December 8th - December 12th
Weekly Agenda
for 9th Grade Honors English
Monday, December 8th:
Your extra credit literary collage is due today.
Assignment: Break into groups of three or four, choose five words from your vocabulary book, pages 31 - 39, and develop either a song/dance word study or scenes which show how the words are used and show through context the meaning of the words. Your group must also turn in a script with the words used. This is in lieu of a vocabulary test. You will present on Friday.
Go over the answers to THE TROJAN WAR.
Tuesday, December 9th:
Wee five minute test over adjective/adverbial clauses.
Grammar Homework is due today: ENGLISH WORKSHOP; “Participial Phrases”; pages 153 & 154.
Begin reading THE ODYSSEY; Book One: “A Son Searches for his Father”.
Begin work on the time line of THE ODYSSEY.
Please keep a reading log for THE ODYSSEY.
Wednesday, December 10th:
Another wee five minute test over adjective/adverbial clauses.
THE ODYSSEY! BOOK FOUR: “Odysseus on the Shore of Calypso”.
Reading log.
Thursday, December 11th:
Write three sentences with participial phrases.
Read THE ODYSSEY: “Princess Nausicaa and the Court of Antinous.
Keep a captain’s log and a time line for THE ODYSSEY.
Friday, December 12th:
Present your vocabulary word studies.
Read THE ODYSSEY: “The Battle of Ciccones”, “The Lotus Eaters”.
Act out.
Please work on your Odyssey captain’s log and time line.
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