MAY 30, 2011 - JUNE 3, 2011
Monday, May 30th:
No school!
Tuesday, May 31st:
Watch film of Act 3, Scene 1 of ROMEO and JULIET
Go over Act 3, Scene 1
Pair up and analyze Scene 1 for comprehension
Act out the duel between Mercutio and Tybalt, and Romeo and Tybalt
For homework:
1. Work on the "Characters' Emotions Chart"
2. Go through the text we read in class today and find three quotations which deal with a character's emotional state or thoughts. Write down the quotations on the "Quotation" graphic organizer; then write in your own words what the character is saying. This will be due on Wednesday, June 1st.
Wednesday, June 1st:
Pass out Act 3 Vocabulary and Figurative Language Handout
Read Act 3, Scene 2
Pair up and analyze Scene 2 for meaning, characterization, plot, and figurative language
Share with class. Class discussion
For homework:
1. Work on the "Characters' Emotion Chart"
2. Go through the text we read in class today and find three quotations which deal with a character's emotional state or thoughts. Write down the quotations on the "Quotation" graphic organizer; then write in your own words what the character is saying. This will be due on Thursday, June 2nd.
Thursday, June 2nd:
Read Act 3, Scene 3
Pair up and analyze Scene 3 for meaning, characterization, plot and figurative language
Share with class. Class discussion
For homework: Read the above. It's the same.
Friday, June 3rd:
Read Act 3, Scene 4 and Scene 5
Pair up and analyze Scenes 4 and 5 for meaning, characterization, plot and figurative language
Share with class. Class discussion.
For homework: Read the instructions for Tuesday and Wednesday. It's the same.