
Friday, April 22, 2016

How to Do Note Cards

 Example of how to do note cards for Ms. Bridges’ class:

Title of Book upper left corner            Page number                         Category*            Your name

                        Here you copy verbatim the quotation or piece of information you
                        have discovered in your books, websites, encyclopedia, journals or documentaries.


                        Here you explain in your own words the quotation, or analyze it
                        or show why the information is important.
*The category refers to what subject or topic the quotation or information (which you discovered in your research) goes under. For example, if you have a quotation or information about the birth of Zeus then you would put “Birth” on the top line where you see in the example above the word “Category”.



D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths             page 14            The Golden Age            Anselmo Ko


            “Cronus was now the lord of the universe. He sat on the highest mountain and ruled over heaven and earth with a firm hand. The other gods
obeyed his will and early man worshipped him. This was man’s Golden Age. Men lived happily and in peace with the gods and each other. They did not kill and they had no locks on their doors, for theft had not yet been invented.”


            According to D’Aulaire in the Book of Greek Myths, the age during which Cronus ruled was the Golden Age for humanity. Under his strong and firm rule,  humans and the gods lived in harmony. People lived in peace and security for there were no murders and no stealing. This implies that the reason for such happiness and peace was that there was a very strong and firm ruler in place who had strong rules which were followed by both people and other gods.

Please keep in mind that the following information is important and should be included in your research, your note cards, and in the final product, your research paper.

When you are doing your research, please include information about:
The background of the god, or the hero, or the monster, or the legend
The background includes:
                        The birth
                        The family
                        The origins (of the legend, the monster, or the hero)
The god’s area of power:
                        The areas over which the gods rule
(example: Poseidon rules over the water, horses,  
earthquakes, etc.)

The god’s lovers
The god’s friends
The god’s enemies
Two stories which show the god’s power, personality
The importance or significance of the god

This structure may also be used in organizing your paper.

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