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Quiet time: read your AR book; the last day to turn in your
AR book and test is Friday, March 24th.
Please bring your Vocabulary Workshop to class tomorrow. We
will go over Unit 5 which is due on Thursday, March 9th.
Please open your books to page 690; The Odyssey, Part 2:
“Coming Home”
1. What
does Athena tell Odysseus to do when he lands on Ithaca?
Shianne: To disguise himself as on old beggar because the
suitors will gang up on him and try to kill him.
2. Eumaeus
is a very loyal servant to Odysseus. Faithfulness is a highly valued trait in
servants in Greek society. Odysseus is dressed as a homeless old man. Odysseus first goes to see Eumaeus
because he is trustworthy, he will help him, and Eumaeus will tell what is occurring in his kingdom.
3. What
does Athena tell Odysseus’ son Telemachus to do?
Answer: To go to Pylos and Sparta
to talk to his father’s old war comrades to see if they have any news of his
4. Where
did Telemachus go for a year and why? Answer: To find information about his
5. What
are the suitors demanding Penelope to do?
Answer: They want her to choose one of them as her husband – and they
are all gross, fat, smelly, drunk, evil, old, and broke…..
6. What
does Athena warn Telemachus about regarding the suitors? She warns Telemachus that the suitors
want to kill him.
7. What
does the word “ambush” mean? To lie in wait and then kill or launch a surprise
8. Where
does Telemachus go as soon as his boat lands at Ithaca? To see Eumaeus, the sheepherder.
9. Who
is also heading for Eumaeus’ hut for the first time in twenty years?
10. Will
Telemachus recognize his father?
No! Because his father looks like a homeless old man and not the noble
king of lore!!!!
Read page 691
Tuesday, March 7th:
Tuesday, March 7th:
Silent Sustained Reading
Vocabulary Unit 5
This will be due on Thursday, March
Pages 58 – 60; #1 - 20
Write the word, the part of speech,
the definition, the short phrase
Completing the Sentence:
Pages 61 – 62
Write the correct vocabulary word
Page 62; #1 - 15
Write the short phrase, and then
write the correct vocabulary word, which means the same as the bold-faced word.
Page 62; #16 – 20
Write the short phrase, and then
write the correct vocabulary word, which means the opposite as the bold-faced
Choosing the Right Word:
Page 63
#1 - #20
Simply choose the correct word and
write it.
Page 64
Vocabulary in Context
Write the short phrase then the
correct letter and the vocabulary word.
Write a sentence using the word
Malia was aghast when she saw the zombie rise up
from under her bed.
The zombie was aghast when it saw how disdainful
Malia looked at it.
Public Service Announcement!!!!!
You can pair up with a partner!!
Create a PSA using one of the morals from The Odyssey!
The ties between hosts and guests
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
Show Some Trust!
Do Not Be Disrespectful
Do Not Do Drugs
Do Not Lose Sight of Your Goals
Be Loyal
Don’t Take What’s Not Yours
Give Credit Where Credit is Due
Team Work
Do Not Be Arrogant
You Could
Create a Commercial!
It must be a minute in length!
It must have a script!
It must convey the message correctly and in an interesting
or clever way.
You may have props, including a poster.
You have to have a jingle, which must be choreographed
You need to have a narrator and characters to act it out.
You can record the commercial but the video must have the
same components as above.
You Could Create a Poster.
It must be 18 x 30
It must be colorful
It must be neat!
It must convey the message clearly and correctly
It must have words and pictures on it.
If you do a poster, then you must have a one minute
You can do a prezzi, a powerpoint, or a slide show
You must have five slides with brief text and graphics
You must correctly and accurately convey the message.
1. Samantha and Gina 2. Hellen and Sandy 3. Malia and Rachel 4. Jennifer and Carolina 5. Kimberly
and Ashanti 6. Onyx and Sandra 7. Mercedes and Maria 8. Jasmin
9. Paula and Shianne 10. Maiya 11. Danny and Julio 12. Pamela and Briana
13. Kate and Eli
14. Karla and Jennifer Sweetin
15. Ashley and Odalys
16. Maricarmen and Itzel
17. John and Kateryn
Onyx and Sandra – a book!
Sandy and Hellen – a slide show!
Mercedes and Maria – power point!
Kimberly and Ashanti – power point and a poster!!!!
Wednesday, March 8th:
Gina and Samantha – Aghast
Hellen and Sandy – Ample
Carolina and Jennifer – Apparition
Malia and Kimberly – Assert
The rest of the class write one sentence for each vocabulary words:
Aghast: (adjective)
a look which shows disgust, fear, or disapproval.
Ample: (adjective) More than enough; large and spacious
Apparition: (noun) A ghost or a ghostly figure; an unexpected
appearance of something a little frightening or unsettling
Assert: (verb) to declare or state as true.
I am so glad my new room is so ample.
I was filled with fear when I saw an apparition.
Elizabeth was aghast when she found out she had failed three
I firmly asserted my best friend’s innocence.
Public Service Announcement!!!!!
You can pair up with a partner!!
Create a PSA using one of the morals or life lesson from The Odyssey!
