1Monday, October 2nd:
Do elephants know and recognize every member of
their herd?
How many members of the herd can the elephant
What can elephants remember that help them to
Can elephants remember members of other species?
Give an example where elephants have reacted
negatively and to which animal?
What animal has the largest brain of any land
Which animal brain is the most similar to the
Why is their adaptive memory important to the
elephant’s survival?
What role does the older matriarchal elephant
serve in the herd?
10. Give one example of elephants showing
11. Give
an example of elephants taking revenge against another animal.
12. Give an example of elephants’ empathic
Watch video of "Why Do Elephants Not Forget?"
Answer questions and discuss
Watch video of "Why Do Elephants Not Forget?"
Answer questions and discuss
Yes, elephants know and recognize every member
of their herd.
Bianca - encephalization quotient is close to that of champanzees.
Encephalization quotient is the ratio of the brain to the body. The bigger the brain
in relation to the body, the higher the I.Q.
The elephants can remember up to thirty members
of their herd.
Elephants can remember important locations and
cues that danger is ahead.
Yes, elephants can remember members of other
species. Bianca asks a question about this: Trenton and Bianca said that
elephants are the only animals that perform burial and grieving rituals for
their dead.
Julian – a herd of elephants killed a number of
poachers who had killed members of
their herds.

"Testing Elephant Intelligence - The Zoo"
"How Smart Are Animals, Really?'
"Dolphins Express Emotion Through Sound"
Tuesday, October 3rd:
Begin work on the argument research paper.
. Do elephants know and recognize every member of their herd?
2. How many members of the herd can the elephant remember?
3. What can elephants remember that help them to survive?
4. Can elephants remember members of other species?
5. Give an example where elephants have reacted negatively and to which animal?
6. What animal has the largest brain of any land animal?
7. Which animal brain is the most similar to the elephants?
8. Why is their adaptive memory important to the elephant’s survival?
9. What role does the older matriarchal elephant serve in the herd?
10. Give one example of elephants showing empathy.
11. Give an example of elephants taking revenge against another animal.
12. Give an example of elephants’ empathic memory?
1. Yes, elephants know and recognize every member of their herd.
Bianca - encephalization quotient is close to that of champanzees. Encephalization quotient is the ratio of the brain to the body. The bigger the brain in relation to the body, the higher the I.Q.
2. The elephants can remember up to thirty members of their herd.
3. Elephants can remember important locations and cues that danger is ahead.
4. Yes, elephants can remember members of other species. Bianca asks a question about this: Trenton and Bianca said that elephants are the only animals that perform burial and grieving ritual for their dead.
5. Julian – the elephants killed a number of poachers who had killed members of their herds.
6. LIzbeth - The elephant has the biggest brain of all land animals.
7. Taylor – the human brain is the most similar to the elephant brain.
8. Adaptive behavior is changing one’s behavior to accommodate a change in the environment in order to survive. How do elephants use their memory to adapt their behavior? They recognize cues that alert to danger.
9. Matriarchal – the older female is the leader of the herd. David - Because of her superior memory, she cues the herd to leave where there is danger.
10. Yessenia – Elephants show empathy (compassion, sensitivity) when they see a dead elephant. They show respect for the dead elephant. Lizbeth – they are the only non-human animal that does burial rituals for the dead.
11. David – Elephants versus humans. Elephants destroyed a village and killed some poachers after the humans killed some members of their herd.
12. Examples of the elephants’ empathic memory? Empathy means compassion and sensitivity so empathic means being able to feel what another creature is feeling. The story of the two elephants who worked together twenty-seven years ago, saw each other again and reacted with joy at the reunion.
Go to page 27 “Can Animals Think?”
Find two examples in the article that show animals being clever and figuring out a problem they want to solve. Write them down!!!!!!
The animal
The problem
How did they solve the problem?
An orangutan was in a zoo and he wanted to escape so he found a metal wire and used it to open a door.
Body structure allows us to do things that animals like killer whales cannot do.
Lizbeth, Yessenia, Milan,
The orca or killer whale let a human worker stand on its head to allow the sick baby whale back into the water.
For tomorrow
Thesis statement
Wednesday, October 4th:
Wednesday, October 4th:
Unit 2, #11 - #20
Glut, incognito, invalidate, legendary, maim, minimize, oblique, veer,
venerate, wanton
1. word
2. part of
3. word
4. definition
5. Three
6. Two
7. Two
original sentences – that you make up
8. One
sentence from a literary source
Due on Friday,
October 6th!
Please do a quick
write on whether animals have thoughts and feelings!
A quick write is
where you write down all your thoughts and feelings, things you have heard or
read about a particular subject on a sheet of paper, without paying attention
to spelling or punctuation or grammar.
