Links for you: The Odyssey
Monday, November 26th:
Today your reading log for A NIGHT TO REMEMBER is due. For homework, please read Chapter 4 in your take home book.
Quick warm-up: A short handout covering adverbial clauses will be given to you at the start of the class.
First period: We will break into groups of four and choosing a chapter from THE TROJAN WAR, we will act the chapter out, or do a story board on the chapter in a presentation to the class. You will have approximately twenty minutes to do this.
Second period:
We will begin reading THE ODYSSEY today. We start "in media res" - which means in the middle - where we find our hero, Odysseus crying on the Isle of Calypso.
Tuesday, November 27th:
Shortened Day!
Your reading log for the fourth chapter of A NIGHT to REMEMBER will be due on Wednesday.
First period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP book today. Pages 169 - 170, "Kinds of Clauses" will be assigned today. This will be due on Thursday, November 29th.
Second period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP book today. Pages 161 - 162, "Kinds of Clauses" will be assigned today. This will be due on Thursday, November 29th.
1st Period:
We will begin reading THE ODYSSEY today. We will start "in media res" - which means in the middle - where we find Odysseus on the Isle of Calypso crying. We will continue with the story about Telemachus in his search for his father who has been gone for twenty years!
We will begin our "captain's log" on the Odyssey.
Second period:
Today we will read the story of Telemachus in "A Son Searches for a Father" and we learn of the intrigue of the suitors back in Ithaca.
We will begin our "captain's log" on the Odyssey.
Wednesday, November 28th:
A short warm-up involving subordinate and adverbial clauses and your vocabulary words will be given to you today.
We will once again climb into the boat, the "S.S. Odyssey" and sail to the Isle of the Ciccones (Madonna's ancestors!); then after a fierce battle from which we barely leave with our lives, we ride out an equally fierce storm whipped up for us by Poseidon, the angry god of the seas. We then find ourselves on the beautiful island of the Wind God, Aeolus who does us a gigantic favor! However, we are human and through our distrust, greed and ego, we manage to thoroughly ruin the gift and wind up being away from the coast of Ithaca. Wow, all that in an hour!
Don't forget your captain's log!
Your reading log for the fourth chapter of A NIGHT to REMEMBER will be due today. For tonight, please start reading the fifth chapter of A NIGHT to REMEMBER, and of course, write your reading log. This will be due on Tuesday, December 4th.
Thursday, November 29th:
Chapter five from the book is assigned today and the reading log will be due on Tuesday, December 4th.
Your ENGLISH WORKSHOP homework is due today.
First period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP; pages 169 - 170; "Kinds of Clauses"; exercise 1.
Second period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP; pages 161-162; "Kind of Clauses"; exercise 1.
Periods one and two:
Again, we set sail for Ithaca where we find ourselves on the island of Polyphemus, the Cyclops. In this chapter, both Polyphemus, the one-eye cyclops and son of Poseidon, who is the host for our little party, and we, who are the guests on his island, betray the sacred ties between host and guests. We both act badly and we must pay for our behavior according to the Greek gods.
Don't forget your captain's log.
A handout over the vocabulary, grammar and literary devices for THE ODYSSEY will be given to you today. This will be due on Monday, December 3rd.
Friday, November 30th:
Today we will go over The Odyssey handout and continue reading about the Cyclops.
Don't forget your captain's log. This will be collected when we finish the story and will be a major grade!
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