Monday, February 1st:
1st and 3rd Periods:
We will be in the library today to be retested for AR.
Choose a book or a movie and write an essay showing how the book or movie fits the structure of the Hero’s Journey.
This is a 1, 000 word essay. Each page should have 250 words. The essay must be typed in 12 font, double-spaced, and have a minimum of six paragraphs.
The due date for this assignment is Wednesday, February 3rd.
The first paragraph should briefly recount how and why the structure of the hero’s journey began.
The second paragraph should briefly recount the structure of the hero’s journey.
The third paragraph (and perhaps, the fourth) should recount the Ordinary World of your book or movie. This should include a brief description of the “ordinary world”, and the protagonist’s life in the ordinary world. There should be the “Call to Adventure”, the protagonist’s first refusal, and her/his final acceptance. You should include the appearance of the “Mentor” and her/his relationship with the protagonist. Finally, the “Threshold Guardians” should be mentioned. These are the ones who block the hero’s transition into the special world and they must be overcome, tricked, or made into allies so that the hero or heroine can move into the special world and fulfill her or his destiny.
The next paragraph(s) should discuss the “Special or Magical World”. The special world comprises the largest part of the story and is considered the second act. This part of the story contains the most adventures, and should include the “Ordeal”, “the Forest or Sacred Grove”, “the Belly of the Beast”, “the Sacrifice”, “the Hunt”, and “the Chase”.
The next paragraph(s) should comprise the “Hero’s Return”. This occurs after the hero is successful in his adventure and has the prize or is triumphant in accomplishing his destiny. There is a bridge, which joins the “Special World” with “the Return of the Hero”, which is often the hunt and the chase. The end of the chase ends in success but at a great cost to the hero, who may suffer a “death” or severe loss of some sort. After the death (real or metaphorical) the hero is resurrected and returns to the “Ordinary World”, but bearing the “elixir”, which may be a treasure of some sort, or knowledge, or wisdom. The hero is changed in a very profound, fundamental way.
The final paragraph should be a brief summing up of the main points of the essay and a conclusion. Remember, there should be no new information given in the final paragraph.
Tuesday, February 2nd:
1st and 3rd Periods:
We will be working on our essay on The Hero's Journey
If you did not bring your materials to work on the essay, then you must do silent sustained reading and work on your reading log for you AR book.
Wednesday, February 3rd:
1st and 3rd Periods:
The Hero's Journey essay will be due today.
Thursday, February 4th:
1st Period:
Silent Sustained Reading
Reading Log
Periods 1 and 3:
Passed out The Odyssey
Books 1 – 4 and Book 5 Vocabulary handouts; these will be due on Monday, February 8th.
Open book to page 891, THE ODYSSEY, Book 5; “Calypso: The
Sweet Nymph”
Please have a pen and paper on your desk, ready to take
Read pages 891 - 892
The setting: Calypso’s island
We meet Odysseus for the first time in the ILIAD, which is
the story of the Trojan War.
Book 5 is the first time we meet Odysseus in THE ODYSSEY.
What is Odysseus doing the first time we see him?
How is Athena trying to help Odysseus?
Athena begs her father Zeus to send the messenger god, Hermes
or Mercury, to go to Calypso and tell her that she has to let Odysseus or Zeus
will sink her island. Her island will be plunged to the bottom of the sea.
Ambrosial (adjective): something which is fit for the gods.
The gods ate ambrosia, a special and delicious food reserved only for the
immortals. Mortals or humans could not eat ambrosia. Ambrosia is food for the
1. What
is Hermes compared to when he flies into Calypso’s island?
Page 891, line 41: A gull patrolling
between the wave crests of the desolate sea.
2. What
is Calypso doing when Hermes shows up? She is weaving on her loom.
3. Describe
Calypso’s cave.
‘Upon her hearthstone, a great fire blazed…a deep wood grew outside,
with summer leaves if alder and black poplar (trees). Ornate (colorful, fancy)
birds here rested….Around the smooth-walled cave a crooking vine held purple clusters
under ply of green; and four springs (shallow bubbling bodies of water)…took
channels here and there through beds of violets and tender parsley
Friday, February 5th:
1st and 3rd Periods;
Kahoots test over Book 5
Act out the scene
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