Monday, October 3rd:
No school!
Tuesday, October 4th:
"The Most Dangerous Game" vocabulary packet
"The Most Dangerous Game" Test
Assign Vocabulary, Level C, Unit Two; this will be due on Friday, October 7th.
Wednesday, October 5th:
Begin work on the research paper, "Can Animals Think and Reason?"
Video - Animal Consciousness
"Dolphins in the Mirror"
Take notes
Which animals can identify themselves in a mirror?
What does that seem to say about the animals' intelligence?
Briefly describe Professor Reiss' experiment with dolphins and mirrors.
What were some of the things the dolphins did in front of the mirror?
What did Professor Reiss do to the elephant's face in the Bronx Zoo?
What is the youngest age some dolphins are able to identify themselves in the mirror?
What is the average age most human children are able to identify themselves in the mirror?
"Inside the Minds of Animals" - Ted Ed Talks
What did Aristotle believe about animal intelligence?
What did Descartes believe about animal intelligence?
How do elephants access hard to reach food?
What can octopus do with jars?
What is the story about Hans the Horse?
What does this show about the intelligence of Hans the Horse?
At this point do we know if a dog can feel good about outsmarting us?
Read "Time: Can Animals Think?"
Take notes on reading
Thursday, October 6th:
Video: Whale Watching
“Can Animals Think?”
Page 27
“And neither did I….”
Reread the paragraph from “And neither did I… to “Lending a Helping Tail” on page 28
Discuss with your neighbor what you just read.
Write a brief paragraph summarizing what you just read.
Guiding Questions:
What did the two psychologists realize about the chimpanzees they were teaching to speak?
The animals could not talk like humans.
Who is Washoe?
A young female chimpanzee
What did she learn to do?
She learned 130 words in American Sign Language.
What is a big debate going on in science?
Whether animals can think
What does “water bird” mean?
Washoe saw a swan swimming in a lake and created the word “water bird”
What does the author think might be a better way to measure animal intelligence?
Sophia and Sandy:
If animals could communicate with humans, they could help themselves.
The main idea is animals don’t want to cooperate.
Onyx and Rachel:
Washoe learned more than 130 words in American Sign Language.
Jennifer and Danny:
They are most inclined to help themselves when it benefits them.
Read “Lending a Helping Tail” to “The Keeper Always Falls for That One”
Assess: to test or to judge
Awry: going in the wrong direction
Write a short summary of what we just read.
Friday, October 7th:
Vocabulary Level C; Unit 2 will be due today.
Holt Handbook; "Identifying Independent and Subordinate Clauses", exercises 1. This will be due at the end of the period