
Friday, September 21, 2012

"Marigolds" and "Forgive My Guilt" Essays

Preparation for “Marigolds” and “Forgive My Guilt” Essay

Genre: a category, or a type of music, of literature, of movies

David’s favorite genre of film is horror.

Literature can be subdivided:
fiction and non fiction; plays; poems; short stories

Why does a poet choose a poem to write about something? It expresses what the poet is feeling.

A short story writer wants the reader to experience events with certain characters in order to make a discovery.

A nonfiction writer wants the reader to think about and understand the issues.

How do you figure out what the theme is of a poem?
Justin: You break it down by every phrase to see what each phrase shares or what each phrase is about and see if there is a common thread.

Chris: You look at the title!

Comparing and Contrasting a Theme Across Genres
Reading Skills

Author’s purpose in I REMEMBER MAMA

To appreciate what you have.
People’s selfishness can affect others.

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