You may break into groups of four and choose two scenes from Act 2, your first choice and your second choice.
What you need to do right now is to write down the names of the people in your group and your two choices of scenes.
Once you are in your group and you have chosen your scene and it has been approved, you will do the following:
Write a brief summary of the scene
Write a character analysis of each character in the scene
Find three quotations which either the character or another character says about him/her and/or a quotation which describes what the character is doing.
Write a thematic analysis of the scene
Choose three examples of figurative language. Copy the examples, identify what type of figurative language they are, and explain them.
Act 2, Scenes 1, 2, 3, and 6 are already taken
Act 2, Scene 1: Makenna Ashley, Julian Diaz, Takai Dixon, Samantha Zelaya
Act 2, Scene 2: Jose Alfaro, Lizbeth Alvarado, Jason Perez, Idalia Saravia
Act 2, Scene 3: Salamata Bocoum, Jasmine Jenkins, Taylor Lewis,Tymiah Whetstone
Act 2, Scene 4: Nadiya Armstrong, Adolfo Guzman, Milan Lacy, David Salinas
Act 2, Scene 5: Katherine Alvarado, Julia Hamey, Cierra Maultsby, Kevin Sanchez
Act 2, Scene 6: Alejandra Cabreras, Hilaryd Gaona, Lizbeth Lemus, Yessenia Perez, Melanie Sandoval
Tuesday, May 8th:
Break into groups and work on scenes for presentation tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 8th:
Break into groups and work on scenes for presentation tomorrow!
Act 2, Scene 1:
Julian, Sam, Takai, Makenna,
Recap: This scene happens right after the party scene where Romeo meets Juliet and he has forgotten Rosaline and is now madly in love with Juliet.
Setting: Near Capulet’s orchard
Orchard is a garden with trees, especially fruit trees!
Characters: Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio
Mercutio and Benvolio are in a party mood and are a little bit annoyed at Romeo because they can’t find him! They make dirty jokes about Romeo and Rosaline. They don’t know about Juliet.
Romeo is hiding behind a tree when he hears Mercutio and Benvolio enter. He is hiding while his friends are making dirty jokes about Romeo and Rosaline.
Mercutio: likes to make jokes; likes to party; is a good friend to Romeo,
“He heareth not, he stirrith not, he moveth not;
The ape is dead, and I must conjure him.”
“Romeo! Humors! Madman! Passion! Lover!”
Speak but one rhyme, and I am satisfied!”
Benvolio: More mature; tries to tell Mercutio to stop making fun of Romeo.
“And if he hear thee; thou wilt anger him!”
What is the attitude of both Mercutio and Benvolio toward Romeo’s love for Rosaline:
Benvolio: “Blind is his live and best befits the dark.”
Both of his friends think Romeo’s love for Rosaline is dumb.
Figurative Language:
Romeo: “Can I go forward when my heart is here?”
Identify: Metaphor
Meaning: Romeo cannot leave without his love going with him!
Mercutio: “If love be blind, love cannot hit the mark…”
Identify: Personification
Mercutio is speaking about Romeo and Romeo is blind and will never find the right girl.
Act 2, Scene 2:
Lizbeth, Jason, Jose, Idalia
Romeo and Juliet fall in love and then, they find out they can’t be together!!!!!!
Act 2, Scene 1:
Romeo hanging out in the Capulets’ orchard (a piece of land with fruit trees). He hears Mercutio and Benvolio making naughty jokes about Romeo and his love for Rosaline and he hides. After they leave, be comes out and he sees Juliet on the balcony.
Romeo overhears Juliet speaking to herself about why must Romeo be a Capulet. Romeo says if she needs for him to stop being a Montague – then he will!!!! They profess their love for each other. He wants to go a little further but she stops him and insists that they get married. And he agrees. He says he will go to the Friar at day break to make arrangements for marriage.
Juliet: wise because she is cautious, loyal, passionate
“What satisfaction canst thou have tonight!” – Wise and cautious!
“Do not swear by the inconstant moon!” – cautious
“I have no joy in this contract tonight, it is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden!” – wise and cautious
Three quotations which show Romeo’s personality
Figurative Language:
Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be
Ere one can say it lightens!
Identify what this is:
What is being compared to what?
The way their relationship is going is too fast, too much like the lightning that disappears before one can say, “Look! There’s lightning!”
Two more examples of figurative language from Act 2, Scene 2
Wednesday, May 9th:
Wednesday, May 9th:
How to correct your test:
1. Loins means
c. Thighs
Romeo and Juliet Figurative Language Test
1. What is an iamb?
a. Two syllables that are unstressed/stressed
Tomorrow, go straight to the auditorium. Bring work!
Work with Act 2, Scene 3:
Salamata, Tymiah, Taylor, Jasmine,
Recap: What happened in Act 2, Scene 2 Romeo and Juliet decide to get married after knowing each other about ten hours.
Setting: At the Church, in the Friar’s cell at dawn. Romeo has been talking to Juliet all night long and has just left her house to see the Friar about marrying them THAT DAY!!!!
What was the Friar doing? The friar was collecting herbs to make medicine and poison. This is important because it will be an important plot point.
Summary: Romeo goes to the Friar (a priest) to ask him to marry him and Juliet.
The priest agrees because he wants to end the feud between the families.
Romeo is excited because he wants to marry Juliet. He was madly in love with Rosaline just a few hours ago, and now he’s forgotten all about Rosaline and asking Juliet to marry him after knowing her ten hours!
Qualities to describe Romeo: Fickle – quickly changing feelings about someone, particularly regarding affection, interests, or loyalty. Immature. Fast. Impulsive – acting without forethought or without thinking things through. (Not looking before leaping!!!!)
The Friar: a priest, who loves Romeo and is a father-figure to him. The Friar is a wise man who gives Romeo advise when he needs it. The Friar was picking herbs to make medicine; he is a chemist and a doctor.
Find two quotations that describe Romeo's personality.
Find two quotations that describe the Friar's personality.
Find two quotations that describe Romeo's personality.
Find two quotations that describe the Friar's personality.
Figurative Language:
“Now, ere the sun advance his burning eye
The day to cheer and night’s dank dew to dry”
Identify it!
It is a couplet – which means that two sentences next to each other rhyme.
Personification: giving inanimate objects human characteristics
“Young men’s eyes then lies
Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”
Metaphor: Young men look at young women with their eyes and not with their hearts.
What is the Frair saying? Young men only fall in love with girls they think are pretty and do not see with their their hearts the goodness in young girls’ hearts and souls.