This is the last post for 2006 for the 9th grade - yipppeeee!
Monday, December 18th:
First Period:
Today we will finish reading THE ODYSSEY, BOOK 23: "Odysseus and Penelope".
Then you will break into groups and dramatize your favorite scene from THE ODYSSEY. Make sure you make a list of your three favorite scenes. It's going to be first come, first serve, so if a group chooses your scene first, then make sure you have an alternative scene you can live with.
Tuesday, December 19th:
Second Period: 7:40 to 9:45
Turn in your Odyssey reading log and time line.
First hour: Work on your scene. Second hour: Present your scene and your script.
Wednesday, December 20th:
Third Period: 7:40 to 9:45
Turn in your Odyssey reading log and time line.
First hour: Work on your scene. Second hour: Present your scene and your script.
Thursday, December 21st:
First Period: 7:40 to 9:45
Turn in your Odyssey reading log and time line.
First hour: Work on your scene. Second hour: Present your scene and your script.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Title page with name, period and date
English Workshop; pages 63 - 64
English Workshop; Subordinate Clauses; pages 65 - 66
English Workshop; pages 67 - 68
English Workshop; Verbs; pages 105 - 110
English Workshop; Adjective Clauses; pages 167 - 168
English Workshop; Adverbial Clauses; pages 173 - 174
Unscrambling Adverbial Clauses
Unscrambling Adjective Clauses
Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 4 - 7; homework
Vocabulary for the High School Student; Test over pages 4 - 7
Vocabulary; pages 11 - 15; homework
Vocabulary test over pages 4 - 16
Vocabulary; pages 30 - 33; homework
Vocabulary; Test over pages 30 - 33
Vocabulary; pages over 35 - 39; homework
Vocabulary; Test over pages 35 - 39
Vocabulary; pages 40 - 45; homework
Vocabulary; pages 47 - 50; homework
Vocabulary words + adverbial clauses
Vocabulary words + adjective clauses
The Most Dangerous Game Packet
Test over The Most Dangerous Game
Quiz over Plot for Most Dangerous Game
The Cask of Amontillado Packet
The Necklace Packet
The Odyssey Packets
Cat’s Eye Packet
Cordelia’s Point of View
An Event that Changed My Life
Land Mine Essay + Packet
Literary Analysis + Rough Draft + Reading log
The Sniper Rewrites
The Necklace - “What Happens Next?”
The Cask of Amontillado - “The Three Ironies”
The Sniper
The Most Dangerous Game
The Cask of Amontillado
The Necklace
Title page with name, period and date
English Workshop; pages 63 - 64
English Workshop; Subordinate Clauses; pages 65 - 66
English Workshop; pages 67 - 68
English Workshop; Verbs; pages 105 - 110
English Workshop; Adjective Clauses; pages 167 - 168
English Workshop; Adverbial Clauses; pages 173 - 174
Unscrambling Adverbial Clauses
Unscrambling Adjective Clauses
Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 4 - 7; homework
Vocabulary for the High School Student; Test over pages 4 - 7
Vocabulary; pages 11 - 15; homework
Vocabulary test over pages 4 - 16
Vocabulary; pages 30 - 33; homework
Vocabulary; Test over pages 30 - 33
Vocabulary; pages over 35 - 39; homework
Vocabulary; Test over pages 35 - 39
Vocabulary; pages 40 - 45; homework
Vocabulary; pages 47 - 50; homework
Vocabulary words + adverbial clauses
Vocabulary words + adjective clauses
The Most Dangerous Game Packet
Test over The Most Dangerous Game
Quiz over Plot for Most Dangerous Game
The Cask of Amontillado Packet
The Necklace Packet
The Odyssey Packets
Cat’s Eye Packet
Cordelia’s Point of View
An Event that Changed My Life
Land Mine Essay + Packet
Literary Analysis + Rough Draft + Reading log
The Sniper Rewrites
The Necklace - “What Happens Next?”
The Cask of Amontillado - “The Three Ironies”
The Sniper
The Most Dangerous Game
The Cask of Amontillado
The Necklace
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Good morning, everyone! I hope you had a restful and fun-filled weekend. Just one more week and then finals!
Monday, December 11th:
Today your Trojan War open book test is due.
We will climb into our boats and sail off again in search of the witch Circe’s island; then we’ll go to the Land of the Dead to find the blind prophet Tereisias to learn the best way to get back to Ithaca (Odysseus’s home); then back to Circe for some last minute instructions. If we have time we will sail past the lovely to listen to but oh so ugly to look at Sirens!
Tuesday, December 12th:
Today is the last day to turn in late work. After today no more late work or corrections will be accepted.
Today your ten sentences using your new vocabulary words from pages 40 - 49 are due; remember, five of the sentences must use adverbial clauses and the other five must use adjective clauses.
We will climb back onto our ships and set sail for the dreaded Charybdis and Scylla - let’s see if the Witch Circe was right in telling us how to avoid the two monsters. Then if we make it safely past the sea monster and the whirlpool, we will lay anchor off the island of Helios, the sun god. Then, after our ship gets blasted by Zeus for our eating of Helios’s “cattle and sheep who never die” - unless they’re eaten by Odysseus’s hungry men - we will be lost at sea for twenty days until we get washed ashore on the island of Ogygia, home of the lovely nymph, Calypso (Vanessa Williams). Did you get that we’ve made a full circle?
Wednesday, December 13th:
Today we will return to the Court of Alcinous - where actually we’ve been all along because the story is told in flashback - and from there - finally! - we will set sail for Ithaca! (King Alcinous will take pity on us and give us a magic ship to take us home.) After stepping foot on our native soil for the first time in twenty years, we will go to the hut of the swine herder where we will meet Telemachus, whom we last saw as a new born baby and who is now a man. Then we will see our beloved and faithful dog, Argos, before we enter the great hall of Odysseus’s home.
Thursday, December 14th:
We will return to Ithaca where we will watch as Penelope fails to recognize Odysseus; however, Odysseus’s old nanny does! Then Penelope will devise an almost impossible contest to determine who will win her hand in marriage.....well, let’s see if Odysseus or some other suitor can string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through twelve ax handle rings to hit a bulls-eye.
Friday, December 15th:
Your notebook is due today at the beginning of class. And no, you will not have time to put it together in class.
Finally, we will see the suitors and the disloyal maids get their just desserts!
And there remains one last test for poor Odysseus set forth by the even wilier Penelope. Let’s see if he passes it and the two of them can be united for an eternity!
Friday, December 01, 2006

DECEMBER 4, 2006
Monday, December 4th:
Journal: Using five of your new vocabulary words, write five sentences with adjective clauses.
Read Parts 3 and 4 of “The Trojan War”. We will run around with swords and reenact the Trojan War ;-) You will be given an open book test over “The Trojan War”, which will be due on Wednesday, December 6th.
Tuesday, December 5th:
The “Unscrambling Adjective Clauses” will be given to you; we will briefly go over this grammar homework. You will be assigned Part One, #1-8. This will be due on Thursday.
We will read “A Son Searches for His Father”, Part One of
THE ODYSSEY. We will also quickly go over the vocabulary and literary packet for this section of the story. You will be expected to keep a detailed reading log for THE ODYSSEY.
Wednesday, December 6th:
Your open book test over “The Trojan War” will be due today.
Today we will read “Odysseus at the Court of Alcinous”. We will begin a timeline over our reading. The TIMELINE, along with your READING LOG, will be VERY IMPORTANT GRADES, SO DON’T BLOW EITHER OF THEM OFF!
Thursday, December 7th:
Your “Unscrambling Adjective Clauses” is due today!
Today, we will climb back into the SS Odyssey and sail back to Troy where it all started ten years ago - we will read about Odysseus and his men’s encounter with the tribe of the Ciccones; their encounters with the Lotus Eaters, and Polyphemus, the Cyclops.
Friday, December 8th:
Journal: Using ten of your words from VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT (pages 40-45), write five sentence with adverbial clauses and write five sentences with adjective clauses.
We will once again scramble aboard the SS Odyssey, and set sail for the Island of the Sirens. If we escape the Sirens’ call, we will then head for the island of the beautiful witch Circe who gives men poison which reveals their inner animal.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Monday, November 27th:
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend sleeping in, eating delicious food and being with your family!
For your journal entry: Please write five sentences with adjective clauses using your vocabulary words from pages 30 - 39 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
We will watch a video about THE TROJAN WAR!
Tuesday, November 28th:
Today is a shortened day!
Your ENGLISH WORKSHOP homework is due today
For First Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP; “Adjective Clauses”; pages 163 - 164; both exercises.
For Second and Third Periods:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “Adjective Clauses”; pages 171 - 172; both exercises.
We will board the ship and sail away to Troy today - in other words, we will begin reading THE TROJAN WAR!
Wednesday, November 29th:
Vocabulary will be assigned today. Pages 41 through pages 45; exercises 31 - 34. This will be due on Friday!
Continue reading THE TROJAN WAR.
Thursday, November 30th:
Journal: You guessed it! Write five sentences with adjective clauses using your new vocabulary words!
A wee little test over THE TROJAN WAR!
Friday, December 1st:
We will board the ship and head back to Ithaca with Odysseus. Let’s see how long it will take us to get there.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

NOVEMBER 20, 2006
Monday, November 20th:
By today, you should have written the rough draft of your first, second and third paragraphs of your literary analysis which I will quickly check. Then, we will go over the fourth, fifth and the final, sixth, paragraphs of your literary analysis.
Tuesday, November 21st:
Today you will work on your fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of your literary analysis.
Wednesday, November 22nd:
Your final draft and your literary analysis will be due today.
We will start work on the Trojan War.
Please bring your grammar book to class today.
For homework:
First Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “adjective clauses”; pages 163-164; exercises 1 and 2; due Tuesday, November 27th.
Second Period:
ENGLISH WORKSHOP: “adjective clauses”; pages 171- 172; exercise 2; due Tuesday, November 27th.
Friday, November 10, 2006

November 13th
Monday, November 13th:
Journal: Using five of your vocabulary words, please write five sentences with adverbial clauses. You will turn this in for a grade.
Go over “The Necklace” vocabulary, grammar and literary packets. These will be due on Wednesday, November 15th.
Work on “What Happens Next?” which is a continuation of the “Necklace” story. What does Madame Loisel say to Madame Forestier after the story ends?
We will present these on Tuesday and of course, you will present your script to me at the time of the performance.
Tuesday, November 14th:
Shortened Day!
Journal: Using five of your vocabulary words, please write five sentences with adverbial clauses. You will turn this in for a grade.
Presentation of “What Happens Next?”
Turn in your scripts.
Wednesday, November 15th:
Journal: Using five of your vocabulary words, please write five sentences with adverbial clauses. You will turn this in for a grade.
Your “The Neckace” packet is due today.
Vocabulary test on word s from pages 35 - 39 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
Begin work on the long awaited literary analysis! Please bring in your book, your handouts from last week, and your reading log.
Thursday, November 16th:
Continue working on your literary analysis.
Friday, November 17th:
Continue working on your literary analysis which will be due, along with your reading log, on Monday, November 20th.
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Monday, November 6th:
Work on the connotative/denotative handout given to you on Friday.
ENGLISH WORKSHOP is due today; “Adverbial Clauses”; pages 165-166; exercises 4 - 5.
Work on your ironic scenes. You will turn in the script to me and you will present your three scenes to the class on Tuesday.
2nd and 3rd Period:
Your "Cask of Amontillado packet” by Edgar Allan Poe is due today.
Your ENGLISH WORKSHOP is due today; “Adverbial Clauses”; pages 173 - 174; exercises 3 and 4.
Tuesday, November 7th:
1st Period:
Your “Cask of Amontillado” packet is due today.
Today we will work on an adverbial clause scrambling handout.
You will present your scenes today and turn in your scripts to me.
Wednesday, November 8th:
We will finish presenting our scenes today.
Vocabulary test today over the words on pages 30 - 39 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
Thursday, November 9th:
Today we will read “The Necklace”.
Friday, November 10:
Veterans’ Day observed. There is no school today.
Next week we will work on the literary analysis. You must be finished with your book and your reading log by Monday, November 13th. The literary analysis will be due on November 20th along with your reading log.
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Monday, October 30th:
Pass out the vocabulary packet of “The Cask of Amontillado” and go over verbal, dramatic and situational irony.
Please bring your vocabulary book, VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT; pages 30-33; exercises 21 - 24, will be assigned. This will be due on Tuesday, October 31st.
Tuesday, October 31st (Happy Halloween!):
Today in celebration of Halloween, we will read some masterpieces of the great Gothic writer, Edgar Allan Poe: “The Tell-Tale Heart”, and “The Raven”.
We will begin working on a group project in which you will break into groups of three or four and write three scenes, one scene showing dramatic irony, one scene showing situational irony and the third scene showing verbal irony. We will present these on Thursday, November 2nd.
Today, pages 35 - 39; exercises 26 - 29 in your VOCABULARY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS will be assigned today. This will be due on Thursday, November 2nd.
