January 9, 2011 - January 13, 2011 9th Grade Honors English Agenda
Monday, January 9th:
Begin reading THE ODYSSEY: A Son Searches for His Father
Act out the scenes.
Keep a reading log!
The reading log should have:
A brief summary of the chapter we have read
Vocabulary words and their definitions
Identify any figurative language examples, and translate them (write what you think they mean).
Tuesday, January 10th:
Your Vocabulary Unit 4 is due today. We will go over this in class. Remember: you cannot turn in work after we have gone over it in class. If you turn it in after we have gone over it, it will not be accepted.
Read THE ODYSSEY: The Island of Calypso
For tonight: reread the passage describing the island of Calypso. Using the description of the island illustrate Calypso's cave and the area outside her cave. This is will be due on Thursday, when we will have a gallery walk of your work.
Be sure to keep a reading log of each chapter (or book) we read.
The reading log should have:
A brief summary of the chapter we have read
Vocabulary words and their definitions
Identify any figurative language examples, and translate them (write what you think they mean).
Wednesday, January 11th:
Warm-ups: Pair up and choose three words from your Unit 4 Vocabulary and write one sentence with an adverbial clause for each vocabulary word. You will write the three sentences on a shared paper and post it on the wall. We will have a gallery walk around the room to look at the vocabulary/adverbial clause sentences.
Read THE ODYSSEY: Princess Nausicaa
Be sure to keep a reading log of each chapter (or book) we read.
The reading log should have:
A brief summary of the chapter we have read
Vocabulary words and their definitions
Identify any figurative language examples, and translate them (write what you think they mean).
Thursday, January 12th:
Continue reading THE ODYSSEY: Princess Nausicaa
Be sure to keep a reading log of each chapter (or book) we read.
The reading log should have:
A brief summary of the chapter we have read
Vocabulary words and their definitions
Identify any figurative language examples, and translate them (write what you think they mean).
Friday, January 13th:
Break into groups of four and choose five words from the Unit 4 Vocabulary. You will either create a song and dance, or a skit (written and rehearsed) using the five words. You must correctly use the words, show the meaning of the words through the context, and have the word written with its definition on a poster for the audience. You will have approximately fifteen minutes to create this "word study".
Be sure to keep a reading log of each chapter (or book) we read.
The reading log should have:
A brief summary of the chapter we have read
Vocabulary words and their definitions
Identify any figurative language examples, and translate them (write what you think they mean).
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