MAY 2, 2011 - MAY 6, 2011
Monday, May 2nd:
ROMEO and JULIET Act 1 Test
Correct in class
Tuesday, May 3rd:
Go over the Noun Clause Handout
Begin reading Act 2 of ROMEO and JULIET
For homework tonight, find as many metaphors, similes, personifications, allusions and alliterations as possible in Act 2, Scene 2. This wil be due tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 4th:
Please bring the Holt Handout book; pages 109 - 111; exercise 6 will be assigned and
will be due on Friday, May 6th
Go over last night's homework: the figurative language found in Act 2, Scene 2 of ROMEO and JULIET
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET
Thurday, May 5th:
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET
Find examples of figurative language in the Friar's speech in Act 2, Scene 3: metaphor, simile, personification, inversion, paradox.
Friday, May 6th:
Go over grammar homework
Break into groups and find examples of figurative language in Act 2, Scene 4.
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET
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