Wednesday, November 1st:
All Saints’ Day or The Day of the Dead:
Journal Entry: Does your family celebrate The Day of the Dead? If your family does, how do they celebrate it? How does your culture remember loved ones who have passed?
For first period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP. Today, adverbial clauses will be assigned; pages 165 - 166; exercises 4 - 5. This will be due on Monday, November 6th.
For second and third period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP. Today, adverbial clauses will be assigned;pages 173 - 174; exercises 3 and 4. This will be due on Monday, November 6th.
Continue working on our ironic skits.
Thursday, November 2nd:
Journal: Choose ten of our vocabulary words and write a short story using them.
Present our ironic skits today complete with your typed scripts.
Your vocabulary homework is due today!
Friday, November 3rd:
Journal: Chose ten more of our vocabulary words and write a short story using them.
Finish presenting your skits today.
Today we will read the short story “The Necklace”. I think you will like this one.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Hey guys!
We didn't have an agenda last week because I went home to Texas for the weekend to celebrate my mom's birthday. We didn't get very far the week of October 9th through the 13th so we tried to finish the work we were suppose to have finished by the 16th - but didn't. So for the parents, if you want to know what we did last week (October 17th - October 20th) we did what we were suppose to be doing on October 11th - October 16th, which was preparation for the District Periodic Assessment. Last week we read articles and essays on whether the U.S. should sign the Ottawa Land Mine Ban Treaty. After carefully analyzing the material, the students were to write a persuasive essay stating and supporting their position.
This week we will be doing the real District Periodic Assessment on whether adolescent access to violent video games should be restricted. The students will be reading articles and essays (some material supporting restriction, others not) and writing their own persuasive essay on the subject. This will be graded and the results will be recorded downtown.
Last week there were problems with chronic tardiness. The class starts at 7:40 and the students must know that if they arrive by school bus then they CANNOT LEAVE CAMPUS to buy food at the area fast food restaurants. Students CANNOT saunter into class late carrying bags of steaming french fries or hamburgers or coffee. This is becoming a serious problem. Please take care of breakfast before you get on the bus.
That said have a great week and I will see you tomorrow.
We didn't have an agenda last week because I went home to Texas for the weekend to celebrate my mom's birthday. We didn't get very far the week of October 9th through the 13th so we tried to finish the work we were suppose to have finished by the 16th - but didn't. So for the parents, if you want to know what we did last week (October 17th - October 20th) we did what we were suppose to be doing on October 11th - October 16th, which was preparation for the District Periodic Assessment. Last week we read articles and essays on whether the U.S. should sign the Ottawa Land Mine Ban Treaty. After carefully analyzing the material, the students were to write a persuasive essay stating and supporting their position.
This week we will be doing the real District Periodic Assessment on whether adolescent access to violent video games should be restricted. The students will be reading articles and essays (some material supporting restriction, others not) and writing their own persuasive essay on the subject. This will be graded and the results will be recorded downtown.
Last week there were problems with chronic tardiness. The class starts at 7:40 and the students must know that if they arrive by school bus then they CANNOT LEAVE CAMPUS to buy food at the area fast food restaurants. Students CANNOT saunter into class late carrying bags of steaming french fries or hamburgers or coffee. This is becoming a serious problem. Please take care of breakfast before you get on the bus.
That said have a great week and I will see you tomorrow.
October 23rd Weekly Schedule
for 9th Grade English
Monday, October 23rd:
Work on the District Assessment Test and Persuasive Essay. This is a two to three day assessment designed by the district to test students’ reading, writing and analytical skills. We will read essays and articles on the subject of video games and violence in children. You will then answer some multiple choice questions over the subject matter and then write a “short constructed response” and a persuasive essay stating your opinion - just like we did last week on the landmine ban treaty.
Tuesday, October 24th:
The shortened day has been cancelled. Continue working on the District Assessment Test and Persuasive Essay.
Wednesday, October 25th:
Final day to work on the District Assessment Test and Persuasive Essay.
Thursday, October 26th:
Today we need a break from all this work so we will read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of the Amontillado”.
Friday, October 27th:
We will finish reading “The Cask of the Amontillado.”
for 9th Grade English
Monday, October 23rd:
Work on the District Assessment Test and Persuasive Essay. This is a two to three day assessment designed by the district to test students’ reading, writing and analytical skills. We will read essays and articles on the subject of video games and violence in children. You will then answer some multiple choice questions over the subject matter and then write a “short constructed response” and a persuasive essay stating your opinion - just like we did last week on the landmine ban treaty.
Tuesday, October 24th:
The shortened day has been cancelled. Continue working on the District Assessment Test and Persuasive Essay.
Wednesday, October 25th:
Final day to work on the District Assessment Test and Persuasive Essay.
Thursday, October 26th:
Today we need a break from all this work so we will read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of the Amontillado”.
Friday, October 27th:
We will finish reading “The Cask of the Amontillado.”
Friday, October 06, 2006
October 9th Weekly Schedule
9th Grade
Monday, October 9th:
1st Period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP to class on Monday. It seems we need to do a little review on verbs. Pages 105 - 110; exercises 10 - 16 will be assigned and will be due on Thursday, October 12th.
We will also finish the plot graph for “Most Dangerous Game”.
3rd Period:
We will also finish the plot graph for “Most Dangerous Game”.
1st, 2nd and 3rd:
Your “Most Dangerous Game” packet will be due on Wednesday, October 11th.
We will begin working on the Persuasive Essay. We will read an article on the Ottawa Convention which prohibits the use of land mines (page 2-15). We will then read and compare two persuasive essays on this topic - one essay is for the ban; the other is against the ban (2-16). We will then answer multiple choice questions over the excerpts (page 2-17).
Tuesday, October 10th:
2nd and 3rd Periods:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP today; we will review run-on and sentence fragments; “Review; exercises A and B; pages 75 - 76.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Periods:
Analyze pro and con arguments on the signing of the Land Mine Treaty (page 2-20). Analyze the “Short Constructed Response” (page 2-21). Analyze the SAMPLE EXTENDED CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE (pages 2-22) and read the essay, “Saving the Children” (page 2-25). We will then cite reasons and evidence given by the author supporting his/her position in “Save the Children” (pages 2-34 and 2-36).
Wednesday, October 11th:
We will go over “Recognizing Persuasive Techniques” today (pages 2-37) and “Weighing an Argument” (pages 2-38 and 2-39).
For your homework tonight, watch television! Yippee! Yes, you can tell your parents that your homework assignment is to watch t.v.! Write down some of the techniques advertisers and politicians use to get your vote or get your money!
Thursday, October 12th:
Today we will work on “Planning Your Essay” (pages 2-40, 2-41, 2-42 and 2-43) in preparation for writing your essay which you will do in class on Friday.
Friday, October 13th:
Write the first draft of your essay which you will turn in at the end of the period.
9th Grade
Monday, October 9th:
1st Period:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP to class on Monday. It seems we need to do a little review on verbs. Pages 105 - 110; exercises 10 - 16 will be assigned and will be due on Thursday, October 12th.
We will also finish the plot graph for “Most Dangerous Game”.
3rd Period:
We will also finish the plot graph for “Most Dangerous Game”.
1st, 2nd and 3rd:
Your “Most Dangerous Game” packet will be due on Wednesday, October 11th.
We will begin working on the Persuasive Essay. We will read an article on the Ottawa Convention which prohibits the use of land mines (page 2-15). We will then read and compare two persuasive essays on this topic - one essay is for the ban; the other is against the ban (2-16). We will then answer multiple choice questions over the excerpts (page 2-17).
Tuesday, October 10th:
2nd and 3rd Periods:
Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP today; we will review run-on and sentence fragments; “Review; exercises A and B; pages 75 - 76.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Periods:
Analyze pro and con arguments on the signing of the Land Mine Treaty (page 2-20). Analyze the “Short Constructed Response” (page 2-21). Analyze the SAMPLE EXTENDED CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE (pages 2-22) and read the essay, “Saving the Children” (page 2-25). We will then cite reasons and evidence given by the author supporting his/her position in “Save the Children” (pages 2-34 and 2-36).
Wednesday, October 11th:
We will go over “Recognizing Persuasive Techniques” today (pages 2-37) and “Weighing an Argument” (pages 2-38 and 2-39).
For your homework tonight, watch television! Yippee! Yes, you can tell your parents that your homework assignment is to watch t.v.! Write down some of the techniques advertisers and politicians use to get your vote or get your money!
Thursday, October 12th:
Today we will work on “Planning Your Essay” (pages 2-40, 2-41, 2-42 and 2-43) in preparation for writing your essay which you will do in class on Friday.
Friday, October 13th:
Write the first draft of your essay which you will turn in at the end of the period.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
October 2nd Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, October 2nd:
I hope you had a fun-filled yet restful weekend! Now, here's a little something that will tire you out.
Today “The Sniper” handout is due.
Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words found on the pages 18 through 26 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
We will finish up “The Most Dangerous Game” and discuss plot, theme and character.
For extra credit, you may create a board game based on “The Most Dangerous Game.” The board game must follow the basic plot of the story. You may work with a partner or partners on this. This will be due on October 12th. Be creative! Have fun!
Tuesday, October 3rd:
Today we will have a brief vocabulary test over the words on pages 18 through 26 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
Please bring your grammar book, ENGLISH WORKSHOP, today.
For 1st Period:
We will go over “Subordinate Clause Fragments”; pages 65 and 66. This will be due on Thursday, October 5th.
For 2nd and 3rd Periods:
We will go over “ Run-On Sentences”; ex. 6; pages 73 - 74. This assignment will be due on Thursday, October 5th.
A packet over the vocabulary, grammar and literary concepts of “The Most Dangerous Game” will be handed out.
We will continue our review of “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Wednesday, October 5th:
We will continue our review of “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Today we will begin work on a new and very important unit, which is in preparation for the district mandated assessment on persuasive writing. We will begin learning about how to write a persuasive essay - which some of you may already know. The topic that we will analyze is whether land mines should be banned by the international community. We will read and analyze information from various sources (newspaper articles, statistics from governmental and international aide agencies, etc.) and then synthesize (which means put together different things to create something new) this information about land mines. Based on this information we will arrive at our own beliefs about the subject (and no, you don’t have to agree with me) and write a persuasive essay which will try to persuade the reader of the correctness of your position.
Thursday, October 6th:
Your grammar homework is due today.
We will have a test over “The Most Dangerous Game” which will include vocabulary, plot, and the plot graph.
Your “The Most Dangerous Game” packet will be due today. This packet is the one you worked on in your groups in which you summarized each section, created your own vocabulary words and questions.
We will continue working on our “Persuasive Essay Writing Unit”.
Friday, October 7th:
We will continue working on our “Persuasive Essay Writing Unit.”
9th Grade English
Monday, October 2nd:
I hope you had a fun-filled yet restful weekend! Now, here's a little something that will tire you out.
Today “The Sniper” handout is due.
Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words found on the pages 18 through 26 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
We will finish up “The Most Dangerous Game” and discuss plot, theme and character.
For extra credit, you may create a board game based on “The Most Dangerous Game.” The board game must follow the basic plot of the story. You may work with a partner or partners on this. This will be due on October 12th. Be creative! Have fun!
Tuesday, October 3rd:
Today we will have a brief vocabulary test over the words on pages 18 through 26 in VOCABULARY FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT.
Please bring your grammar book, ENGLISH WORKSHOP, today.
For 1st Period:
We will go over “Subordinate Clause Fragments”; pages 65 and 66. This will be due on Thursday, October 5th.
For 2nd and 3rd Periods:
We will go over “ Run-On Sentences”; ex. 6; pages 73 - 74. This assignment will be due on Thursday, October 5th.
A packet over the vocabulary, grammar and literary concepts of “The Most Dangerous Game” will be handed out.
We will continue our review of “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Wednesday, October 5th:
We will continue our review of “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Today we will begin work on a new and very important unit, which is in preparation for the district mandated assessment on persuasive writing. We will begin learning about how to write a persuasive essay - which some of you may already know. The topic that we will analyze is whether land mines should be banned by the international community. We will read and analyze information from various sources (newspaper articles, statistics from governmental and international aide agencies, etc.) and then synthesize (which means put together different things to create something new) this information about land mines. Based on this information we will arrive at our own beliefs about the subject (and no, you don’t have to agree with me) and write a persuasive essay which will try to persuade the reader of the correctness of your position.
Thursday, October 6th:
Your grammar homework is due today.
We will have a test over “The Most Dangerous Game” which will include vocabulary, plot, and the plot graph.
Your “The Most Dangerous Game” packet will be due today. This packet is the one you worked on in your groups in which you summarized each section, created your own vocabulary words and questions.
We will continue working on our “Persuasive Essay Writing Unit”.
Friday, October 7th:
We will continue working on our “Persuasive Essay Writing Unit.”
Sunday, September 24, 2006
September 25, 2006
Weekly Schedule
9th English
Monday, September 25th:
Hello, scholars and artists, I hope you had a great weekend.
