return from a non-truant absence to turn in the late work. The prior day’s
assignments will be posted on the blog and it is the student’s
responsibility to keep track of the work and to turn it in the day after her/
his return.
9. If a student is not happy with a grade s/he received on a test or an
essay, s/he may rewrite the essay incorporating the corrections that I
have made on the essay, or if it is a test, then s/he may rewrite and
correct the missed answers from the test on a separate sheet of paper.
The student must then staple the revised essay or test to the original and
turn it in. The corrections must be sufficient to show the student has
learned the material. The student's grade on the assignment will be
raised one letter grade; for example, if the student made a b/c on an essay, then
after the revisions, the grade will be raised to an a/b.
10. Fifteen absences per semester may result in an “F” in the class, or
may lower the grade and/or result in less than adequate marks in
cooperation and work habits.
Tests are worth approximately 20%
Classwork is worth approximately 20%
The literary analysis is worth about 20%
The notebook is worth about 15%
Journals are worth about 15%
Participation is worth about 10%
90% -100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = FAIL
11. As part of the ongoing effort to increase reading comprehension and to
promote a love for reading, students will be expected to read three books
of their own choosing for the ACCELERATED READING program.
The student will select a book from the Accelerated reading list, which
will have an AR designated sticker on the binding and can be checked
out from the school library. The AR assignment includes a reading log,
and passing the AR test, which can be taken in the library before school,
during nutrition, lunch, and after school. The first due date for the book,
the reading log, and the AR test is Friday, February 3rd. The second date
for the book, the reading log, and the AR test will be Friday, March 25th.
The third date for the book, the reading log, and the AR test will be
Friday, May 6th.
12. Extra points will be given for creativity. Class participation is a must and
will be factored into the grading. Being alert and participating in class
could be the deciding factor in determining a borderline grade.
13. There are a few rules that are necessary to ensure a safe, clean,
comfortable, educational, and creative environment: No eating in the
classroom - we do not have custodial services in 503. No phones, unless
it is being used for educational purposes such as research, educational
games, or note taking and the teacher specifically gives permission. No
private conversations unless it is during "pair and share". No talking
when others are speaking. No roaming, running, or playing around
during class. At all times it is imperative that everyone is respectful and shows courtesy to others by not talking when the teacher or other students are speaking.
If there are any questions please feel free to call me at 323-993-1700, or
agendas by going to and clicking on
“weblogs”, "teachers”, “J. Bridges” and that will direct you to my class
Judith “Kate” Bridges
PARENTS’ NAME (Please print):______________________________
STUDENT’S NAME (Please print):_____________________________