Monday, September 19th
"The Most Dangerous Game" vocabulary packet
Begin reading "The Most Dangerous Game"
Silent Sustained Reading:
Please bring your AR book to class every day this week.
You will have the opportunity to read your AR book for a few
minutes in class each day.
How to Do Your Reading Log:
Your name – upper right hand corner
Class period – upper right corner underneath name
Title of the book and author on the first line of the paper.
To the left, please write the page numbers you read, from
where you started to where you stopped during each reading session.
A brief synopsis (summary) of what you read.
Plus a brief comment.
A prediction
Example of How to Do the AR Reading Log:
Example of How to Do the AR Reading Log:
Lord Loss by
Darren Shan
Pages 1 – 10: Grubbs is a young student who got caught
smoking cigarettes at school. He is now in the principal’s office with his
mother. His mother is yelling at the principal for allowing this to happen. Grubbs
goes with his mother who continues yelling at him, and he knows he’s really in
trouble, when she says, “Just wait until your father comes home!”
Comment: Oh, he’s in trouble, now! I honestly think
cigarettes are far worse than pot.
Prediction: I think he’s going to get grounded.
There should be a minimum of five entries per AR book.
The final day to turn in your reading log and the AR test
for your current AR book is Monday, October 17th.
Read “The Most Dangerous Game”, pages 4 – 5. Stopped at the
paragraph break in the right column of page 5.
Tuesday, September 20th:
Silent Sustained Reading
Reading log of what you have just read in your AR book. Refer above to how to do your reading logs.
Continue reading "The Most Dangerous Game"
Discussion of exposition
Wednesday, September 21st:
"The Most Dangerous Game"
Pages 5, 6, 7
Pair up, look for the following information and write in
your new reading log the following information:
The description of the setting
What is the mood of the story. Look for words that set up
the mood.
1. “The
old charts call it Ship-Trap Island.” (page 5)
2. “Sailors
have a curious dread of the place….Some superstition.” (page 5)
Carolina and Jennifer:
Page 6
“Even cannibals wouldn’t live in such a godforsaken place.”
Onyx and Rachel:
Page 5
“…dank tropical night was palpable as it pressed its thick
warm blackness in upon the yacht.”
Shianne and Odalys:
Page 6
“There was no breeze. The sea was as flat as a plate glass
Sofia and Gina:
Page 6
“This place has an evil name among sea-faring men.”
Jasmin and Pauline:
Page 6:
“Even that tough minded old Swede who’d go up to the devil himself and ask him for a light...had a strange look in his eyes....”
Page 6:
Maricarmen and Maiya
"This place has a reputation. A bad one.”
Samantha and Malia
Page 6:
“Sometimes I think evil is a tangible thing – with wave
lengths, just as sound and light has.”
Kimberly and Mercedes:
Page 6
“An evil place can, so to speak, broadcast evil…”
Onyx and Rachel
Page 6
“…the muffled throb of the engine that drove the yacht
swiftly through the darkness.”
Page 6
“Don’t you feel anything? – As if the air about us was
actually poisonous?”
Page 6
Page 6
“What I felt was a sort of mental chill.”
Carolina and Jennifer
Page 6
It was so dark that he thought he could sleep without
closing his eyes. "...the night would be my eyelids.”
Palpable: capable of being touched
Tangible: Real, material, touchable
Leering: To grin in a mocking, disrespectful way
Chateau: a country home
Palatial: having the qualities of a palace; large and
Gargoyle: A statue of a goblin or a demon placed on old
churches, buildings, and mansion to scare away evil spirits.
Rainsford knocks on the door of the chateau. When the door
opens a huge man is standing there holding a revolver straight at Rainsford’s
What happens next?
Thursday, September 22nd:
Silent Sustained Reading
Reading logs:
Summary, comment, prediction
“The Most Dangerous
Czar: a Russian word
for king
Baron: it is a degree of
royal rank. Just below a duke.
Just as Ivan is about to pull the trigger to kill Rainsford, he suddenly stops and salutes. A very
unusual man is descending the staircase in formal evening wear. His name is
General Zaroff.
Zaroff tells Rainsford that Ivan is a Cossack - "A strong
fellow but deaf and dumb (mute)."
Samantha: something
which references an event that is going to happen later in the story.
Zaroff and Ivan
are Cossacks, a group of people known for their fierceness on the battlefield, their
skill as horsemen and their cruelty.
Zaroff invites Rainsford to dinner where he tells him he has grown bored
with hunting.
Zaroff is very rich. The guest bedroom has a bed of
“baronial splendor” – or worthy of a baron. The suit laid out for Rainsford to wear is made by a tailor
who makes clothes only for kings and princes. The table in the dining hall is
long enough to seat forty men. And
the walls of the great dining hall are lined with animal heads……
Prediction: What do you think is going to happen next?
Friday, September 23rd:
Silent Sustained Reading
Read log after reading: summary, comment, prediction
Read “The Most Dangerous Game”
Page 10
Right hand column, fourth paragraph; begin with “The general
Surmounted: to overcome
Quarry: prey
Crimea: a peninsula south of Russian which juts into the Black Sea
Caucasus: mountain range between southeastern Europe and western Asia.
Prolonged: extended
Debacle: complete and total disaster; a failed mission
The debacle Zaroff is referring to is the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 in which the Czar, his government, and the ruling aristocracy were overthrown by people who set up a communist system of government which would redistribute the wealth to peasants.
The War: World War 1, 1914 - 1918, was centered in Europe, and at the time one of the bloodiest wars in history.
Monte Carlo: a gambling resort in the tiny country of Monaco on the Mediterranean Sea.
The Ganges: a river in northern India and Bangladesh, thought to be sacred.
Imprudent: Unwise
Condone: to allow an activity of dubious morality by saying nothing or doing nothing, thereby allowing it to occur.
Quizically: mild amusement
Naive: innocent; not knowing or understanding the ways of the world; looking at the world from the perspective of a child
Who does the general hunt?
What is General Zaroff’s attitude towards the men he hunts?
Carolina, “A thoroughbred or a thoroughbred dog is worth than
these men.”
Samantha, “Scum of the earth.”
Jasmin, “Mongrels!”
How does he get these men on the island?
Onyx and Carolina:
He tricks them by making them think that there is a
lighthouse where there is actually rocks.
Read from page 10 – 16; stopped on the right column, second
paragraph – “He hummed a snatch of song from the Folies-Bergere.
Write a brief summary of what we have read, a comment, and a
Projecting into the future:
"The Most Dangerous Game" packet will be due
"The Most Dangerous Game" test
Break into groups of four to construct "The Most Dangerous Game" board game
Projecting into the future:
"Can Animals Think?"
Write a persuasive essay on "Can Animals Think?"
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