Monday, June 2nd:
1st and 2nd Periods:
Please bring your vocabulary book to class today. Pages 53 - 60, exercises 1 through 7 will be assigned; this assignment will be due on Friday, June 6th,
Today we will continue reading and discussing THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER.
2nd Period:
Don’t forget to bring your vocabulary book today. Please read the above assignment for Period 1; it also pertains to you.
Today we will work on our essay for ROMEO and JULIET. The essay topic was passed out to you on Friday and we went over the topics in class. The topics are also posted on this web log; scroll down to find them. The essay will be due on Wednesday, June 4th.
5th Period:
Today we will have the Act V test over ROMEO and JULIET. Remember that the ROMEO and JULIET Act V packet will also be due.
Tuesday, June 3rd:
1st Period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP to class today. “Verbs”; pages 113 - 114; exercises 11 and 12 will be assigned today. This assignment will be due on Thursday, June 5th.
Continue reading and discussing THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER.
2nd Period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP to class today. “Verbs”; pages 105 - 106; exercises 10 and 11 will be assigned today. This assignment will be due on Thursday, June 6th.
Continue working on your essay.
5th Period:
Today we will go over the essay topics for ROMEO and JULIET, which are also posted on last week’s web log. (Scroll down to last week’s web log to see the posted topics.) The five paragraph essay, which must be typed with a rough draft, will be due on Thursday, June 5th.
Wednesday, June 4th:
1st Period:
2nd Period:
Your ROMEO and JULIET essay is due today, along with your rough draft and your reading logs.
We will begin reading PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER today. I think you’ll like this book.
5th Period:
Work on your ROMEO and JULIET essay today.
Thursday, June 5th:
1st Period:
Your English Workshop homework is due today: “Verbs”; pages 113 and 114; exercises 11 and 12.
Continue reading and discussing THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER.
2nd Period:
Your English Workshop homework is due today: “Verbs”; pages 105 and 106; exercises 10 and 11.
5TH Period:
Your ROMEO and JULIET essay along with your reading logs are due today.
We will begin reading and discussing a book I think you will like - THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER. It’s about being a 9th grade boy in high school. I think you’ll be able to relate to a great deal in the book.
Friday, June 6th:
1st and 2nd Periods:
Your vocabulary homework is due today.
Continue reading and discussing THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER.
5th Period:
Continue reading and discussing THE PERKS OF BEING A WALL FLOWER.
Please bring your vocabulary book to class on Monday, June 9th. Pages 52 - 60, exercises 1 - 7 will be assigned on Monday and will be due on Friday, June 13th.
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP to class on Tuesday, June 10th. “Verbs”, pages 105 - 106; exercises 10 and 11 will be assigned and will be due on Thursday, June 12th.
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