Journal Entry: Saturday, September 23rd, was the first day of autumn. Imagine that summer and autumn are humans. Describe their personalities. Describe how they look. Imagine that they are in a forest clearing and describe Summer’s leave-taking. How does s/he pass the “mantle” to Autumn?
Today, please bring your vocabulary book. The next section will be assigned. Pages 18 - 21, exercises 11 - 14; and pages 23 - 26, exercises 16 - 19. This will be due on Friday, September the 29th.
We will also go over a vocabulary, grammar and literary packet for “The Sniper”.
We will begin presenting our rewrites of “The Sniper” today. The assignment is to rewrite the story from the perspective (point of view) of one of the other characters in the story and then present it. For extra credit, you may act it out.
Tuesday, September 26th:
Today is a shortened day.
We will finish our Sniper rewrites.
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop.
1st Period: We will go over “Run-On Sentences”. exercise 4; pages 67 and 68. This will be due on Thursday, September 28th.
2nd and 3rd Periods: We will go over “Subordinate Clause Fragments”; exercises 4 and 5; pages 71 and 72. This will be due on Thursday, September 28th.
Wednesday, September 27th:
Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words from pages 18 - 23 in your vocabulary book.
We will begin reading “The Most Dangerous Game” and creating our reading logs for “Most Dangerous Game”.
Thursday, September 28th:
Improv! We’re going to do a game of improvs using our vocabulary words!
Your grammar homework from your English Workshop is due today.
First Period:
Pages 65 - 66 are due.
2nd and 3rd Periods:
Pages 71 and 72 are due.
Continue reading “Most Dangerous Game” plus of course, working on our reading logs!
Tonight from 6 to 8 I will meet your lovely parents in room 509 and I WILL GET TO TELL THEM ALL ABOUT YOU!
Friday, September 29th:
Your vocabulary homework is due today.
We will finish up with “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Have a great weekend and don’t forget to read your outside book and to keep a reading log on it!
Weekly Schedule
9th English
Monday, September 25th:
Hello, scholars and artists, I hope you had a great weekend.
Journal Entry: Saturday, September 23rd, was the first day of autumn. Imagine that summer and autumn are humans. Describe their personalities. Describe how they look. Imagine that they are in a forest clearing and describe Summer’s leave-taking. How does s/he pass the “mantle” to Autumn?
Today, please bring your vocabulary book. The next section will be assigned. Pages 18 - 21, exercises 11 - 14; and pages 23 - 26, exercises 16 - 19. This will be due on Friday, September the 29th.
We will also go over a vocabulary, grammar and literary packet for “The Sniper”.
We will begin presenting our rewrites of “The Sniper” today. The assignment is to rewrite the story from the perspective (point of view) of one of the other characters in the story and then present it. For extra credit, you may act it out.
Tuesday, September 26th:
Today is a shortened day.
We will finish our Sniper rewrites.
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop.
1st Period: We will go over “Run-On Sentences”. exercise 4; pages 67 and 68. This will be due on Thursday, September 28th.
2nd and 3rd Periods: We will go over “Subordinate Clause Fragments”; exercises 4 and 5; pages 71 and 72. This will be due on Thursday, September 28th.
Wednesday, September 27th:
Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words from pages 18 - 23 in your vocabulary book.
We will begin reading “The Most Dangerous Game” and creating our reading logs for “Most Dangerous Game”.
Thursday, September 28th:
Improv! We’re going to do a game of improvs using our vocabulary words!
Your grammar homework from your English Workshop is due today.
First Period:
Pages 65 - 66 are due.
2nd and 3rd Periods:
Pages 71 and 72 are due.
Continue reading “Most Dangerous Game” plus of course, working on our reading logs!
Tonight from 6 to 8 I will meet your lovely parents in room 509 and I WILL GET TO TELL THEM ALL ABOUT YOU!
Friday, September 29th:
Your vocabulary homework is due today.
We will finish up with “The Most Dangerous Game”.
Have a great weekend and don’t forget to read your outside book and to keep a reading log on it!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
September 18th Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, September 18, 2006:
We are going to start with Six-Way Paragraph this morning.
Your Cat’s Eye packet will be due today.
We will then finish reading “The Sniper” by Liam Flaherty. (Don’t forget your reading logs!) Then we are going to break into groups with each group choosing a character and rewriting the story from that character’s point of view. We will present the rewrites on Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006:
Today IS a shortened day!
We will have a small vocabulary test today over the words from pages 4 - 15 in your vocabulary book, Vocabulary for the High School Student.
Please bring your English Workshop book today.
For 1st Period: English Workshop: Third Course; pages 64 - 65: “Sentence Fragments”.
For 2nd and 3rd Periods: English Workshop: Fourth Course; “Phrasal Fragments”: pages 69 - 70.
The grammar homework will be due on Friday, September 22nd.
After the test you will break into groups and begin working on the rewrites.
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006:
We will start with Six-Way Paragraph.
Today we will break into groups and work on our rewrites of “The Sniper”.
Thursday, September 21st, 2006:
We will begin presenting our rewrites today!
Friday, September 22nd, 2006:
Your grammar homework will be due today!
First Period: English Workshop; “Sentence Fragments”: pages 64 - 65.
2nd and 3rd Period: English Workshop: “Phrasal Fragments”; pages 69 - 70. We will start reading The Most Dangerous Game.
9th Grade English
Monday, September 18, 2006:
We are going to start with Six-Way Paragraph this morning.
Your Cat’s Eye packet will be due today.
We will then finish reading “The Sniper” by Liam Flaherty. (Don’t forget your reading logs!) Then we are going to break into groups with each group choosing a character and rewriting the story from that character’s point of view. We will present the rewrites on Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006:
Today IS a shortened day!
We will have a small vocabulary test today over the words from pages 4 - 15 in your vocabulary book, Vocabulary for the High School Student.
Please bring your English Workshop book today.
For 1st Period: English Workshop: Third Course; pages 64 - 65: “Sentence Fragments”.
For 2nd and 3rd Periods: English Workshop: Fourth Course; “Phrasal Fragments”: pages 69 - 70.
The grammar homework will be due on Friday, September 22nd.
After the test you will break into groups and begin working on the rewrites.
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006:
We will start with Six-Way Paragraph.
Today we will break into groups and work on our rewrites of “The Sniper”.
Thursday, September 21st, 2006:
We will begin presenting our rewrites today!
Friday, September 22nd, 2006:
Your grammar homework will be due today!
First Period: English Workshop; “Sentence Fragments”: pages 64 - 65.
2nd and 3rd Period: English Workshop: “Phrasal Fragments”; pages 69 - 70. We will start reading The Most Dangerous Game.
September 18th Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, September 18, 2006:
We are going to start with Six-Way Paragraph this morning.
Your Cat’s Eye packet will be due today.
We will then finish reading “The Sniper” by Liam Flaherty. (Don’t forget your reading logs!) Then we are going to break into groups with each group choosing a character and rewriting the story from that character’s point of view. We will present the rewrites on Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006:
Today IS a shortened day!
We will have a small vocabulary test today over the words from pages 4 - 15 in your vocabulary book, Vocabulary for the High School Student.
Please bring your English Workshop book today.
For 1st Period: English Workshop: Third Course; pages 64 - 65: “Sentence Fragments”.
For 2nd and 3rd Periods: English Workshop: Fourth Course; “Phrasal Fragments”: pages 69 - 70.
The grammar homework will be due on Friday, September 22nd.
After the test you will break into groups and begin working on the rewrites.
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006:
We will start with Six-Way Paragraph.
Today we will break into groups and work on our rewrites of “The Sniper”.
Thursday, September 21st, 2006:
We will begin presenting our rewrites today!
Friday, September 22nd, 2006:
Your grammar homework will be due today!
First Period: English Workshop; “Sentence Fragments”: pages 64 - 65.
2nd and 3rd Period: English Workshop: “Phrasal Fragments”; pages 69 - 70. We will start reading The Most Dangerous Game.
9th Grade English
Monday, September 18, 2006:
We are going to start with Six-Way Paragraph this morning.
Your Cat’s Eye packet will be due today.
We will then finish reading “The Sniper” by Liam Flaherty. (Don’t forget your reading logs!) Then we are going to break into groups with each group choosing a character and rewriting the story from that character’s point of view. We will present the rewrites on Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006:
Today IS a shortened day!
We will have a small vocabulary test today over the words from pages 4 - 15 in your vocabulary book, Vocabulary for the High School Student.
Please bring your English Workshop book today.
For 1st Period: English Workshop: Third Course; pages 64 - 65: “Sentence Fragments”.
For 2nd and 3rd Periods: English Workshop: Fourth Course; “Phrasal Fragments”: pages 69 - 70.
The grammar homework will be due on Friday, September 22nd.
After the test you will break into groups and begin working on the rewrites.
Wednesday, September 20th, 2006:
We will start with Six-Way Paragraph.
Today we will break into groups and work on our rewrites of “The Sniper”.
Thursday, September 21st, 2006:
We will begin presenting our rewrites today!
Friday, September 22nd, 2006:
Your grammar homework will be due today!
First Period: English Workshop; “Sentence Fragments”: pages 64 - 65.
2nd and 3rd Period: English Workshop: “Phrasal Fragments”; pages 69 - 70. We will start reading The Most Dangerous Game.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Weekly Schedule for
9th Grade English
Monday, September 11, 2006:
Six-Way Paragraph assignment for journal.
Please bring your vocabulary book to class today. We will go over pages 8 - 15 in your vocabulary book. This will be due on Thursday, September 14th.
Do the contrast and compare chart in your packet for the characters Elaine, Cordelia and Carol from Margaret Atwood’s novel, Cat’s Eye.
Begin working on a rough draft of your essay. The essay will be about a situation you experienceed that changed you.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006:
Today is not a shortened day today!
Six-Way Paragraph assignment for journal entry.
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop.
For first period: pages 141-142; exercises 1 and 2; "prepositional phrases" will be assigned.
This will be due on Friday, September 15th.
For second and third period: pages 67 - 68; exercises 1 and 2; "Sentence Fragments" will be assigned. This will be due on Friday, September 15th.
Continue working on your essay.
You must have your outside book selected and ready to give me the title and author.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006:
Your essay will be due today.
Thursday, September 14, 2006:
Your vocabulary homework is due today; pages 8 - 15.
We will begin reading “The Sniper”.
Friday, September 15, 2006:
We will continue reading “The Sniper” and working on our reading logs.
9th Grade English
Monday, September 11, 2006:
Six-Way Paragraph assignment for journal.
Please bring your vocabulary book to class today. We will go over pages 8 - 15 in your vocabulary book. This will be due on Thursday, September 14th.
Do the contrast and compare chart in your packet for the characters Elaine, Cordelia and Carol from Margaret Atwood’s novel, Cat’s Eye.
Begin working on a rough draft of your essay. The essay will be about a situation you experienceed that changed you.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006:
Today is not a shortened day today!
Six-Way Paragraph assignment for journal entry.
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop.
For first period: pages 141-142; exercises 1 and 2; "prepositional phrases" will be assigned.
This will be due on Friday, September 15th.
For second and third period: pages 67 - 68; exercises 1 and 2; "Sentence Fragments" will be assigned. This will be due on Friday, September 15th.
Continue working on your essay.
You must have your outside book selected and ready to give me the title and author.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006:
Your essay will be due today.
Thursday, September 14, 2006:
Your vocabulary homework is due today; pages 8 - 15.
We will begin reading “The Sniper”.
Friday, September 15, 2006:
We will continue reading “The Sniper” and working on our reading logs.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Week of September 4th, 2006
9th Grade English
Welcome back from your three day weekend! I hope it was relaxing! Now, back to work!
Tuesday, September 5th:
Today you should have the title of the book that you are going to read for your literary analysis.
We will share the paragraph we wrote about a person we know who reminds us of a character in Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye.
Then we are going to read the second installment from Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye. We will then break into groups and do a chart on how Elaine has changed, which we will discuss. The chart is on page 149 in your handout. Then we will do a point of view exercise on page 151 in your handout in which you will write an interpretation of the three events from each character’s viewpoint.
Wednesday, September 6th:
Today we will begin working on an individual assignment which will be a three paragraph essay about an event in your life which changed you. This essay must have a rough draft. This will be due on Thursday, September 7th.
Thursday, September 7th:
If our books arrive this week, I will assign some work out of the class set, Six Way Paragraphs, and some vocabulary out of your vocabulary book which you will get to take home with you (pages 4 - 17). This will be due on Tuesday, September 12th.
We will begin reading “The Sniper” - a cool story with a twist - from the anthology, Elements of Literature, and begin working on our reading logs!
Friday, September 8th:
Journal: Choose ten words from your vocabulary and write a short story.
Continue reading and working on “The Sniper”. We may break into groups and rewrite the story from the different characters’ points of view.
9th Grade English
Welcome back from your three day weekend! I hope it was relaxing! Now, back to work!
Tuesday, September 5th:
Today you should have the title of the book that you are going to read for your literary analysis.
We will share the paragraph we wrote about a person we know who reminds us of a character in Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye.
