The Odyssey
December 10th - 14th
Weekly Schedule
for 9th Grade
Monday, December 10th:
Using four of your vocabulary words from pages 23-33, write two sentences with adjective clauses and two sentences with adverbial clauses.
We will continue reading The Odyssey and writing in our captain’s log and making additions to the time line.
1st Period:
Read “The Great Bow” and “Death in the Great Hall” and “The Reunion of Odysseus and Penelope”. Do our reading logs and work on our time line.
2nd Period:
Quietly reread what we read on Friday and write your reading log. These will be collected.
Read “The Sirens”, “Charybdis and Scylla”, “The Isle of Helios” which bring us full circle to Calypso’s Island where we first encountered Odysseus crying with longing for his wife and home. Please do your captain’s log and your time line.
Tuesday, December 11th:
Same as above.
Your reading log for A NIGHT TO REMEMBER is due today. Please read Chapter 8 and do your reading log. This will be due on Thursday, December 13th.
As soon as we finish reading The Odyssey the reading logs and time lines will be collected and graded; then the district mandated assessment over exposition will be given.
Your assessment for The Odyssey will be to create a board game which two to four people can play. This will be presented on the day of your final.
The final for 1st period:
Thursday, December 20th.
The final for 2nd period:
Wednesday, December 19th.
Wednesday, December 12th:
Your district assessment will include a battery of tests covering reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar, plus a short constructed response and an essay.
We will either be wrapping up the final chapters for The Odyssey or we will be working on the assessment.
Thursday, December 13th:
Your reading log for Chapter 8 for A NIGHT TO REMEMBER is due today.
We will either be wrapping up the final chapters for THE ODYSSEY or we will be working on the assessment.
Please begin reading Chapter 9 of A NIGHT TO REMEMBER and of course do your reading log. This will be due on Friday, December 14th.
Friday, December 14th:
Your Chapter 9 reading log for A NIGHT TO REMEMBER is due today.
Your notebook is due. All of your semester’s work should be organized and placed in the notebook. You will be given a list of things you should have in your notebook and the order in which you should have it. You will not have time to work on it in class.
Today we will be working on the District Mandated Assessment.
Monday, December 17th:
We will be working on the essay portion of the assessment.
Your reading log for Chapter 10 and pages 147 - 159 will be due on Monday, December 17th.
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