Monday, October 30th:
Pass out the vocabulary packet of “The Cask of Amontillado” and go over verbal, dramatic and situational irony.
Please bring your vocabulary book, VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT; pages 30-33; exercises 21 - 24, will be assigned. This will be due on Tuesday, October 31st.
Tuesday, October 31st (Happy Halloween!):
Today in celebration of Halloween, we will read some masterpieces of the great Gothic writer, Edgar Allan Poe: “The Tell-Tale Heart”, and “The Raven”.
We will begin working on a group project in which you will break into groups of three or four and write three scenes, one scene showing dramatic irony, one scene showing situational irony and the third scene showing verbal irony. We will present these on Thursday, November 2nd.
Today, pages 35 - 39; exercises 26 - 29 in your VOCABULARY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS will be assigned today. This will be due on Thursday, November 2nd.
Wednesday, November 1st:
All Saints’ Day or The Day of the Dead:
Journal Entry: Does your family celebrate The Day of the Dead? If your family does, how do they celebrate it? How does your culture remember loved ones who have passed?
For first period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP. Today, adverbial clauses will be assigned; pages 165 - 166; exercises 4 - 5. This will be due on Monday, November 6th.
For second and third period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP. Today, adverbial clauses will be assigned;pages 173 - 174; exercises 3 and 4. This will be due on Monday, November 6th.
Continue working on our ironic skits.
Thursday, November 2nd:
Journal: Choose ten of our vocabulary words and write a short story using them.
Present our ironic skits today complete with your typed scripts.
Your vocabulary homework is due today!
Friday, November 3rd:
Journal: Chose ten more of our vocabulary words and write a short story using them.
Finish presenting your skits today.
Today we will read the short story “The Necklace”. I think you will like this one.