Then we are going to read the second installment from Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye. We will then break into groups and do a chart on how Elaine has changed, which we will discuss. The chart is on page 149 in your handout. Then we will do a point of view exercise on page 151 in your handout in which you will write an interpretation of the three events from each character’s viewpoint.
Wednesday, September 6th:
Today we will begin working on an individual assignment which will be a three paragraph essay about an event in your life which changed you. This essay must have a rough draft. This will be due on Thursday, September 7th.
Thursday, September 7th:
If our books arrive this week, I will assign some work out of the class set, Six Way Paragraphs, and some vocabulary out of your vocabulary book which you will get to take home with you (pages 4 - 17). This will be due on Tuesday, September 12th.
We will begin reading “The Sniper” - a cool story with a twist - from the anthology, Elements of Literature, and begin working on our reading logs!
Friday, September 8th:
Journal: Choose ten words from your vocabulary and write a short story.
Continue reading and working on “The Sniper”. We may break into groups and rewrite the story from the different characters’ points of view.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Fall Semester
During the course of this semester, we will read short stories, poetry, essays and The Odyssey. As part of the requirements of this class the student will be required to do the following:
I. Independent reading in a book of her/his choice; however, the book must be approved by the teacher. The book must be at least 200 pages and be of high literary quality. The student must keep a reading log which will be explained later. Near the end of October, the student will turn in a three to four page literary analysis, the specifics of which will be explained in greater detail.
2. The student will also be required to keep a separate notebook for English. (Be sure to get a small, light weight notebook - your notebook is going to get heavy!) Most importantly: KEEP ALL HANDOUTS AND RETURNED WORK, CLASSWORK, HOMEWORK AND TESTS IN THIS NOTEBOOK! At the end of the semester, the notebook will be checked for organization and completeness and creativity. This is a major grade. I really appreciate creativity so feel free to put your drawings, your poetry in your notebook. Let it express who you are.
3.The student is also expected to start each class period with a journal, the topic of which may either be the student’s choice or she/he may use the suggested topic on the board. The journals should be kept in the student’s notebook.
4. Approximately every six weeks there will be a district mandated reading assignment, an essay assigned to the reading, and a multiple choice test. This is an in-class assignment and the student will have one class period for the reading assignment and the essay, and another class period for the multiple choice test.
5. Homework will be assigned Monday - Thursday. No homework will be given on Friday.
6. Tests will be given about every two weeks and ample warning will be given for each test.
7. Students are responsible for make-up work. No make-up work will be given for truancies. The student will be allowed one day after her/his return from a nontruant absence to turn in the late work. The prior day’s assignments will be posted in the classroom and it is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the work and to turn it in the day after her/his return.
8. Fifteen absences per semester may result in an “F” in the class, or may lower the grade and/or result in less than adequate marks in cooperation and work habits.
Tests are worth approximately 20%
Classwork is worth approximately 20%
The literary analysis is worth about 20%
The notebook is worth about 15%
Journals are worth about 15%
Participation is worth about 10%
90% -100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = FAIL
Extra points will be given for creativity. Class participation is a must and will be factored into the grading. Being alert and participating in class could be the deciding factor in determining a borderline grade.
If there are any questions please feel free to call me at 323-461-3891 or better yet, e-mail me at You may also keep track of agendas by going to and click on “weblogs”, click on “teachers”, click on “J. Bridges” and that will direct you to my class weblog.
Judith “Kate” Bridges
PARENTS’ SIGNATURE:______________________________
STUDENT’S SIGNATURE:_____________________________
Fall Semester
During the course of this semester, we will read short stories, poetry, essays and The Odyssey. As part of the requirements of this class the student will be required to do the following:
I. Independent reading in a book of her/his choice; however, the book must be approved by the teacher. The book must be at least 200 pages and be of high literary quality. The student must keep a reading log which will be explained later. Near the end of October, the student will turn in a three to four page literary analysis, the specifics of which will be explained in greater detail.
2. The student will also be required to keep a separate notebook for English. (Be sure to get a small, light weight notebook - your notebook is going to get heavy!) Most importantly: KEEP ALL HANDOUTS AND RETURNED WORK, CLASSWORK, HOMEWORK AND TESTS IN THIS NOTEBOOK! At the end of the semester, the notebook will be checked for organization and completeness and creativity. This is a major grade. I really appreciate creativity so feel free to put your drawings, your poetry in your notebook. Let it express who you are.
3.The student is also expected to start each class period with a journal, the topic of which may either be the student’s choice or she/he may use the suggested topic on the board. The journals should be kept in the student’s notebook.
4. Approximately every six weeks there will be a district mandated reading assignment, an essay assigned to the reading, and a multiple choice test. This is an in-class assignment and the student will have one class period for the reading assignment and the essay, and another class period for the multiple choice test.
5. Homework will be assigned Monday - Thursday. No homework will be given on Friday.
6. Tests will be given about every two weeks and ample warning will be given for each test.
7. Students are responsible for make-up work. No make-up work will be given for truancies. The student will be allowed one day after her/his return from a nontruant absence to turn in the late work. The prior day’s assignments will be posted in the classroom and it is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the work and to turn it in the day after her/his return.
8. Fifteen absences per semester may result in an “F” in the class, or may lower the grade and/or result in less than adequate marks in cooperation and work habits.
Tests are worth approximately 20%
Classwork is worth approximately 20%
The literary analysis is worth about 20%
The notebook is worth about 15%
Journals are worth about 15%
Participation is worth about 10%
90% -100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
Below 60% = FAIL
Extra points will be given for creativity. Class participation is a must and will be factored into the grading. Being alert and participating in class could be the deciding factor in determining a borderline grade.
If there are any questions please feel free to call me at 323-461-3891 or better yet, e-mail me at You may also keep track of agendas by going to and click on “weblogs”, click on “teachers”, click on “J. Bridges” and that will direct you to my class weblog.
Judith “Kate” Bridges
PARENTS’ SIGNATURE:______________________________
STUDENT’S SIGNATURE:_____________________________
Monday, June 19, 2006
Essay Topics
for 9th Grade Honors
Spring 06
1. Discuss the use of theme in your book and show how the writer uses the characters to convey his/her world view.
2. Choose two characters in the book you are reading and compare and contrast them. How are they similar? How are they different? Be sure to use specific quotations and examples from the book to give a clear idea of what kind of people they are. Do these characters reflect the world view or theme of the author?
3. Choose a scene from the book that best illustrates the theme of the book. By using examples from the book show how this scene illustrates the theme the best.
4. Discuss the conflict in the book. By giving specific details from the story (quotations and examples) show how the author uses the conflict to illustrate the theme.
5. Choose one aspect of the novel that you find the most intriguing and discuss it. It can be character, conflict, point of view, or figurative language. Be sure to give examples to show why you find that aspect of the novel so intriguing.
6. Discuss the author’s use of setting in the novel. Could the novel work if the setting were changed? Does the novel’s success depend entirely on the setting or could the story work if placed in a different time or place?
for 9th Grade Honors
Spring 06
1. Discuss the use of theme in your book and show how the writer uses the characters to convey his/her world view.
2. Choose two characters in the book you are reading and compare and contrast them. How are they similar? How are they different? Be sure to use specific quotations and examples from the book to give a clear idea of what kind of people they are. Do these characters reflect the world view or theme of the author?
3. Choose a scene from the book that best illustrates the theme of the book. By using examples from the book show how this scene illustrates the theme the best.
4. Discuss the conflict in the book. By giving specific details from the story (quotations and examples) show how the author uses the conflict to illustrate the theme.
5. Choose one aspect of the novel that you find the most intriguing and discuss it. It can be character, conflict, point of view, or figurative language. Be sure to give examples to show why you find that aspect of the novel so intriguing.
6. Discuss the author’s use of setting in the novel. Could the novel work if the setting were changed? Does the novel’s success depend entirely on the setting or could the story work if placed in a different time or place?
1. Title page with name, date and period
2. Syllabus
3. Notebook Organization Guide for Table of Contents
a. pages 30 - 37
b. pages 35 - 39
c. pages 61 - 68
d. vocabulary test
e. vocabulary corrections
f. vocabulary journals.
a. pages 139 - 140; complements
b. pages 149 - 150; prepositional phrases
d. pages 151 - 152; adjective phrase
e. pages 153; verbals
f. pages 155 - 156; participial phrases
g. pages 157 - 158; gerunds
h. pages 159 - 160; gerund phrases
i. pages 165 - 166; appositives
j. pages 169; clauses
k. pages 171 - 172; adjective clauses
l. pages 173 - 174; adverbial clauses
m. Any other grammar handout
a. Memory
b. Vacation
c. Bullying Essay
d. Literary Analysis: “A Woman Too Soon” and A DEFENSELESS WOMAN
f. Essay writing handouts:
1. Format for Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
2. Graphic Organizers
7. Literature
a. “Paula” by Isabel Allende
b. “We Bad”
c. “Tips on Reading Difficult Poetry”
d. “How to Find the Theme”
a. Shakespeare Handout 1- 9; “Words from Shakespeare”
b. Shakespeare Handout 1- 10; “Phrases from Shakespeare”
c. Shakespearean Insults
d. Oxymoron Handout
e. “Queen Mab” Handout
f. “Love Connections”
g. Acts 1 - 5 Packets
h. Acts 1 - 5 Tests plus corrections
i. Reading logs for ROMEO AND JULIET
j. Notes or any other extraneous thing I forgot to list which you have
found buried in your notebook or laundry hamper that pertains to
a. Cool stuff you would like to show or things I have forgotten to put in but you have found and would like to put it in
your notebook to make it look fatter than it really is so you can get that "A".
Your notebooks are due on Friday, June 23rd.
Your packets for TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD or your outside reading will be due on Monday, June 26th.
Your essay and your reading log for TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD or your outside reading will be due on the day of the final, Wednesday, June 28th.
You will not be given time in class to work on the essay; it must be com-
pleted before the final. You will be working with your group on your
project which will be presented during the second
hour of the final.
1. Title page with name, date and period
2. Syllabus
3. Notebook Organization Guide for Table of Contents
a. pages 30 - 37
b. pages 35 - 39
c. pages 61 - 68
d. vocabulary test
e. vocabulary corrections
f. vocabulary journals.
a. pages 139 - 140; complements
b. pages 149 - 150; prepositional phrases
d. pages 151 - 152; adjective phrase
e. pages 153; verbals
f. pages 155 - 156; participial phrases
g. pages 157 - 158; gerunds
h. pages 159 - 160; gerund phrases
i. pages 165 - 166; appositives
j. pages 169; clauses
k. pages 171 - 172; adjective clauses
l. pages 173 - 174; adverbial clauses
m. Any other grammar handout
a. Memory
b. Vacation
c. Bullying Essay
d. Literary Analysis: “A Woman Too Soon” and A DEFENSELESS WOMAN
f. Essay writing handouts:
1. Format for Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
2. Graphic Organizers
7. Literature
a. “Paula” by Isabel Allende
b. “We Bad”
c. “Tips on Reading Difficult Poetry”
d. “How to Find the Theme”
a. Shakespeare Handout 1- 9; “Words from Shakespeare”
b. Shakespeare Handout 1- 10; “Phrases from Shakespeare”
c. Shakespearean Insults
d. Oxymoron Handout
e. “Queen Mab” Handout
f. “Love Connections”
g. Acts 1 - 5 Packets
h. Acts 1 - 5 Tests plus corrections
i. Reading logs for ROMEO AND JULIET
j. Notes or any other extraneous thing I forgot to list which you have
found buried in your notebook or laundry hamper that pertains to
a. Cool stuff you would like to show or things I have forgotten to put in but you have found and would like to put it in
your notebook to make it look fatter than it really is so you can get that "A".
Your notebooks are due on Friday, June 23rd.
Your packets for TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD or your outside reading will be due on Monday, June 26th.
Your essay and your reading log for TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD or your outside reading will be due on the day of the final, Wednesday, June 28th.
You will not be given time in class to work on the essay; it must be com-
pleted before the final. You will be working with your group on your
project which will be presented during the second
hour of the final.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Agenda for 9th Grade
Weeks of June 12th - June 30th
Monday, June 12th:
1st and 2nd Period:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary worksheets: Activity #4 ; Chapters 1 - 4 in Ender’s game.
Break into our “platoons” and read, summarize, work on vocabulary and character relationships in Chapters 6 and 7 in Ender’s Game.
Turn in pages 151 and 152. gerund phrases in English Workshop.
Tuesday, June 13th:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary worksheets: Activity #5; Chapters 5 - 6 in Ender’s Game.
Climb aboard our spaceships and read, summarize, work on vocabulary and character relationships in Chapter 7 in Ender’s Game.
For homework: Answer questions for Chapters 1 - 6 in Ender’s Game.
Wednesday, June 14th:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary worksheets: Activity #6; Chapter 7.
Don our space suits, climb aboard our spaceships and read, summarize, work on vocabulary and character relationships in Chapter 8 in Ender’s Game.
For homework: Answer questions for Chapter 7.
