
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Letter to Parents About the Accelerated Reader Program

Accelerated Reader Program

What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?
AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor students’ independent reading practice. Students select books at their own levels and read them at their own pace. When finished, the students take a short book quiz on the computer. (Passing the quiz is an indication that the student understood what was read.) AR gives both students and teachers feedback based on the quiz results, which the teacher then uses to help the students set goals and direct ongoing reading practice.
Students using AR choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them.
I will help the students choose books at appropriate reading levels that are challenging without being frustrating, ensuring they can pass the quizzes and experience success.

How much will the students read each day?
According to research, students who read at least 30 minutes a day with an 85% comprehension rate (average percent correct) on AR quizzes see the greatest gains. I am requiring that students read at home for at least 20 minutes five times a week. I will provide some time in the classroom for SSR (Sustained Silent Reading). 

ZPD and Point Goals
Students received a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) range after taking the STAR Reading test.  Attached is their ZPD range as well as the number of points they need to have read prior to winter break, December 15, 2017). Students must pass each book quiz with a score of 85% in order to be given full credit for reading the book. However, students do get some points when they pass with 70% or higher. In addition, students may read as many books as they like in order to reach their point goal. The following chart indicates the dates I will check the point goal progress.

The student must read two AR books this semester. They may check the books out of the school library, the neighborhood library, or they may buy the book.  By the due dates below, the students must have finished the books, written a reading log, and taken the AR test for their books. 

The student must keep a reading log for each book s/he read, and a minimum of five entries on their reading logs. The reading log must have the dates and the pages s/he read, a five line summary of what s/he read, a brief comment, and a prediction. The student will turn the reading log for their AR book at the same time s/he turns in the test. 

The student can take the AR test in the library. The student cannot access the test from home. The test may be taken in the school library before school, during nutrition, lunch, and after school. 

Last Day to Turn in AR Reading Log and Test: 
October 20, 2017 - date by which the student must finish the first book, and turn in the reading log, and the test results.
November 1, 2017 - date by which the student must finish the second book, and turn in the reading log, and the test results.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact me at or; contact the librarian Sherri Whitham at or visit the Accelerated Reader website at

Kind regards,

Kate Bridges, HHS, English Teacher 
Sherri Whitham, HHS, Teacher Librarian

Please sign and return this slip to indicate you are aware of your son’s or daughter’s responsibility regarding the AR program.

Student Name: _________________________________   

Student Signature: ______________________________

Parent or Guardian Signature: _____________________________________

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