Went over the class syllabus
Read the first part of the Trojan War
Tuesday, January 9th:
Read The Trojan War; Part 1
Suitor: a potential husband or boyfriend for a woman.
Quarrel: to argue loudly
Discord: unharmonious; clashing; harsh as in music or in personal interactions
Revelers: partyers
Tuesday, January 9th:
Read The Trojan War; Part 1
Suitor: a potential husband or boyfriend for a woman.
Quarrel: to argue loudly
Discord: unharmonious; clashing; harsh as in music or in personal interactions
Revelers: partyers
Students acted out scene of Eris and the wedding of Thetis and Peleus: the golden apple; the fight between the goddesses; Zeus refusing to judge; Paris the play boy choosing the winner of "Who's the Fairest of Them All?"
The wedding of Helen and Menelaus
The oath that all suitors must sign:
I,____________, if I am not chosen to be Helen’s husband, I
promise to abide by King Tyndareus’ decision in his choice of Helen’s mate. I
will support his decision and will go to war against any man who tries to take
Helen away from her lawful husband.
Menelaus is chosen by King Tyndareus to be Helen's husband. Menelaus’s older brother is Agammemnon,
who is the general of all the Greek soldiers.
Discord: Disagreement between people.
A lack of harmony between people and notes in music.
Quarreling: to argue
Revelers: partyers
Wednesday, January 10th:
Wednesday, January 10th:
Please bring your Vocabulary Workshop: Level C to class
Unit 4, #1 - 10 will be assigned. This will be due on Tuesday, January 16th.
Unit 4, #1 - 10 will be assigned. This will be due on Tuesday, January 16th.
Read The Trojan War; Part 1
Suitor: a potential husband or boyfriend for a woman.
Quarrel: to argue loudly
Discord: unharmonious; clashing; harsh as in music or in personal interactions
Revelers: partyers
acted out scene of Eris and the wedding of Thetis and Peleus: the
golden apple; the fight between the goddesses; Zeus refusing to judge;
Paris the play boy choosing the winner of "Who's the Fairest of Them
The wedding of Helen and Menelaus
The oath that all suitors must sign:
I,____________, if I am not chosen to be Helen’s husband, I
promise to abide by King Tyndareus’ decision in his choice of Helen’s mate. I
will support his decision and will go to war against any man who tries to take
Helen away from her lawful husband.
Menelaus is chosen by King Tyndareus to be Helen's husband. Menelaus’s older brother is Agammemnon,
who is the general of all the Greek soldiers.
Discord: Disagreement between people.
A lack of harmony between people and notes in music.
Quarreling: to argue
How to Do the AR Reading Log:
The date that you read
The page numbers:
Pages 28 - 64
Each entry should have a brief summary of what you have
read. It should be approximately five lines.
A comment from you
A prediction on what you think is going to happen next.
Thursday, January 11th:
Thursday, January 11th:
Friday, January 12th:
The Trojan War - Part 3
Alejandra – reader
The Trojan War; Part 3
Reader – Adolfo
Box: to hit over the head
To jeer: to make a noise showing contempt or anger or
dislike; to say things in a mean, disrespectful way.
Gallant: to be noble, to be gracious, and heroic
Valiant: brave and courage
Who helped Achilles fight Hector?
Hilaryd: Athena helped Achilles by giving him a fresh spear.
What other advantage did Achilles have over Hector?
Hector is wearing Achilles’ armor and Achilles knows that
there is a hole in the throat of the armor. Achilles drives his spear into Hector’s throat.
What was Hector’s request as he was dying?
Takai – Hector’s dying
request was that his body be returned to his parents.
What is Hades?
Cierra – Hades is the god of the dead; it is also the name
of the land of the dead.
Achilles was still angry over the death of Patroclus and
refused to give Hector’s body to his parents.
Alejandra – reader
The gods were offended over Achilles’ refusal to return
their son’s body to his parents.
Appalled: to be disgusted
Suppliant: someone who is asking a king for a favor.
Trenton – reader
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