Some life lessons we have learned from The Odyssey
The ties between hosts and guests are sacred. (The Cyclops,
the Battle of the Cicones)
Time Flies When You’re Having Too Much Fun (Circe)
Show Some Trust! (The Bag of Winds)
Do Not Be Disrespectful (The Cyclops, the Suitors, Odysseus
and Poseidon)
Do Not Do Drugs (The Lotus Eaters)
Do Not Lose Sight of Your Goals (Circes and the Lotus
Be Loyal (Calypso)
Don’t Take What’s Not Yours (The Suitors, The Cyclops)
Give Credit Where Credit is Due (Odysseus and Poseidon)
Team Work (The Trojan War, The Cyclops)
Do Not Be Arrogant (Odysseus and Poseidon, Odysseus and the
You Could Create a Commercial!
It must be a minute in length!
It must have a script!
It must convey the message correctly and in an interesting
or clever way.
You may have props, including a poster.
You have to have a jingle, which must be choreographed
You need to have a narrator and characters to act it out.
You can record the commercial but the video must have the
same components as above.
You Could Create a Poster.
It must be 18 x 30
It must be colorful
It must be neat!
It must convey the message clearly and correctly
It must have words and pictures on it.
If you do a poster, then you must have a one minute
You can do a prezzi, a powerpoint, or a slide show
You must have five slides with brief text and graphics
You must correctly and accurately convey the message.
Order of Submission:
Jasmin - Poster
(“Don’t Lose Sight of Your Goals”)
Malia and Rachel – Commercial (“Don’t Do Drugs”/”Be Loyal”)
Hellen and Sandy – Slide show (“Team Work” – The Cyclops)
Carolina and Jennifer – Poster (The Lotus Eaters, Calypso,
Cyclops – Moral?)
Briana and Pamela – Poster (The Lotus Eaters – Moral?)
Gina and Samantha – Poster (“Time Flies When You Are Having
Too Much Fun!” – Circe)
Kimberly and Ashanti – Poster/Commercial (The Lotus Eaters,
The Land of the Dead, Scylla – Moral?)
Kateryn and John – Poster (Bag of Winds – Moral?)
Onyx and Sandra – Poster book and jingle (“Don’t Do Drugs” –
Which story from The Odyssey)
Eli and Kate – Video (The Lotus Eaters – Moral?)
Jennifer and Karla helping Eli and Kate
Jennifer and Karla – Video (Calypso – “Be Loyal”)
Pauline and Shianne – What format – poster, video, or
commercial? (What story from The Odyssey?
– “Be Loyal”)
Danny and Julio – Poster (“Don’t Steal” – the Cyclops)
Thursday, March 9th:
Unit Five Vocabulary Warm-up:
Thursday, March 9th:
Unit Five Vocabulary Warm-up:
Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words
from the Unit Five Vocabulary Homework:
Cower: (verb) to crouch or shrink away in fear or shame.
The abused puppy cowered from the raised hand of the angry
Hellen: Malia cowers when she sees a spider.
Coward: someone who is afraid and runs away from fear
instead of standing his or her ground; someone who does not defend himself or
herself or does not do the right thing out of fear.
Disdain: (verb) to look upon with scorn or contempt.
The prince looked upon the beggar with disdain.
Michelle looks upon Helena with disdain.
Epitaph: (noun) a brief statement written on a tombstone or
The epitaph read “Here Lies the Evil Body!”
On his epitaph were written the words “Gone but not
Ethical: (adjective) having to do with morals, values, right
or wrong.
Jennifer - Her kids did not grow up with ethical guidance.
Onyx, Mercedes, Sandra, Maria, Maiya, Pauline
Information Regarding the PSA Assignment:
Information Regarding the PSA Assignment:
Grading for the PSA:
Poster – 100
50 points for the poster
50 points for presentation
Poster Book - ?
Commercial – 200
100 points for the script
100 points for the presentation
Slide Show - ?
Friday, March 10th:
Special Bell Schedule - shortened periods
Video – 300
100 points for the script
100 points for the presentation
100 points for the technical expertise for filming
Class reading of The Odyssey:
Class reading of The Odyssey:
Read The Odyssey -
“The Reunion of Father and Son”; pages 692 - 694
Danny -
Talons: claws on a raptor, predatory bird
Taloned: adjective; used to describe the clawed feet of a bird
Mercurial: changeable in moods or emotions, bi-polar in
Incredulity: disbelief
What does Athena do to help out Odysseus and Telemachus?
Briana - Athena
changes Odysseus from an old beggar man to a handsome dazzling hero.
After Athena “helps out” Odysseus, what is Telemachus’
Hellen – Telemachus thought that Odysseus was a god because
he changed from an old beggar to a gorgeous handsome hero! He was afraid
because gods are mercurial and can be very cruel to humans without any reason.
Why do you think Telemachus reacts in the way that he does?
Special Bell Schedule - shortened periods
“The Odyssey”, page
694 - 696
Read “The Beggar and the Faithful Dog”
Kahoots – “The Beggar and the Faithful Dog” and Vocabulary Level C, Unit 5
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