This is the beginning of the creative process of writing. The quick
write is not for the teacher; it is for you to formulate your thoughts about a
particular subject.
Share with your
neighbor your quick write. You can discuss and share ideas. Then listen
respectfully as your neighbor read hers and discuss and share ideas.
Cierra: Animals do
have thoughts and feelings. She
has a dog and thinks that dogs and other animals think and know more than
humans think.
Trenton: In his
opinion he thinks the question is stupid. Humans are pretty dumb – if you feel
bad if you lost a child, why would you think an animal wouldn’t feel bad, too.
Also, body structure plays a large part.
Milan: We learned
about animals learning sign language, or saving another person. Dogs can learn
from past experiences. The orca whale saving a baby whale was very interesting.
Milan makes a parallel between The Most Dangerous Game and what science is now
telling us.
Alejandra: Animals
have feelings and thoughts like us, but they don’t look like us. The animals
learn like a three year old – like sign language. She provides a personal
anecdote – there was a person she didn’t
like and the dog knew it and started barking at the person.
Lizbeth L.: Animals
do have feelings. This may be due to how animals are brought up. Elephants have
very many feelings; as do wolves, and dogs. Wolves protect and love other
members of their pack. Examples of feelings among animals are wolves, dogs,
lions, elephants. Dogs grieve when a close companion dies.
Thursday, October 5th:
Thursday, October 5th:
Review your quick write for about three minutes.
Then, we will work on a thesis statement for your persuasive
Yessenia: A statement that you have to prove in your essay.
The thesis statement has to answer a question or an
The thesis has to include the topic and your position on the
Yessenia: Do animals have thoughts and feelings?
Trenton: Think about it as if you are reading a book. Have
you ever read a book that starts off with “This book is going to be about”?
Animals have thoughts and feelings and should be treated
much better by humans.
Anti-animal rights thesis statements:
Some people think that animals don’t have thoughts or
feelings and therefore, it doesn’t matter how they are treated.
There is no scientific evidence to show that animals have
great intelligence or feelings, and therefore, humans should be allowed to
treat animals any way they want.
Bianca: Animals have thoughts and feelings and in some
instances, can outsmart the average human.
Persuade: convince some one to do what you want.
Persuasion essay means you are trying to convince the
readers to switch their opinions.
Examples of a topic sentence:
There is a great deal of scientific evidence that shows
animals have thoughts and feelings; therefore, we should rethink our treatment
of animals in terms of our hunting and eating them.
Julian: Animals have thoughts and feelings which they have
shown in many ways; therefore, they should be treated with the same respect we
show humans.
Melanie: Animals are highly intelligent and have feelings;
many people say this, but they don’t show it.
Bianca: Animals have thoughts and feelings, and in some
instances, have outsmarted the average human; therefore, animals should be
treated with respect and care.
Tymayah: Studies have shown that animals do have feelings
and thoughts; therefore, animals should be appreciated and respected.
Cierra: Animals have thoughts, feelings, and potential;
therefore, they should be treated no differently than humans.
Grabbers and hooks:
David: Did you know that the elephant’s brain is more
similar to a human’s than a chimpanzee’s brain is to a human's?
Bianca: Elephants are so smart that when they come across
another elephant’s remains, they curiously and respectfully examine the bones
of the dead.
Friday, October 6th:
Put it on desk top
Friday, October 6th:
How to turn in work on schoology
Go to:
click on courses
click on teacher or period
click on the assignment that you wish to submit
On the right it says “submit assignment”
A little square pops up
Type your assignment
English 9A
Kate Bridges – send a message and type the assignmetn in the comment box.
Or do it on word
Link to a file
Click on file and your file (homework) is sent
Write a two to three sentence “grabber” or “hook” – an
interesting fact or anecdote (story) which shows that animals are intelligent
and have feelings.
Share your anecdote:
Melany – Did you know that there was a incident in which an
orca figured out a solution to a problem and helped the humans save a baby
orca’s life?
Tymayah – Did you know that elephants’ neocortex is as
highly convoluted as the brains of humans, apes, and some dolphins.
Taylor: Did you think that humans are the only smart and
clever animals? You might be surprised to learn just how smart and evolved some animals are. For example, did you know that elephants have burials when other elephants
First paragraph
You need a thesis statement!!!!!!!!
You need a grabber or a hook to hook the reader’s
You need to briefly touch on the three major points you are going
to be making in your paper.
You need a transition sentence to move to your first body
1st body paragraph
You need a mini-topic sentence
You need about two to three sentences to develop the
mini-topic sentence
You need to introduce an idea or supporting evidence to
support your thesis statement that animals are smart and have feelings.
You need to introduce the quotation which supports your
Then you need
to explain or paraphrase the quotation
Then show how the quotation or evidence supports your thesis
Then write your transition sentence to move to the next body
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