Subordinate and Independent Clauses:
Independent Clauses have the following:
It has a noun.
It has a verb.
It expresses a complete thought.
I set my alarm.
Although I set my alarm.
How you determine what the subject is – you take the verb (in this case it is “set”) and you ask yourself who or what is doing the verb or the action.
Subordinate clause cannot stand alone. It does not express a complete thought or it lacks a noun or a verb.
Subordinate means of lesser importance.
Sentences that begin with these words are subordinate clauses:
Predicate: is that part of the sentence that has the verb in it. Everything that is not the subject.
The cat walked over to her bowl to eat.
The cat: is the subject
The predicate: walked over to her bowl to eat.
Predicate nominative: is the noun that is in the predicate and that refers back to the subject.
Anna is a charming and delightful student.
Anna is the subject.
Is a charming and delightful student is the predicate.
Student would be the predicate nominative.
This charming and delightful assignment will be due on Thursday, December 2nd.
Write out the entire sentence, underline the italicized part and then identify if the italicized part is a subordinate clause or independent clause.
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