Ideas for Mythology Section:
Divide into groups of four
Hand out to each group a packet on one myth:
Included in the packet is a myth plus:
1. Background information about myth
2. Themes found in myth
3. Modern day application for myth
Students read and answer questions about their group’s myth.
1. Myths were used to explain natural occurrences:
a. What are the occurrences your myth explains?
b. What modern day remnant remains from myth?
l. Example: the word cereal from the goddess Ceres
2. Example: the psychiatric term Narcissistic Personality Disorder
They present the myth to the class.
They create a script which is modeled on the myth but updated to modern times.
Possible Myths to Be Used:
Narcissus and Echo
Psyche and Cupid
Chronos and Zeus
The Titans
Persephone, Demeter and Hades
Arachnid and Athene
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