
Sunday, June 05, 2005

9th Grade Honors
Week of June 6th

Monday, June 6th:

Work on the comprehension and vocabulary packet for Act 5. Wee small test on Tuesday over Act 5.

Break into five groups; each group will select one of the five acts and rewrite in modern day English. The groups will perform on Thursday.

Tuesday, June 7th:

Wee small test over Act 5.
Break into groups and work on rewrites.

Wednesday, June 8th:

Pass out To Kill a Mockingbird; assign chapters 1, 2 and 3 to be read at home. Do not forget reading logs!

Break into groups and continue working on rewrites.
Assign grammar, pages 163 and 164: “Adjective Clauses”; exercise 2 and 3. Due Friday.

Thursday, June 9th:

Begin presentation of scenes. Each scene must be at least 5 to 10 minutes in length and each group must turn in a script for their scene.

Friday, June 10th:

Finish presentation of scenes. Turn in your scripts and your reading log for Romeo and Juliet.
Grammar is due today: “Adjective Clauses”.
Assign “Adverbial clauses”; pages 165 and 166; exercise 4 and 5; due Tuesday, June 14th.
Discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird.

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