October 31, 2011 - November 4, 2011
Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade Honors English
Monday, October 31st:
Handouts will be given today on propaganda techniques.
We will break into groups and create a political commercial and a product commercial using two of the propaganda techniques.
For homework: watch television tonight and find examples of some of the propaganda techniques we have discussed today in class.
Tuesday, November 1st:
Present your two commercials today to the class.
Wednesday, November 2nd:
Please bring your VOCABULARY WORKSHOP and your HOLT’S HANDBOOK (grammar) to class today
Assign Unit 2 of the VOCABULARY WORKSHOP
This will be due on Monday, November 7th
Assign “Independent and Subordinate Clause”; pages 98 - 100; exercise 1; this will be due on Friday, November 4th.
Thursday, November 3rd:
District Assessment on Persuasion
Friday, November 4th:
District Assessment on Persuasion
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