
Saturday, October 14, 2017

October 16, 2017 - October 20, 2017

Monday, October 16th: 


Structure for Second and Third Body Paragraph 
Mini-Topic Sentence
Two to four sentences developing the mini-topic sentence
Introduction to the quotation or evidence to support your mini-topic sentence
The quotation or the evidence - paraphrased in your own words
Two to four sentences to show how the quotation or evidence supports your mini-topic sentence 
Transition sentence - last sentence of the paragraph which ties up the ideas and provides a bridge to the next mini-topic sentence. 

Work on the third body paragraph and the final concluding paragraph in the library today.

Tuesday October 17th: 
Please make sure you turn in your Unit Two vocabulary. For many of you, it is very late. 

Your persuasive essay on animal rights will be due today at 11:59.  Here are the rubrics for receiving a good grade on this assignment: 

Rubric for Essay
To receive an “A”, you must do the following:
The essay:
·      is 1.5 spaced
·      has, as a minimum, a 500 word count (approximately two pages)
·      has  paragraphs that are no more than half a page in length
·      is factually accurate
·      has a thesis statement, which gives a framework and a guide to the essay
·      has quotations from the text to support the writer’s position
·      has 5% or fewer grammatical errors such as: sentence fragments, fused sentences, and/or comma splices, and correct use of commas, semi-colons, and capitalization
The heading:
·      Has a title
·      The student’s name, date, and period are on the upper left side of the first page
The introductory paragraph has:
·      A thesis statement (what the essay is about and the position of the writer)
·      The title of the play and the full name of the author
·      A “grabber” that catches the interest of the reader
·      One sentence per main idea that will be discussed later on in the essay
·      A transitional sentence that provides a bridge to the next paragraph

The body paragraphs (paragraphs 2, 3, 4, etc.):
·      Should be no more than half a page in length
·      Should have a mini-topic sentence which helps the reader understand what the paragraph is about
·      Must refer to the text to support the points the writer is making
·      For every point the writer is making, the writer must provide proof from the text to support her point
·      Must have a short quotation and/or a paraphrase of the text to support the point the writer is making
·      Should have a transitional sentence that acts as a bridge to the next paragraph
The Conclusion:
·      There should be no new material in the last paragraph
·      There should be a brief summing up of the main points – one sentence per main idea
·      A final point that sums up the writer’s conclusion

Tuesday, October 17th: 
Absent today due to illness. Students work on their papers. 

Wednesday, October 18th: 

Page 174

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe
Venice, Italy
19th Century – 1800s
Fortunato is the name of a character.
It would be ironic if a person whose name is Fortunate is unlucky.
Utterance: speech
Avenged: to redress or right a wrong.  When someone commits a wrong against  an innocent person and someone defends the wronged person.
Precluded: to take an action before an event to prevent something bad from happening.
Milan: Diego says that when his mom is in a bad mood, Diego goes into another room with his little dog Chapo.
To preclude bad grades be sure to do your homework.
Impunity: freedom from punishment and harm.
Retribution: punishment.
I must not only punish but I must get away with it (with impunity).
Redress is revenge!!!! To redress a wrong! To revenge a wrong!
Redresser: a revenger!!!
“It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.”
A wrong is unrevenged when the bully doesn’t suffer the same amount of pain as the victim.

The narrator is unreliable. This means that the narrator cannot necessarily be believed either because s/he is deliberately lying or is insane.

Immolation: destruction
The narrator misleads Fortunato by continuing to smile in his face, but his smile is at the thought of Fortunato’s destruction.

Thursday, October 19th:

Period 4:
Pass out  The Cask of Amontillado vocabulary packet
Went over the vocabulary words:
1.     Precluded – to prevent
Trenton: I hope doing drugs does not preclude your opportunities.
Bianca: Stacy started a new route to get to class to preclude seeing her sister.
2.     redresser – an avenger
Melany: The redresser stopped the children from fighting

3.     Imposture: fraud or deception
Milan: Through an act of imposture, a man posing as my grandfather tried to pick me up at school.
Melany: A man committed an act of imposture when he tried to steal a credit card.

4.     Accosted: To be approached or spoken to in a rude way.
Alejandra: When my family and I went to a restaurant, we complained to the management when we were accosted by the hostess.

Please open your books to page 174 in The Cask of Amontillado
Vocabulary: Connoisseurship: expert knowledge
Quack is an incompetent person; particularly a doctor.

What is the one thing that Fortunato takes seriously? Wine!!!!
Fortunato prides himself on being a wine connoisseur – or wine expert!
Fortunatao was dressed like a clown.
What is Amontillado?
Amontillado is a wine!!!!!!!!!
Luchesi is Fortunato’s rival in the wine drinking and tasting department.
Notice how the narrator manipulates Fortunato into going with him to his home to taste the Amontillado.

Suffer means to grudgingly allow. “I suffered him to come with me to the party.”

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