Thursday, June 15th:
Please bring your English Workshop. We will quickly dispatch pages 157 - 158; “appositives”; exercises 15 - 16. This will be due on Monday, June 19th.
We will read Chapter 9 in Ender’s Game. We will go over a “Foreshadowing Chart”; activity #13 for Ender’s Game and of course, don’t forget your “captain’s log.”
We will also learn who John Locke and Demosthenes were and why Peter and Valentine may have chosen those pseudonyms.
For homework: work on answers for Chapter 9 in Ender’s Game.
Friday, June 16th:
Thanks to Torie Henry who came up with a cool little teaching game to help us understand “appositives”. It’s sort of a cross between an acting exercise (where you have to start your sentence with the last letter of the last sentence spoken by your partner) and a grammar game (where you and your partner can only speak to each other using appositives).
Today we will read Chapter 10.
For homework please read Chapter 11 and 12 and answer questions on your handout.
Monday, June 19th:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary handouts for Chapter 10. Activity #8; Chapter 11; Activity #9 and Chapters 12 - 13; Activity #10.
Quickly dispatch English Workshop homework: “appositives”; pages 157 - 158.
Read Chapter 13 and of course, do our “captain’s log”!
For homework answer questions for Chapter 13.
Tuesday, June 20th:
Please bring your grammar book for today we will work on “clauses”; pages 161 - 162; exercise 1 will be assigned today. This will be due on Wednesday, June 21st.
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on character handouts, “Conflict”; Activity #14 for Ender’s Game.
Read Chapter 14 and of course, do “Captain’s Log”!
Wednesday, June 21st:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on the “Venn Diagram” for Ender and Peter and answer questions for Chapter 14.
We will quickly go over our grammar homework: pages 161 - 162; exercise 1; “clauses”.
We will then don our space suits and and read Chapter 15 in Ender’s Game. We will have a discussion and go over questions for Chapter 15.
Thursday, June 22nd:
Please bring your grammar book today. We will go over pages 163 - 164; exercises 2 - 3; “adjective clauses”. This will be due on Friday, June 23rd.
Work on Activity #16; “Sociogram”; and Activity #17; “Character Charts” for Ender’s Game.
Friday, June 23rd:
Your notebooks are due today. Please turn them in at the top of the hour.
We will quickly go over your grammar homework; “adjective clauses”; and then jsut as quickly go over pages 165 - 166; exercise 4; “adverbial clauses”. This will be due on Monday, June 26th.
You will be given time to work with your group on the culminating assignment for Ender’s Game.
Monday, June 26th:
We will go over today’s homework; English Workshop; pages 165 - 166; exercise 4; “adverbial clauses”.
For 1st Period: Your final will be at 7:40 on Thursday, June 29th.
For 2nd Period: Your final will be at 7:40 on Tuesday, June 27th.
Your final will consist of an essay on Ender’s Game which will be due at the top of the hour on the day of the final. You and your group will present to the class on the day of the final:
A board game
Or written and drawn instructions for a video game based on Ender’s Game.
Or a screenplay for a scene from Ender’s Game.
Or a videotaped scene from Ender’s Game (with an accompanying script).
Weeks of June 12th - June 30th
Monday, June 12th:
1st and 2nd Period:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary worksheets: Activity #4 ; Chapters 1 - 4 in Ender’s game.
Break into our “platoons” and read, summarize, work on vocabulary and character relationships in Chapters 6 and 7 in Ender’s Game.
Turn in pages 151 and 152. gerund phrases in English Workshop.
Tuesday, June 13th:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary worksheets: Activity #5; Chapters 5 - 6 in Ender’s Game.
Climb aboard our spaceships and read, summarize, work on vocabulary and character relationships in Chapter 7 in Ender’s Game.
For homework: Answer questions for Chapters 1 - 6 in Ender’s Game.
Wednesday, June 14th:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary worksheets: Activity #6; Chapter 7.
Don our space suits, climb aboard our spaceships and read, summarize, work on vocabulary and character relationships in Chapter 8 in Ender’s Game.
For homework: Answer questions for Chapter 7.
Thursday, June 15th:
Please bring your English Workshop. We will quickly dispatch pages 157 - 158; “appositives”; exercises 15 - 16. This will be due on Monday, June 19th.
We will read Chapter 9 in Ender’s Game. We will go over a “Foreshadowing Chart”; activity #13 for Ender’s Game and of course, don’t forget your “captain’s log.”
We will also learn who John Locke and Demosthenes were and why Peter and Valentine may have chosen those pseudonyms.
For homework: work on answers for Chapter 9 in Ender’s Game.
Friday, June 16th:
Thanks to Torie Henry who came up with a cool little teaching game to help us understand “appositives”. It’s sort of a cross between an acting exercise (where you have to start your sentence with the last letter of the last sentence spoken by your partner) and a grammar game (where you and your partner can only speak to each other using appositives).
Today we will read Chapter 10.
For homework please read Chapter 11 and 12 and answer questions on your handout.
Monday, June 19th:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on vocabulary handouts for Chapter 10. Activity #8; Chapter 11; Activity #9 and Chapters 12 - 13; Activity #10.
Quickly dispatch English Workshop homework: “appositives”; pages 157 - 158.
Read Chapter 13 and of course, do our “captain’s log”!
For homework answer questions for Chapter 13.
Tuesday, June 20th:
Please bring your grammar book for today we will work on “clauses”; pages 161 - 162; exercise 1 will be assigned today. This will be due on Wednesday, June 21st.
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on character handouts, “Conflict”; Activity #14 for Ender’s Game.
Read Chapter 14 and of course, do “Captain’s Log”!
Wednesday, June 21st:
7:40 - 8:00 am: Work on the “Venn Diagram” for Ender and Peter and answer questions for Chapter 14.
We will quickly go over our grammar homework: pages 161 - 162; exercise 1; “clauses”.
We will then don our space suits and and read Chapter 15 in Ender’s Game. We will have a discussion and go over questions for Chapter 15.
Thursday, June 22nd:
Please bring your grammar book today. We will go over pages 163 - 164; exercises 2 - 3; “adjective clauses”. This will be due on Friday, June 23rd.
Work on Activity #16; “Sociogram”; and Activity #17; “Character Charts” for Ender’s Game.
Friday, June 23rd:
Your notebooks are due today. Please turn them in at the top of the hour.
We will quickly go over your grammar homework; “adjective clauses”; and then jsut as quickly go over pages 165 - 166; exercise 4; “adverbial clauses”. This will be due on Monday, June 26th.
You will be given time to work with your group on the culminating assignment for Ender’s Game.
Monday, June 26th:
We will go over today’s homework; English Workshop; pages 165 - 166; exercise 4; “adverbial clauses”.
For 1st Period: Your final will be at 7:40 on Thursday, June 29th.
For 2nd Period: Your final will be at 7:40 on Tuesday, June 27th.
Your final will consist of an essay on Ender’s Game which will be due at the top of the hour on the day of the final. You and your group will present to the class on the day of the final:
A board game
Or written and drawn instructions for a video game based on Ender’s Game.
Or a screenplay for a scene from Ender’s Game.
Or a videotaped scene from Ender’s Game (with an accompanying script).
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
1. Title page with name, period and date
2. Syllabus
3. Table of Contents
4. Vocabulary for the High School Student
a. Vocabulary homework pages 30 - 33
b. Vocabulary test over pages 30 - 33
c. Vocabulary test corrections
d. Vocabulary homework pages 35 - 39
e. Vocabulary homework pages 61 - 68
f. Vocabulary journals
a. English Workshop; pages 107 - 108
b. English Workshop; pages 109 - 110; Verb phrases
c. Daily work; Misplaced Modifiers
d. English Workshop; pages 141 - 142; Prepositional phrases
e. English Workshop; pages 115 - 116; Prepositions
f. English Workshop; pages 143 - 144; Adjective/Adverbial phrases
g. English Workshop; pages 147 - 148; Participial phrases
h. English Workshop; pages 149 - 150; Gerunds
i. English Workshop; pages 150 - 151; Gerund phrases
j. English Workshop; pages 157 - 158; Appositives
k. English Workshop; pages 161 - 162; Clauses
l. English Workshop; pages 163 - 164; Adjective clauses
m. English Workshop; pages 165 - 166; Adverbial clauses
6. Essays
a. Vacation
b. Memory Essay
c. Bullying Essay
d. A Defenseless Creature and “A Woman Too Soon”
e. Romeo and Juliet essay
f. Essay writing handouts:
1. Format for Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
2. Graphic organizers
7. Literature
a. “Paula” by Isabel Allende handout
b. “Tips on Reading Difficult Poetry”
c. “How to Find the Theme”
a. 1-9 Shakespeare Handout; “Words from Shakespeare”
b. 1-10 Shakespeare Handout; “Phrases from Shakespeare”
c. Shakespearean Insults
d. Oxymoron Handout
e. “Queen Mab” Handout
f. “Love Connections”
g. Iambic pentameter Handout
h. Acts 1 - 5 Packets
i. Acts 1 - 5 Tests plus corrections
j. Reading logs for Romeo and Juliet
k. Notes
a. Vocabulary handouts
b. Chapters 1 - 15 Questions
c. Character/Conflict/Theme handouts from Ender’s Game
d. “Summaries, Vocabulary, Questions, and Character Packets
e. Reading logs
f. Demosthenes and Locke handouts
a. Cool stuff you want to put in your notebook to show who you are!
1. Title page with name, period and date
2. Syllabus
3. Table of Contents
4. Vocabulary for the High School Student
a. Vocabulary homework pages 30 - 33
b. Vocabulary test over pages 30 - 33
c. Vocabulary test corrections
d. Vocabulary homework pages 35 - 39
e. Vocabulary homework pages 61 - 68
f. Vocabulary journals
a. English Workshop; pages 107 - 108
b. English Workshop; pages 109 - 110; Verb phrases
c. Daily work; Misplaced Modifiers
d. English Workshop; pages 141 - 142; Prepositional phrases
e. English Workshop; pages 115 - 116; Prepositions
f. English Workshop; pages 143 - 144; Adjective/Adverbial phrases
g. English Workshop; pages 147 - 148; Participial phrases
h. English Workshop; pages 149 - 150; Gerunds
i. English Workshop; pages 150 - 151; Gerund phrases
j. English Workshop; pages 157 - 158; Appositives
k. English Workshop; pages 161 - 162; Clauses
l. English Workshop; pages 163 - 164; Adjective clauses
m. English Workshop; pages 165 - 166; Adverbial clauses
6. Essays
a. Vacation
b. Memory Essay
c. Bullying Essay
d. A Defenseless Creature and “A Woman Too Soon”
e. Romeo and Juliet essay
f. Essay writing handouts:
1. Format for Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
2. Graphic organizers
7. Literature
a. “Paula” by Isabel Allende handout
b. “Tips on Reading Difficult Poetry”
c. “How to Find the Theme”
a. 1-9 Shakespeare Handout; “Words from Shakespeare”
b. 1-10 Shakespeare Handout; “Phrases from Shakespeare”
c. Shakespearean Insults
d. Oxymoron Handout
e. “Queen Mab” Handout
f. “Love Connections”
g. Iambic pentameter Handout
h. Acts 1 - 5 Packets
i. Acts 1 - 5 Tests plus corrections
j. Reading logs for Romeo and Juliet
k. Notes
a. Vocabulary handouts
b. Chapters 1 - 15 Questions
c. Character/Conflict/Theme handouts from Ender’s Game
d. “Summaries, Vocabulary, Questions, and Character Packets
e. Reading logs
f. Demosthenes and Locke handouts
a. Cool stuff you want to put in your notebook to show who you are!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
June 5, 2006
Weekly Schedule for
9th Grade
Monday, June 5th:
First and Second Periods:
Please bring your English Workshop book today. Gerunds, pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10 will be assigned today. It will be due tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th.
We will begin reading Ender’s Game today! And of course, we will also begin our “Captain’s Log” (reading log) to chart our journey to a galaxy far, far away.
Fourth Period:
Please bring your English Workshop today. Gerunds; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9 will be due tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th.
We will begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird today and of course, we will begin our reading log.
Tuesday, June 6th:
First and Second Periods:
Turn in English Workshop grammar homework today; pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10.
Vocabulary handout (Activity #4; page 6) and Study Guide Questions; Chapters
1 - 2; pp. 1 - 15.
Continue reading Ender’s Game and do your “Captain’s Log”.
Fourth Period:
Turn in English Workshop grammar homework today; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9.
Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird and doing your reading log.
Wednesday, June 7th:
First and Second Periods:
Grammar game!
Continue reading! Vocabulary handout; “Word Map”; Activity #5; Chapters 5 - 6;
Fourth Periods:
Grammar game!
Continue reading! Because we have only three weeks left of school, it will be necessary for you to read about fifteen pages a night on your own.
Thursday, June 8th:
Please bring your English grammar book; “Gerund Phrases”; pages 151 - 152; exercises 11 and 12 will be assigned today and will be due on Monday, June 12th.
