Monday, November 14th:
Friendly Reminder:
The final day to turn in your second AR book, reading log and test will be this Friday, November 18th.
Finish reading "The Death of Edgar Allan Poe"
Finished reading “Poe’s Final Days”
Reread silently from “the company of his friends…” to the
end of the article.
Euphemistically: (adverb) a phrase which is used to say
something that is embarrassing, uncomfortable or in appropriate. Example:
Instead of saying someone is dead, some people say “He passed.”
Encephalitis: inflammation of the brain.
Clad: to wear. Example: Despite the chilly weather, he was
clad only in shorts and a tee-shirt.
Attributed: (verb) to attribute. It means the given cause of
The cause of Poe’s was attributed to advanced alcoholism.
Vigorously (adverb) root word is vigorous. Done with great
energy and effort.
1. Who
was Poe calling for?
2. Who
did Dr. Moran call to see Poe in his final days?
3. Who
showed up to see Poe?
4. Describe
how he died? (This can be found at
the bottom of page 186)
5. What
did the doctors believe was the cause of Poe’s death?
6. What
was the euphemism used to describe his death?
7. What
did Elmira Shelton remember about Poe before he left Richmond?
Make sure you write down your notes for the article
Be sure you make at least three note cards from the article
Read "Edgar Allan Poe Died From Rabies"
Make sure you make at least three note cards from the article
Read the letters regarding the rabies theories
Make sure you make at least three note cards from the article
Tuesday, November 15th:
Answer the questions from yesterday.
3rd Period:
Lethal: deadly
Please answer the following questions. Do not write the
questions, but incorporate the questions in your answer. The questions will be due at 10:37
Who was Poe calling for?
Who did Dr. Moran call to see Poe in his final
Who showed up to see Poe?
Describe how he died. (This can be found at the bottom of page 186)
What did the doctors believe was the cause of
Poe’s death?
What was the euphemism used to describe his
What did Elmira Shelton remember about Poe
before he left Richmond?
The doctors are not sure who Poe was calling for
but they think that he calling for either someone named Reynolds or perhaps one
of the Herrings.
Dr. Moran asked for the Herring family to see
Poe before he died.
Only one of the Herring daughters came to see
Poe. The family didn’t like him because he was abusive and ungrateful when they
gave him and his family a home to stay in.
Poe had a fever at first, then he became
semi-conscious, fell into a stupor, began to rave, and then quietly moving his
head, he said, “Lord help my poor soul,” and then he expired.
The doctors believe he died from encephalitis
caused by extreme alcoholism and exposure to the elements.
The term “congestion of the brain” was the
euphemism used to explain death from alcoholism.
Elmira Shelton remembered that Poe had a fever
before he left for Baltimore.
After you finish answering the above
questions, go back and find evidence to prove that Edgar Allan Poe died from
extreme alcoholism and exposure.
Carolina: Edgar Allan Poe had been
an alcoholic for many years.
List all the relevant facts provided by the article.
Wednesday, November 16th:
Continued from yesterday's reading "The Final Days of Poe"
Three pieces of evidence to show that Edgar Allan Poe
probably died from advanced alcoholism and exposure to the elements:
His battle with alcohol was well known and he had been an
alcoholic for many years.
He was intoxicated when he was found pale and in a stupor in
a tavern.
He had the delirium tremens which is common in alcoholics who
are dying from alcoholism.
He was also ranting,
raving and hallucinating before he died.
Read “Poe’s Death is Rewritten as Case of Rabies, Not Telltale
Alcohol” – page 187
Cardiologist: a doctor who specializes in heart disease
Maligned: (adjective) falsely accused of bad conduct,
Comatose: in a coma
Belligerent: angry and aggressive or ready to fight.
Succumbed: to fall prey to, to give into, to be killed by,
or to be seduced by
Debauched: characterized by extreme indulgence in pleasure
Hypothetical: adjective; having to do with a theory that
needs to be tested
Render: to
How did Dr. Benetez discover Poe’s case? What was he doing
that he would be analyzing the evidence surrounding Poet’s death?
Find three pieces of evidence to support Dr. Benetez’s
argument that Poe died from rabies.
Read “If Poe Had Succeeded When He Said Nevermore to Drink”
Find three pieces of evidence Burton Pollin and Robert E.
Benetto supply that refute Dr. Benetez’s theory that Poe did not die from
alcoholism but from rabies.
According to Pollin and Benetto what is the major weakness
of Benetez’s theory?
Read “Rabies Death Theory”
What is due tomorrow?
AR reading log and AR
test will be due tomorrow.
The next reading log
and AR test will be due on Friday, December 9th.
Your essay on the final days of Poe will be due tomorrow, November 18th.
It must be five paragraphs
It must be typed.
Please get out your
notes from the last three days
Go over your notes and
choose one of the possible causes of Poe’s death:
You should have three reasons from each theory.
The two theories
concerning how Poe died are: either rabies encephalitis or acute encephalitis
from alcoholism and exposure
Thesis for alcoholism
being the reason for Poe’s death:
The most plausible
cause of Poe’s death is encephalitis from alcoholism and exposure.
Thesis for rabies
encephalitis as being the best cause for Poe’s death:
The most plausible
cause of Poe’s death is Dr. Benetez’s theory of rabies encephalitis.
The introductory
You must have the
thesis statement.
You must briefly
discuss Poe’s death in two sentences.
You must briefly
discuss the theory of Poe’s death as a result by alcoholism in one sentence
You must briefly
discuss Dr. Benetez’s theory of Poe’s death as a result of rabies encephalitis.
The concluding
sentence of the introductory paragraph should be your conclusion as to how Poe
Three Body Paragraph:
A mini-thesis
You need to include
two paraphrases of the evidence
You need to discuss
the paraphrase
You may also include
If you include
quotations you must cite it, and then explain it.
You restate your
thesis statement.
Include your three
pieces of evidence to support your thesis.
Then write your final
concluding statement as to how Poe died.
Work on the counter claim for your essay
Finish working on the first draft of your essay
Go over check list and rubric for the essay
Friday, November 18th:
Your essay is due today.
Final day to turn in your second AR reading log and test
You may turn in your essay on googledocs.com
My email is jkatbridge2004@gmail.com