NOVEMBER 20, 2006
Monday, November 20th:
By today, you should have written the rough draft of your first, second and third paragraphs of your literary analysis which I will quickly check. Then, we will go over the fourth, fifth and the final, sixth, paragraphs of your literary analysis.
Tuesday, November 21st:
Today you will work on your fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of your literary analysis.
Wednesday, November 22nd:
Your final draft and your literary analysis will be due today.
We will start work on the Trojan War.
Please bring your grammar book to class today.
For homework:
First Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “adjective clauses”; pages 163-164; exercises 1 and 2; due Tuesday, November 27th.
Second Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “adjective clauses”; pages 171- 172; exercise 2; due Tuesday, November 27th.
1 comment:
Hi Janette and hi Roxy,
The theme can be considered the "moral" of the story. It's the world view of the author or a "truth" that the writer wants to explore. One way of looking at theme is what does the writer want you to think or carry away with you after reading the book.
And Janette, you do not have to write about all the characters - just the protagonist and the antagonist, and any other character that plays a pivotal role in the plot.
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