Continue reading Ender’s Game and working on your “Captain’s Log”.
Work on your study guide questions for chapters 3 - 4; pp. 16 - 36.
Fourth Period:
Please bring your English grammar book today. “Gerund Phrases”; pages 159 - 160; exercises 10 - 11 will be assigned today. It will be due on Monday, June 12th.
Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird and working on your reading logs. Please read the next fifteen pages of To Kill a Mockingbird for homework tonight.
Friday, June 9th:
Grammar game!
Continue reading Ender’s Game and working on your “Captain’s Log”. Work on your study guide questions for chapters 5 - 6; pp. 37 - 65.
Fourth Period:
Grammar game!
Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird and working on your reading logs. Please read the next fifteen pages of To Kill a Mockingbird over the weekend.
Weekly Schedule for
9th Grade
Monday, June 5th:
First and Second Periods:
Please bring your English Workshop book today. Gerunds, pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10 will be assigned today. It will be due tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th.
We will begin reading Ender’s Game today! And of course, we will also begin our “Captain’s Log” (reading log) to chart our journey to a galaxy far, far away.
Fourth Period:
Please bring your English Workshop today. Gerunds; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9 will be due tomorrow, Tuesday, June 6th.
We will begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird today and of course, we will begin our reading log.
Tuesday, June 6th:
First and Second Periods:
Turn in English Workshop grammar homework today; pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10.
Vocabulary handout (Activity #4; page 6) and Study Guide Questions; Chapters
1 - 2; pp. 1 - 15.
Continue reading Ender’s Game and do your “Captain’s Log”.
Fourth Period:
Turn in English Workshop grammar homework today; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9.
Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird and doing your reading log.
Wednesday, June 7th:
First and Second Periods:
Grammar game!
Continue reading! Vocabulary handout; “Word Map”; Activity #5; Chapters 5 - 6;
Fourth Periods:
Grammar game!
Continue reading! Because we have only three weeks left of school, it will be necessary for you to read about fifteen pages a night on your own.
Thursday, June 8th:
Please bring your English grammar book; “Gerund Phrases”; pages 151 - 152; exercises 11 and 12 will be assigned today and will be due on Monday, June 12th.
Continue reading Ender’s Game and working on your “Captain’s Log”.
Work on your study guide questions for chapters 3 - 4; pp. 16 - 36.
Fourth Period:
Please bring your English grammar book today. “Gerund Phrases”; pages 159 - 160; exercises 10 - 11 will be assigned today. It will be due on Monday, June 12th.
Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird and working on your reading logs. Please read the next fifteen pages of To Kill a Mockingbird for homework tonight.
Friday, June 9th:
Grammar game!
Continue reading Ender’s Game and working on your “Captain’s Log”. Work on your study guide questions for chapters 5 - 6; pp. 37 - 65.
Fourth Period:
Grammar game!
Continue reading To Kill a Mockingbird and working on your reading logs. Please read the next fifteen pages of To Kill a Mockingbird over the weekend.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Tuesday, May 30th:
I hope we are all refreshed from our wonderful three day weekend. Today you will be given some time to work together in your groups on your Romeo and Juliet rewrites.
I changed the due date for your reading log for Romeo and Juliet - surprise! It’s due today! But if you’ve been doing all along what I have suggested, it shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve been working on it every day we’ve been reading the play so it should be finished. Right? Right! So turn in your reading log today.
Today I will check out Ender’s Game to first and second period. Please read the first chapter tonight.
To Kill a Mockingbird will be checked out to fourth period today. Please read the first chapter tonight.
Wednesday, May 31:
Today we will begin presenting our scenes. After you do your scene you will turn your script into me - one per group.
We will begin reading and working on our new books - Enders Game for first and second period, and To Kill a Mockingbird for fourth period.
Thursday, June 1st:
Finish up the scenes today. Your Romeo and Juliet essay and Acts 1 - 5 packets will be due today.
Continue reading our books plus do our reading logs!
Friday, June 2nd:
First and Second Period:
Please bring your English Workshop; we will go over gerunds; pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10. This will be due on Tuesday, June 6th.
Continue reading Ender’s Game
Fourth Period:
We will go over gerunds; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9 in English Workshop;
this will be due on Tuesday, June 6th.
Tuesday, May 30th:
I hope we are all refreshed from our wonderful three day weekend. Today you will be given some time to work together in your groups on your Romeo and Juliet rewrites.
I changed the due date for your reading log for Romeo and Juliet - surprise! It’s due today! But if you’ve been doing all along what I have suggested, it shouldn’t be a problem. You’ve been working on it every day we’ve been reading the play so it should be finished. Right? Right! So turn in your reading log today.
Today I will check out Ender’s Game to first and second period. Please read the first chapter tonight.
To Kill a Mockingbird will be checked out to fourth period today. Please read the first chapter tonight.
Wednesday, May 31:
Today we will begin presenting our scenes. After you do your scene you will turn your script into me - one per group.
We will begin reading and working on our new books - Enders Game for first and second period, and To Kill a Mockingbird for fourth period.
Thursday, June 1st:
Finish up the scenes today. Your Romeo and Juliet essay and Acts 1 - 5 packets will be due today.
Continue reading our books plus do our reading logs!
Friday, June 2nd:
First and Second Period:
Please bring your English Workshop; we will go over gerunds; pages 149 - 150; exercises 9 and 10. This will be due on Tuesday, June 6th.
Continue reading Ender’s Game
Fourth Period:
We will go over gerunds; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 - 9 in English Workshop;
this will be due on Tuesday, June 6th.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
1. Does Romeo have a death wish? Be sure to reference all the things he
says in Act 1, Scenes 1 - 4 (particularly Scene 4 between Romeo and
Mercutio) and again Romeo’s soliloquy at the beginning of Act 5, Scene
1 before Balthasar enters.
2. Discuss Shakespeare’s use of light and dark in Romeo and Juliet. Be sure to
provide supporting evidence from the play. Be sure to include
quotations from Act 1, Scene 1, in which Benvolio and Lord Montague use
references of darkness to describe Romeo’s mood; quotations from Act,
Scene 4 in which Romeo uses metaphors of light/heaviness and light/darkness
to describe his emotional state. Please be sure to reference Romeo’s famous
lines from Act 2, Scene 2, in which he sees Juliet on the balcony (“What light
through yonder window breaks? It is the East and Juliet is the sun!”) Be sure
to look through the rest of the play and find other examples to support your
3. Discuss the lack of parental involvement in the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Be
sure to include the observation that the Nurse and the Friar serve as parental
substitutes. Show that the lack of parental involvement is one of the reasons
for the tragic outcome of the story.
4. Discuss how Juliet’s decision at the end of Act 3 not to include the Nurse in
her confidences leads to her death.
5. Discuss how Shakespeare uses metaphor to convey time and place in
Romeo and Juliet.
6. Compare and contrast the Friar and the apothecary in Romeo and Juliet and
show how the apothecary is the foil of the Friar. A foil is a character who
is the opposite of another in order to show the characteristics of both
characters. Sometimes the best way to understand a character is to
show what the character is not and the writer does this by creating another
character who is his/her opposite. By seeing this contrast, the reader or
audience can more clearly see and understand the characters.
7. Discuss the relationship between Lord and Lady Capulet. Discuss the
scenes in which they appear and create an arc that traces their relationship.
You need to take a position regarding their relationship and support your
thesis by using evidence from the play that shows they have a loving,
respectful relationship or an unhealthy, abusive relationship.
8. Discuss Lord Capulet’s personality in the play. Be sure to include all the
scenes in which Lord Capulet appears and trace the arc of his personality
throughout the play. Be sure to take a position regarding his personality and
use evidence from the play to support your position.
9. Discuss whether or not the lovers’ fate was written in the stars or if their
“fate” was the result of bad choices and judgments by the parties involved.
Again, use evidence from the play to prove your thesis.
10. Discuss Shakespeare’s many references to both the wedding bed and to
death. You may also wish to include the many instances of foreshadowing
in the play. Be sure to include evidence from the play to support your thesis.
1. Does Romeo have a death wish? Be sure to reference all the things he
says in Act 1, Scenes 1 - 4 (particularly Scene 4 between Romeo and
Mercutio) and again Romeo’s soliloquy at the beginning of Act 5, Scene
1 before Balthasar enters.
2. Discuss Shakespeare’s use of light and dark in Romeo and Juliet. Be sure to
provide supporting evidence from the play. Be sure to include
quotations from Act 1, Scene 1, in which Benvolio and Lord Montague use
references of darkness to describe Romeo’s mood; quotations from Act,
Scene 4 in which Romeo uses metaphors of light/heaviness and light/darkness
to describe his emotional state. Please be sure to reference Romeo’s famous
lines from Act 2, Scene 2, in which he sees Juliet on the balcony (“What light
through yonder window breaks? It is the East and Juliet is the sun!”) Be sure
to look through the rest of the play and find other examples to support your
3. Discuss the lack of parental involvement in the lives of Romeo and Juliet. Be
sure to include the observation that the Nurse and the Friar serve as parental
substitutes. Show that the lack of parental involvement is one of the reasons
for the tragic outcome of the story.
4. Discuss how Juliet’s decision at the end of Act 3 not to include the Nurse in
her confidences leads to her death.
5. Discuss how Shakespeare uses metaphor to convey time and place in
Romeo and Juliet.
6. Compare and contrast the Friar and the apothecary in Romeo and Juliet and
show how the apothecary is the foil of the Friar. A foil is a character who
is the opposite of another in order to show the characteristics of both
characters. Sometimes the best way to understand a character is to
show what the character is not and the writer does this by creating another
character who is his/her opposite. By seeing this contrast, the reader or
audience can more clearly see and understand the characters.
7. Discuss the relationship between Lord and Lady Capulet. Discuss the
scenes in which they appear and create an arc that traces their relationship.
You need to take a position regarding their relationship and support your
thesis by using evidence from the play that shows they have a loving,
respectful relationship or an unhealthy, abusive relationship.
8. Discuss Lord Capulet’s personality in the play. Be sure to include all the
scenes in which Lord Capulet appears and trace the arc of his personality
throughout the play. Be sure to take a position regarding his personality and
use evidence from the play to support your position.
9. Discuss whether or not the lovers’ fate was written in the stars or if their
“fate” was the result of bad choices and judgments by the parties involved.
Again, use evidence from the play to prove your thesis.
10. Discuss Shakespeare’s many references to both the wedding bed and to
death. You may also wish to include the many instances of foreshadowing
in the play. Be sure to include evidence from the play to support your thesis.
May 22, 2006
Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, May 22nd:
District Assessment for Literary Analysis
(Ye gads! More testing!)
We are going to briefly go over a cool little lesson plan on how to find the theme of a story, a play or novel.
We will go over the short constructed response and then we will quickly go over the rudiments of how to write an essay in preparation for - yes, you’re right - for writing a five paragraph essay on the theme(s) for “Too Soon A Woman” and Neil Simon’s A Defenseless Creature.
You wll also be given a list of Romeo and Juliet essay topics to choose from to write your essay. The ROMEO AND JULIET essay will be due on Friday, May 26th.
Tuesday, May 23rd:
You will be given time in class to write the district mandated literary analysis of "Too Soon a Woman" and Neil Simon's A DEFENSELESS CREATURE. The window for the grading of the essay closes on May 29th; and grades are due on Tuesday, May 30th. Due to the time constraints, the district mandated essay will be due at the end of the period on Tuesday, May 23rd.
Wednesday, May 24th:
Today we can have some fun! Break into groups, choose an event from Romeo and Juliet and rewrite it in modern American English. We will start presenting these on Friday!
Thursday, May 25th:
Continue working on your scenes.
Friday, May 26th:
Begin presenting your scenes. Don’t forget that you have to have a script with your presentation!
Next week first and second period will begin reading Ender’s Game and fourth period will begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Next week we will also return to grammar and vocabulary homework
Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, May 22nd:
District Assessment for Literary Analysis
(Ye gads! More testing!)
We are going to briefly go over a cool little lesson plan on how to find the theme of a story, a play or novel.
We will go over the short constructed response and then we will quickly go over the rudiments of how to write an essay in preparation for - yes, you’re right - for writing a five paragraph essay on the theme(s) for “Too Soon A Woman” and Neil Simon’s A Defenseless Creature.
You wll also be given a list of Romeo and Juliet essay topics to choose from to write your essay. The ROMEO AND JULIET essay will be due on Friday, May 26th.
Tuesday, May 23rd:
You will be given time in class to write the district mandated literary analysis of "Too Soon a Woman" and Neil Simon's A DEFENSELESS CREATURE. The window for the grading of the essay closes on May 29th; and grades are due on Tuesday, May 30th. Due to the time constraints, the district mandated essay will be due at the end of the period on Tuesday, May 23rd.
Wednesday, May 24th:
Today we can have some fun! Break into groups, choose an event from Romeo and Juliet and rewrite it in modern American English. We will start presenting these on Friday!
Thursday, May 25th:
Continue working on your scenes.
