Two pairs present their vocabulary unit 2 scenes
Go over the AR Assignment and contract
Begin reading "The Most Dangerous Game"
Reading log for "The Most Dangerous Game"
Tuesday, September 12th:
Pass out the vocabulary and suspense packet for "The Most Dangerous Game"
Go over the vocabulary for "The Most Dangerous Game"
Continue reading "The Most Dangerous Game"
Reading log for "The Most Dangerous Game"
Passed out “The Most Dangerous Game” vocabulary and suspense packet.
Went over the word “lore”
Page 6: “The Most Dangerous Game”
Lizbeth: Two men were on a yacht in the middle of the night. They were Rainsford and Whitney. They were passing an island with the reputation of having cannibals!
Cannibals: people who eat other people
People who wind up on the island are never heard from again.
Rainsford believes animals don’t have feelings or thoughts so it is all right to kill them!!!!
Palpable: able to be touched or felt
Dread: is the feeling you have about something unpleasant happening in the future.
Tangible: real, concrete, able to be touched or held.
Whitney says that evil is tangible.
Indolently: lazily
Mystified: curious
Crags: sharp jagged rocks
Opaqueness: not able to be seen through
Readers: Tymiah, Taylor, Melanie, Milan
Plot Point: three gun shots in the middle of the ocean
Plot Point: Rainsford falls overboard
As he is swimming towards the island, he hears a pistol shot and the anguished cry of a terrified animal.
Wednesday, September 13th:
Went over "The Most Dangerous Game" vocabulary packet
Perils: dangers
Students who offered sentences:
Students who offered sentences:
Bianca, Milan, Melanie, Julia, Jason
Everyone knows that drinking poison is an act that can put your life in peril.
Perilous means the same thing as dangerous
Mirage: a delusion, an optical illusion that looks real but isn't
Students who offered sentences:
Students who offered sentences:
Diego, Takai, David
The man’s wealth was just a mirage.
If one becomes dehydrated, one can see mirages.
Bizarre: strange, weird, strangely out of the ordinary
Students who offered sentences:
Students who offered sentences:
Everyone stared at the student who wore the bizarre outfit.
When I took a vacation to Hawaii I tried very bizarre foods.
Something bizarre just happened.
The movie I was hoping was to be scary just turned out to be bizarre.
The man saw a bizarre figure in the fields.
I have friends who act bizarrely.
Ardent: warm passionate desire for
The students have an ardent desire not to have homework.
It is bizarre that the above sentence has been written many times by previous students.
Paul feels out of peace among his friends because of his friends’ ardent love of classical music.
I was ardent when I went to Disneyland for the first time.
Went over exposition and the first three plot points on the Freytag pyramid.
Read from page 7 to page 10, up to “You’ll have a cocktail.”
Palatial: like a palace
Chateau: country home
Gargoyle: scary stone creature on buildings to scare away evil creatures.
Thursday, September 14th:
Vocabulary Unit 2, #1 - 10 is due today.
Vocabulary Unit 2, #11 - 20 is assigned today and will be due on Friday, September 22nd.
Go over the vocabulary part of The Most Dangerous Game": #6 - 10
Condone: to allow; to ignore behavior which shouldn't be ignored.
Bianca: The mother condoned her children to curse at her when they are mad at her. Melanie: It is bad to condone an act of bullying.
Cierra: The mother condoned her kids to stay out late.
Elude: to evade, to escape notice, to escape without being noticed.
Elude: to evade, to escape notice, to escape without being noticed.
Diego: The criminal was able to elude the police in the crowded mall.
Bianca: The slave used the North Star to elude the slave master.
Milan: When I don’t get to bed early sleep eludes me.
Melanie: The kid eluded his mother’s grip when she was distracted.
Stamina: endurance; able to sustain long periods of work or physical activity without tiring
Stamina: endurance; able to sustain long periods of work or physical activity without tiring
Tymiah: During basic training a soldier will run lots of miles to increase her physical stamina.
Futile: useless, pointless, certain to fail
Futile: useless, pointless, certain to fail
Taylor: They kicked him out of the group because he was futile.
Tymiah: Although the dog chewed and chewed on his leash, his efforts were futile.
Agility: ability to change directions easily and with little effort
Agility: ability to change directions easily and with little effort
Anthony: The coach was amazed at James’ agility, especially the way he changed directions without pause.
Grammar portion of "The Most Dangerous Packet": Adjectives:
Do #1 – 4, underline the adjectives
#5: Write a sentence using adjectives to create a creepy mood – like “The Most Dangerous Game”
Exercise 3: Rewrite the paragraph and use scary, creepy, mysterious adjectives to spice up the story!!!!
Read "The Most Dangerous Game"
At the top of page 10; “You’ll have a cocktail, Mr. Rainsford.”
Palate: the taste for something, the soft and hard part of the roof of the mouth;
Amenities: comforts and conveniences
Amenities: comforts and conveniences
Appraising: judging
Brute: a large, savage, uncivilized person or a large wild animal
Cavalry: an army of soldiers on horse back
Debacle: absolute disaster.
In 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian royal family and its aristocracy and established a communist state. All those with money were killed and/or stripped of their money, possessions, and power, and were reduced to a state of poverty. Zaroff was clever and had invested his money abroad. He escaped the debacle and found refuge in Europe.
In 1917, the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian royal family and its aristocracy and established a communist state. All those with money were killed and/or stripped of their money, possessions, and power, and were reduced to a state of poverty. Zaroff was clever and had invested his money abroad. He escaped the debacle and found refuge in Europe.
Cunning: very clever and smart
Quarry: prey; object of the hunt
What terrible thing did Zaroff realize about himself – he realized he was bored with hunting.
Read up to page 12 “A new animal? You’re joking!” In the middle of the right column.
Readers: Trenton, Timayah, Lizbeth,
Friday, September 15th:
"The Most Dangerous Game"
Read from page 12 to 18
Reader: Milan, Tymiah, Alejandra
Reader: Milan, Tymiah, Alejandra
Do reading logs
Bark: ship
Barco: Spanish for ship
Czar: Russian king
Knouter: a person who beats a prisoner to death
Bianca: Zaroff gives the man a three hour start
Milan: the man has a knife and three days supply of food
David: Zaroff has a pistol
Lizbeth: if Zaroff hasn’t caught the man in three days, then the man wins and Zaroff loses.
If the man refuses to play the game, then he is beaten to death by Ivan.
Tartar: a violent unmanageable man.
Taylor: predicted human heads lined the walls of Zaroff's dining room.
Taylor: predicted human heads lined the walls of Zaroff's dining room.
Tartar: a violent unmanageable man.
Grotesque: strange, weird, bizarre, unsettling
Opiate: poppy based drug which blocks pain and causes sleep. Anything which can block reality can be called an opiate - religion, food, drink, etc.
Stealthy: sneaky,
Corridor: hall
Sallow: yellow
Solicitous: showing concern
The pack of dogs is there to guard the chateau. The pack of dogs could tear a man to pieces and devour him.
Ennui: French word for boredom.
Chablis: white wine
Animated: suddenly energized, filled with energy
Animated: suddenly energized, filled with energy
Bianca, Milan, Lizbeth – extra points for comments and predictions
Stopped reading on page 18 at “crimson sash about his waist.”
Reading logs: comprehension, vocabulary, predictions, and comments