November 10th - 14th
Weekly Schedule for 9th Grade Honors
Monday, November 10th:
Finish “The Most Dangerous Game”. Work on your reading log. The reading log should include a brief synopsis (summary) and vocabulary words (words that are unfamiliar to you) with definitions.
For example:
Setting: on a yacht in the middle of the Caribbean. There are two men, Whitney and Rainsford who are hunters. They are discussing hunting. Rainsford doesn’t think it’s important to care how the hunted feel - “The world is divided into two: the hunter and the huntee - and who cares how the hunted feel?” The yacht is passing by an island (named “Ship Trap Island) with a creepy reputation. Rainsford thinks he hears a gunshot and when he leans far out on the railing, he loses his balance, falls overboard and has to swim to - you guessed it - “Ship Trap Island”.
Vocabulary words:
palpable: able to be touched or seen.
“The Most Dangerous Game” packet will be passed out to you.
Tuesday, November 11th:
No school today in observance of Veterans’ Day.
Wednesday, November 12th:
Divide into groups of three and present one word each from “The Most Dangerous Game” vocabulary. Work on the packet: “Suspense” and “Adjectives”.
Go over the plot graph for the story: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement.
Thursday, November 13th:
The class will be broken into groups of four and will be assigned one of the following from “The Most Dangerous Game”: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouement. Your group’s job will be to identify your element from the story’s plot and then present to the class.
Friday, November 14th:
Test over “The Most Dangerous Game”. The test will include vocabulary, comprehension and plot graph.
Break into groups of three and begin work on a board game based on the story. The board game should include the following:
Details about the plot
Details about the character
What part of the story is exposition?
What part of the story falls is rising action?
What is the climax of the story?
What part of the story is falling action?
What part of the is denouement?
Vocabulary words from “The Most Dangerous Game”?