Friday, May 26th:
Begin presenting your scenes. Don’t forget that you have to have a script with your presentation!
Next week first and second period will begin reading Ender’s Game and fourth period will begin reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Next week we will also return to grammar and vocabulary homework
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Weekly Schedule
May 15, 2006
9th Grade English
Monday, May 15th:
First and Second Periods:
Review for Act 5 test!
Fourth Period:
Act 5 Test!
Tuesday, May 16th:
No second period today!
First Period:
Act 5 Test!
Fourth Period:
Break into groups and rewrite scenes into modern day American.
Wednesday, May 17th:
First Period:
Break into groups and work on rewrites of Romeo and Juliet.
Second Period:
Act 5 test today!
No Fourth Period today!
Thursday, May 18th:
First Period:
Break into groups and work on rewrites of Romeo and Juliet.
Second Period:
Break into groups and work on rewrites of Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, May 19th:
First Period:
Present scripts and rewrites of your scenes.
Fourth Period:
Present scripts and rewrites of your scenes.
Your essay, your packets, and your reading log will be due on Monday, May 22nd.
May 15, 2006
9th Grade English
Monday, May 15th:
First and Second Periods:
Review for Act 5 test!
Fourth Period:
Act 5 Test!
Tuesday, May 16th:
No second period today!
First Period:
Act 5 Test!
Fourth Period:
Break into groups and rewrite scenes into modern day American.
Wednesday, May 17th:
First Period:
Break into groups and work on rewrites of Romeo and Juliet.
Second Period:
Act 5 test today!
No Fourth Period today!
Thursday, May 18th:
First Period:
Break into groups and work on rewrites of Romeo and Juliet.
Second Period:
Break into groups and work on rewrites of Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, May 19th:
First Period:
Present scripts and rewrites of your scenes.
Fourth Period:
Present scripts and rewrites of your scenes.
Your essay, your packets, and your reading log will be due on Monday, May 22nd.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Weekly Schedule
May 8, 2006
for 9th Grade English
Monday, May 8th:
We need to finish reading Romeo and Juliet before we begin testing for the CST. So this week we will be concentrating on finishing the play.
First and Second Periods:
Today we will review Act 4, in preparation for the test on Tuesday, May 9th. Please be sure to bring your Act 4 packet. We will go over the vocabulary, the comprehension, the literary terms and the grammar for the test tomorrow.
Fourth Period:
We will have the test over Act 4 today.
Tuesday, May 9th:
First and Second Periods:
Today we will have a test over Act 4.
Fourth Period:
We will begin Act 5 today of Romeo and Juliet. Don’t forget your reading logs!
Wednesday, May 10th:
Read Act 5 today in Romeo and Juliet. Don’t forget your reading logs! Remember, your reading logs will be due when we finish reading the play. It is a major part of your grade!
Thursday, May 11th:
Continue reading Romeo and Juliet today.
Friday, May 12th:
Continue reading Romeo and Juliet.
When we are finished, we will have a final and a major essay over the play. The culminating assignment will be for the class to break into groups, choose an event from the play (the street fight in Act 1, Scene 1 or in Act 3, Scene 2 for example), rewrite it and act it out. You will be graded on the script and the final
presentation of the scene.
May 8, 2006
for 9th Grade English
Monday, May 8th:
We need to finish reading Romeo and Juliet before we begin testing for the CST. So this week we will be concentrating on finishing the play.
First and Second Periods:
Today we will review Act 4, in preparation for the test on Tuesday, May 9th. Please be sure to bring your Act 4 packet. We will go over the vocabulary, the comprehension, the literary terms and the grammar for the test tomorrow.
Fourth Period:
We will have the test over Act 4 today.
Tuesday, May 9th:
First and Second Periods:
Today we will have a test over Act 4.
Fourth Period:
We will begin Act 5 today of Romeo and Juliet. Don’t forget your reading logs!
Wednesday, May 10th:
Read Act 5 today in Romeo and Juliet. Don’t forget your reading logs! Remember, your reading logs will be due when we finish reading the play. It is a major part of your grade!
Thursday, May 11th:
Continue reading Romeo and Juliet today.
Friday, May 12th:
Continue reading Romeo and Juliet.
When we are finished, we will have a final and a major essay over the play. The culminating assignment will be for the class to break into groups, choose an event from the play (the street fight in Act 1, Scene 1 or in Act 3, Scene 2 for example), rewrite it and act it out. You will be graded on the script and the final
presentation of the scene.
Friday, April 28, 2006
May 1st Weekly Schedule for 9th Grade English
May 1st
Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, May 1st:
Review for Act lll test; go over vocabulary and suspense packet.
Tuesday, May 2nd:
Romeo and Juliet Act lll test
Bring your English Workshop
1st and 2nd Period:
Assign English Workshop; pages 147 - 148; exercises 7 and 8; “Participial
Phrase”; will be due on Thursday, May 4th.
4th Period:
Assign English Workshop; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 and 9; “Gerunds”. This will be due on Thursday, May 5th.
Wednesday, May 3rd:
Read Romeo and Juliet; Act lV; reading log.
1st and 2nd Period:
Journal: Write ten sentences using ten of your vocabulary words from your vocabulary book; pages 61 - 68, and using participles and participial phrase.
4th Period:
Same but write five sentences with participial phrases and five sentences with gerunds.
Thursday, May 4th:
Shortened day!
Read Romeo and Juliet and work on reading logs.
Collect English Workshop homework.
Friday, May 5th:
Read Romeo and Juliet and work on reading logs.
Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, May 1st:
Review for Act lll test; go over vocabulary and suspense packet.
Tuesday, May 2nd:
Romeo and Juliet Act lll test
Bring your English Workshop
1st and 2nd Period:
Assign English Workshop; pages 147 - 148; exercises 7 and 8; “Participial
Phrase”; will be due on Thursday, May 4th.
4th Period:
Assign English Workshop; pages 157 - 158; exercises 8 and 9; “Gerunds”. This will be due on Thursday, May 5th.
Wednesday, May 3rd:
Read Romeo and Juliet; Act lV; reading log.
1st and 2nd Period:
Journal: Write ten sentences using ten of your vocabulary words from your vocabulary book; pages 61 - 68, and using participles and participial phrase.
4th Period:
Same but write five sentences with participial phrases and five sentences with gerunds.
Thursday, May 4th:
Shortened day!
Read Romeo and Juliet and work on reading logs.
Collect English Workshop homework.
Friday, May 5th:
Read Romeo and Juliet and work on reading logs.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
April 24th Weekly Schedule
9th Grade English
Monday, April 24th:
Journal: Write a short story using your vocabulary words on pages 61 - 68 from Vocabulary For High School.
We are going to be reading, acting out, running around with swords and swashbuckling through Act lll of Romeo and Juliet.
And of course, we will do our reading logs!
Vocabulary homework is due today! Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 61 - 68.
Tuesday, April 25th:
Continue reading, acting out, running around with swords and swashbuckling through Act lll of Romeo and Juliet.
And of course, we will do our reading logs!
First and Second Period:
English Workshop; pages 145 - 146; exercises 5 and 6; “Verbals and Verb Phrases” will be assigned today. The homework will be due on Thursday, April 25th.
Fourth Period:
English Workshop; pages 155 - 156; exercise 7; “Participial Phrases” will be due on Thursday, April 25th.
Wednesday, April 26th:
Work on Act lll Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension packet. When we are finished with Act lll, we will have a test over reading comprehension, vocabulary, and figurative language found in Act lll.
Fun little grammar and vocabulary game today (vocabulary from Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 61 - 62.)
Thursday, April 27th:
Test over Act lll!
Your grammar is due today!
First and Second Period:
English Workshop; pages 145 - 146; exercises 5 and 6;"Verbals and Verb Phrases" are due today.
Fourth Period:
English Workshop; pages 155 - 156; exercise 7; "Participial Phrases" are due today.
Friday, April 28th:
We will then proceed into Act lV of Romeo and Juliet.
9th Grade English
Monday, April 24th:
Journal: Write a short story using your vocabulary words on pages 61 - 68 from Vocabulary For High School.
We are going to be reading, acting out, running around with swords and swashbuckling through Act lll of Romeo and Juliet.
And of course, we will do our reading logs!
Vocabulary homework is due today! Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 61 - 68.
Tuesday, April 25th:
Continue reading, acting out, running around with swords and swashbuckling through Act lll of Romeo and Juliet.
And of course, we will do our reading logs!
First and Second Period:
English Workshop; pages 145 - 146; exercises 5 and 6; “Verbals and Verb Phrases” will be assigned today. The homework will be due on Thursday, April 25th.
Fourth Period:
English Workshop; pages 155 - 156; exercise 7; “Participial Phrases” will be due on Thursday, April 25th.
Wednesday, April 26th:
Work on Act lll Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension packet. When we are finished with Act lll, we will have a test over reading comprehension, vocabulary, and figurative language found in Act lll.
Fun little grammar and vocabulary game today (vocabulary from Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 61 - 62.)
Thursday, April 27th:
Test over Act lll!
Your grammar is due today!
First and Second Period:
English Workshop; pages 145 - 146; exercises 5 and 6;"Verbals and Verb Phrases" are due today.
Fourth Period:
English Workshop; pages 155 - 156; exercise 7; "Participial Phrases" are due today.
Friday, April 28th:
We will then proceed into Act lV of Romeo and Juliet.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Monday, April 17th:
Finish reading Act 2 for Romeo and Juliet. Work on the Act 2 vocabulary and character packet given to you last week. As soon as we finish reading Act 2 you will be given a test covering comprehension, vocabulary and the beautiful poetry of Shakespeare!
Pass out a copy of Act 2, Scene 2 and for homework find as many examples of personification, metaphors, similes and allusion! What fun, right?
1st and 2nd Period class: Okay, all you “Crocadile Dundees”! You are going to read your voice-over news report on SNAKES!!! (Prepositional Phrases assignment, pages 142; exercise 2; turned in on Friday, April 14th).
After your news reports, we will do a much more sedate assignment on adjective and adverbial phrases in your English Workshop; pages 143-144; exercises 3 and 4. This assignment will be due on Thursday, April 20th.
4th Period: Your English Workshop assignment will be due; adjective and adverbial phrases; pages 151-152; due today! English Workshop; pages 153-154; exercises 5 and 6; “Verbals and Verb Phrases” will be assigned today. This fun assignment is going to be due on Thursday, April 20th.
Tuesday, April 18th:
If we are finished with Act 2, then we will have the test today. If not, then we will push on and finish it. Don’t forget your reading log!
Wednesday, April 19th:
Begin reading Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet. Pass out Act 3 packet. Read, act, run around with swords, and swashbuckle! Don’t forget your reading log!
All three classes: Please bring your vocabulary books, Vocabulary for the High School Students. Pages 61-68 will be asigned. These exercises will be due on Monday, April 24th.
Thursday, April 20th:
Your grammar homework is due.
1st and 2nd Periods: English Workshop; pages 143-144; “Adjective and Adverbial Phrases”; exercises 3 and 4.
4th Period: English Workshop; pages 153-154; exercises 5 and 6; “Verbals and Verb Phrases".
Read, act, run around with swords - we’re doing Romeo and Juliet, Act 3. Don’t forget your reading log. It’s an important part of your grade!
Friday, April 21st:
Read, act, run around with swords and finish up Act 3, and of course, do your reading log. When we finish Act three we will have a test over comprehension, vocabulary, and language.
Monday, April 17th:
Finish reading Act 2 for Romeo and Juliet. Work on the Act 2 vocabulary and character packet given to you last week. As soon as we finish reading Act 2 you will be given a test covering comprehension, vocabulary and the beautiful poetry of Shakespeare!
Pass out a copy of Act 2, Scene 2 and for homework find as many examples of personification, metaphors, similes and allusion! What fun, right?
1st and 2nd Period class: Okay, all you “Crocadile Dundees”! You are going to read your voice-over news report on SNAKES!!! (Prepositional Phrases assignment, pages 142; exercise 2; turned in on Friday, April 14th).
After your news reports, we will do a much more sedate assignment on adjective and adverbial phrases in your English Workshop; pages 143-144; exercises 3 and 4. This assignment will be due on Thursday, April 20th.
4th Period: Your English Workshop assignment will be due; adjective and adverbial phrases; pages 151-152; due today! English Workshop; pages 153-154; exercises 5 and 6; “Verbals and Verb Phrases” will be assigned today. This fun assignment is going to be due on Thursday, April 20th.
Tuesday, April 18th:
If we are finished with Act 2, then we will have the test today. If not, then we will push on and finish it. Don’t forget your reading log!
Wednesday, April 19th:
Begin reading Act 3 of Romeo and Juliet. Pass out Act 3 packet. Read, act, run around with swords, and swashbuckle! Don’t forget your reading log!
All three classes: Please bring your vocabulary books, Vocabulary for the High School Students. Pages 61-68 will be asigned. These exercises will be due on Monday, April 24th.
Thursday, April 20th:
Your grammar homework is due.
