NOVEMBER 20, 2006
Monday, November 20th:
By today, you should have written the rough draft of your first, second and third paragraphs of your literary analysis which I will quickly check. Then, we will go over the fourth, fifth and the final, sixth, paragraphs of your literary analysis.
Tuesday, November 21st:
Today you will work on your fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of your literary analysis.
Wednesday, November 22nd:
Your final draft and your literary analysis will be due today.
We will start work on the Trojan War.
Please bring your grammar book to class today.
For homework:
First Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “adjective clauses”; pages 163-164; exercises 1 and 2; due Tuesday, November 27th.
Second Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “adjective clauses”; pages 171- 172; exercise 2; due Tuesday, November 27th.