1st and 2nd Periods: English Workshop; pages 143-144; “Adjective and Adverbial Phrases”; exercises 3 and 4.
4th Period: English Workshop; pages 153-154; exercises 5 and 6; “Verbals and Verb Phrases".
Read, act, run around with swords - we’re doing Romeo and Juliet, Act 3. Don’t forget your reading log. It’s an important part of your grade!
Friday, April 21st:
Read, act, run around with swords and finish up Act 3, and of course, do your reading log. When we finish Act three we will have a test over comprehension, vocabulary, and language.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Monday, April 10th:
First and Fourth Periods:
Journals: Write a short story using your vocabulary words.
Instead of the traditional vocabulary test, we are going to break into groups of four; choose five words and create either a sketch, a song-and-dance (ala a Broadway musical or a hip-hop video) or a rap using the vocabulary words which will show how to pronounce and use the words. These studies will be performed on Friday in lieu of an orthodox test.
You will have about five or ten minutes a few times this week to work on it. It is a major grade so don’t blow it off.
We will continue reading Act ll, and of course, doing our reading logs.
Second Period:
We will finish going over iambic pentameters today. Tomorrow we will have a wee test over Act 1 and iambic pentameters.
Second Period: look at the above notice to First and Fourth Period. It also applies to you. You will do the same vocabulary study in lieu of a traditional test.
Tuesday, April 11th:
Shortened day today!
First, Second and Fourth Periods:
Your vocabulary will be due today: Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 35 - 37; exercises 26, 27, 28, and 29.
Pass out the Act ll vocabulary and literary packets for Romeo and Juliet.
Read Act ll of Romeo and Juliet.
Second Period:
Take the wee small test over Act l and iambic pentameter.
Wednesday, April 12th:
Go over the vocabulary and literary packets for Act ll for Romeo and Juliet.
Read Act ll and do reading logs.
You will be given about ten minutes today to work on your word studies.
Thursday, April 13th:
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop. Today we will go over adjective clauses. The assignment will be due on Monday, April 17th.
Continue reading Act ll and of course, our reading logs.
Friday, April 14th:
When we are finished with Act ll, there will be a small test which will encompass adjective clauses and the vocabulary words from pages 37 - 39 in our Vocabulary for the High School Student.
We will begin presenting our “word studies” today based on the vocabulary words from pages 35 - 37 in our vocabulary books.
Monday, April 10th:
First and Fourth Periods:
Journals: Write a short story using your vocabulary words.
Instead of the traditional vocabulary test, we are going to break into groups of four; choose five words and create either a sketch, a song-and-dance (ala a Broadway musical or a hip-hop video) or a rap using the vocabulary words which will show how to pronounce and use the words. These studies will be performed on Friday in lieu of an orthodox test.
You will have about five or ten minutes a few times this week to work on it. It is a major grade so don’t blow it off.
We will continue reading Act ll, and of course, doing our reading logs.
Second Period:
We will finish going over iambic pentameters today. Tomorrow we will have a wee test over Act 1 and iambic pentameters.
Second Period: look at the above notice to First and Fourth Period. It also applies to you. You will do the same vocabulary study in lieu of a traditional test.
Tuesday, April 11th:
Shortened day today!
First, Second and Fourth Periods:
Your vocabulary will be due today: Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 35 - 37; exercises 26, 27, 28, and 29.
Pass out the Act ll vocabulary and literary packets for Romeo and Juliet.
Read Act ll of Romeo and Juliet.
Second Period:
Take the wee small test over Act l and iambic pentameter.
Wednesday, April 12th:
Go over the vocabulary and literary packets for Act ll for Romeo and Juliet.
Read Act ll and do reading logs.
You will be given about ten minutes today to work on your word studies.
Thursday, April 13th:
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop. Today we will go over adjective clauses. The assignment will be due on Monday, April 17th.
Continue reading Act ll and of course, our reading logs.
Friday, April 14th:
When we are finished with Act ll, there will be a small test which will encompass adjective clauses and the vocabulary words from pages 37 - 39 in our Vocabulary for the High School Student.
We will begin presenting our “word studies” today based on the vocabulary words from pages 35 - 37 in our vocabulary books.
Friday, March 31, 2006
April 3rd
First Period:
Make masks. Act out Act 1, Scene 5; “the party scene”.
Second Period:
Finish reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet.
Fourth Period:
Act out Act 1, Scene 5; “the party scene”.
“Queen Mab” illustration due today.
Shortened Day!
First Period:
Go over iambic pentameter in the Act One handout for Rome and Juliet.
“Queen Mab” illustration due today.
Second Period:
Make masks. Act out Act 1, Scene 5; “the party scene”.
Assign “Queen Mab” illustration. This will be due on Thursday, April 6th.
Fourth Period:
Go over iambic pentameter in the Act One handout for Romeo and Juliet.
First Period:
Wee small test over Act One in Romeo and Juliet.
Bring your English Grammar Workshop; grammar will be due on Friday.
Second Period:
Go over iambic pentameter in the Act One handout for Romeo and Juliet.
Fourth Period:
Wee small quiz over iambic pentameter.
Bring your English Grammar Workshop; grammar will be due on Friday.
First Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Pass out Act Two vocabulary and literary packet.
Second Period:
Wee small test over Act One in Romeo and Juliet.
Bring your English Grammar Workshop; grammar will be due on Monday.
Fourth Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Pass out Act Two vocabulary and literary packet.
First Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Bring your Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 35-37; this will
be due on Tuesday, April 11th.
Second Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Pass out Act Two vocabulary and literary packet.
Bring your Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 35 -37; this will
be due on Tuesday, April 11th.
Fourth Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Bring your Vocabulary for the High School Sudent; pages 35-37; this will be
due on Tuesday, April 11th.
First Period:
Make masks. Act out Act 1, Scene 5; “the party scene”.
Second Period:
Finish reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet.
Fourth Period:
Act out Act 1, Scene 5; “the party scene”.
“Queen Mab” illustration due today.
Shortened Day!
First Period:
Go over iambic pentameter in the Act One handout for Rome and Juliet.
“Queen Mab” illustration due today.
Second Period:
Make masks. Act out Act 1, Scene 5; “the party scene”.
Assign “Queen Mab” illustration. This will be due on Thursday, April 6th.
Fourth Period:
Go over iambic pentameter in the Act One handout for Romeo and Juliet.
First Period:
Wee small test over Act One in Romeo and Juliet.
Bring your English Grammar Workshop; grammar will be due on Friday.
Second Period:
Go over iambic pentameter in the Act One handout for Romeo and Juliet.
Fourth Period:
Wee small quiz over iambic pentameter.
Bring your English Grammar Workshop; grammar will be due on Friday.
First Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Pass out Act Two vocabulary and literary packet.
Second Period:
Wee small test over Act One in Romeo and Juliet.
Bring your English Grammar Workshop; grammar will be due on Monday.
Fourth Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Pass out Act Two vocabulary and literary packet.
First Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Bring your Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 35-37; this will
be due on Tuesday, April 11th.
Second Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Pass out Act Two vocabulary and literary packet.
Bring your Vocabulary for the High School Student; pages 35 -37; this will
be due on Tuesday, April 11th.
Fourth Period:
Read Act Two in Romeo and Juliet. Do reading logs.
Bring your Vocabulary for the High School Sudent; pages 35-37; this will be
due on Tuesday, April 11th.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Monday, March 27th:
Expository Essay and Assessment test. Be prepared to write an essay during class. You will only have two days to do it and it cannnot be taken home.
Fourth Period: Go over last Friday’s homework, English Workshop; exercises 11 and 12; pages 139 - 140; “Complements”.
Queen Mab assignment is due today: Illustrate four scenes from Queen Mab and write the corresponding quotations underneath your illustrations.
Tuesday, March 28th:
More of the Expository Essay and Assessment test.
Wednesday, March 29th:
The end of the Expository Essay and Assessment test.
Thursday, March 30th:
1st and 2nd Period English: Read and act out Act One of Romeo and Juliet.
Assign Queen Mab assignment: Illustrate four scenes from Queen Mab and write the corresponding quotations underneath your illustrations.
4th Period:
Create masks and act out Act 1, Scene V, the party scene in Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, March 31st:
First and Second Period:
Finish reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet; as soon as we are finished we will create masks and act out the party scene for Romeo and Juliet. We will also have a small test over Act 1 as well.
Fourth Period:
We will go over iambic pentameter and rhyme; expect a small test.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
March 20th
Weekly Schedule
for 9th Grade
Monday, March 20th:
Six-Way Paragraph.
Use ten vocabulary words in sentences using adverbial clauses.
Start Romeo and Juliet.
Don’t forget to do reading logs!
Spout Shakespeare and run around with swords!
Tuesday, March 21st:
Wee small vocabulary test over words on pages 30-33 in Vocabulary for High School Students.
Continue reading Act l of Romeo and Juliet.
Act 1, do “Oxymoron” handout.
Find at least three examples of personification, imagery, metaphor and similes in Act l, identify them, write the quotations and then draw a picture - stick figures will be fine! - to illustrate the quotations.
Wednesday, March 22nd:
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop; we will go over direct and indirect objects. The homework will be due on Friday.
Continue reading Romeo and Juliet and running around spouting Shakespeare and brandishing toy swords.
Vocabulary and Literary packet handout over Act 1.
Thursday, March 23rd:
Small grammar handout.
We will continue reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. As soon as we are finished, we will have a small quiz over it.
Friday, March 24th:
Continue reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. As soon as we are finished we will have a small quiz over it.
Collect and go over grammar home work from Wednesday, March 22nd.
Weekly Schedule
for 9th Grade
Monday, March 20th:
Six-Way Paragraph.
Use ten vocabulary words in sentences using adverbial clauses.
Start Romeo and Juliet.
Don’t forget to do reading logs!
Spout Shakespeare and run around with swords!
Tuesday, March 21st:
Wee small vocabulary test over words on pages 30-33 in Vocabulary for High School Students.
Continue reading Act l of Romeo and Juliet.
Act 1, do “Oxymoron” handout.
Find at least three examples of personification, imagery, metaphor and similes in Act l, identify them, write the quotations and then draw a picture - stick figures will be fine! - to illustrate the quotations.
Wednesday, March 22nd:
Please bring your grammar book, English Workshop; we will go over direct and indirect objects. The homework will be due on Friday.
Continue reading Romeo and Juliet and running around spouting Shakespeare and brandishing toy swords.
Vocabulary and Literary packet handout over Act 1.
Thursday, March 23rd:
Small grammar handout.
We will continue reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. As soon as we are finished, we will have a small quiz over it.
Friday, March 24th:
Continue reading Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet. As soon as we are finished we will have a small quiz over it.
Collect and go over grammar home work from Wednesday, March 22nd.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
9th Grade English
Weekly Schedule
March 13th
Monday, March 13th:
Please be sure to bring your vocabulary and your grammar books!
We will go over the words in your vocabulary book on pages 31-35 and the exercises for those words.
These exercise will be due on Friday, March 17th.
For first period and second periods, we will do some review of sentence fragments and run-ons. The grammar homework will be due on Thursday, March 16th.
For fourth period, we will review adverbial clauses in the grammar book. The grammar homework will be due on Thursday, March 16th.
If we have time, we will do some Shakespeare games.
Tuesday, March 14th:
For your journal entry, write a short story using your vocabulary words.
Today we will do Shakespeare games! And then we will watch the video of ROMEO AND JULIET and then start reading Act 1, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. And yes, we will start on our reading logs! It will be major part of your grade so don’t blow it off!
Wednesday, March 15th:
Do another short story using your vocabulary words.
Then we will continue reading, acting out and watching the video of Romeo and Juliet.
Thursday, March 16th:
We will go over our grammar today. And then we will dive back into Romeo and Juliet - reading, acting out the scenes and doing the reading logs!
Friday, March 17th:
Our vocabulary homework is due today. We will go over it in class and then dive back into Romeo and Juliet.
Weekly Schedule
March 13th
Monday, March 13th:
Please be sure to bring your vocabulary and your grammar books!
We will go over the words in your vocabulary book on pages 31-35 and the exercises for those words.
These exercise will be due on Friday, March 17th.
For first period and second periods, we will do some review of sentence fragments and run-ons. The grammar homework will be due on Thursday, March 16th.
For fourth period, we will review adverbial clauses in the grammar book. The grammar homework will be due on Thursday, March 16th.
If we have time, we will do some Shakespeare games.
Tuesday, March 14th:
For your journal entry, write a short story using your vocabulary words.
Today we will do Shakespeare games! And then we will watch the video of ROMEO AND JULIET and then start reading Act 1, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. And yes, we will start on our reading logs! It will be major part of your grade so don’t blow it off!
Wednesday, March 15th:
Do another short story using your vocabulary words.
Then we will continue reading, acting out and watching the video of Romeo and Juliet.
Thursday, March 16th:
We will go over our grammar today. And then we will dive back into Romeo and Juliet - reading, acting out the scenes and doing the reading logs!
Friday, March 17th:
Our vocabulary homework is due today. We will go over it in class and then dive back into Romeo and Juliet.
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