Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
February 13, 2017 - February 17, 2017 Weekly Agenda
Monday, February 13th:
Helios: is the sun god. He harnesses his horses in the
stable in the east and then drives his chariot across the sky towards the west,
where he unharnesses them for the
Unit 4 Vocabulary is due tomorrow!
Frivolous: (adjective = description) of little importance;
not worthy of serious consideration; not meant seriously.
Don’t waste your time on frivolous pursuits such as boys or
trying to be popular.
Muster: (verb = an action or a state of being) to bring
together for service or battle; to gather or to summon; comprise; to include.
(noun) a list of men for military service; a gathering; accumulation.
(noun) a list of men for military service; a gathering; accumulation.
We are in imminent danger of being attacked; we must muster
our soldiers to defend ourselves.
Hellen: It is
frivolous to worry about what people think of you.
Shianne: I told him to muster up the troops to fight!
The Odyssey, page
682 – 683
"Scylla and Charybdis"
Mackerel: fish
Tiller: the person at the back of the boat controlling the
Maelstrom: a whirlpool; noise and confusion
Spume: the water that is sprayed from a geyser; a spray of
Finished reading Helios the Sun God
Tuesday, February 14th:
Tuesday, February 14th:
Collect the Unit Four Vocabulary homework
Write two sentences using words from Unit Four
1. Nonentity:
(noun) a person or thing of no importance
Although we are not celebrities, we did not deserve to be
treated as nonentities by the headwaiter.
Your original sentence: ____________________________________________________________________.
2. Obsess: (verb) to trouble, or haunt the mind, to fill the
mind. To think without stopping about something (continuously) and be troubled by
David obsessed about getting the new video game. When he finally got the game as a
present, David played it obsessively for two weeks straight.
Obsession is the noun form of the word obsess. Her obsession
with finishing her book filled her every thought.
Obsessive is the adjective form of the word obsess.
Elizabeth was obsessive over her art.
Obsessively is the adverb form of the word obsessive. An
adverb describes how something was done – in other words, it describes a verb.
Fret means to worry.
The new mother fretted obsessively over her new baby’s every
cough or sneeze.
How did the new mother fret? She fretted obsessively.
This is how you do the Vocabulary Workshop Unit Four homework, pages 55 - 57:
This is how you do the Vocabulary Workshop Unit Four homework, pages 55 - 57:
Pages 54 - 55, “Completing the Sentences”
You just write the correct word.
Page 55, “Synonyms”
1. named
on the regiment’s roster: muster
Page 55, “Antonyms”
16. arrived wearing a gaudy suit: staid
Page 56, “Choosing the Right Word”
Just write the correct word.
Page 57; “Vocabulary in Context”
1. The
meaning of obsessed is: a.
Played Kahoot for review of “The Isle of Circes”and “The
Land of the Dead”.
Wednesday, February 16th:
Wednesday, February 16th:
Ornate: (adjective) Elaborately decorated; showily splendid;
Sentence: Onyx’s home was so ornately decorated that she won
“Best Decorated House” during the Christmas season.
Pamela: The Christmas tree at the Grove is always very
The Christmas tree at the Grove is always ornately
Now you write your original sentence:
Oust: (verb = action or a state of being) to remove, to
drive out of a position or a place.
Sentence: Michael Flynn was ousted from his position in the
Trump Administration due to misleading the Vice-President about talking to the
Sentence: Malia was ousted from class for constant non-stop
Shianne: I will oust Carolina from my life after I divorce
Gina: Many people would like to oust Donald J. Trump from
his presidence.
Red Team
llll l Blue
Team llll l
When Ms. Bridges
reads a question about The Odyssey, everyone tries to find the answer in
the book. Whoever finds the answer first, runs to the board and writes down the
answer found in the book.
1. Where
was Odysseus as he was recounting where he had been for the last ten years?
Gina: Odysseus relates his story in Alcinous’ court
2. Who
sent Odysseus to the Land of the Dead? Kimberly: Circe Danny: Circe: Samantha: (page 675) “She
responds their pleas with the command that Odysseus alone descends to the “Land
of the Dead”.
3. Why
was Odysseus sent to the “Land of the Dead”. Shianne: “There Odysseus seeks to
learn his destiny.”
4. Who
was Teiresias? Shianne and Samantha: Teiresias was the famous blind prophet.
5. How
did Odysseus act when the dead came up to him with rustling cries? (page 676)
Samantha: Jennifer: “I grew sick with fear!”
6. Who
were some of the dead who gathered around him? (page 675) Gina: Odysseus’
mother, “brides and young man.” Jennifer: “Tender girls whose hearts were new
to grief.”
7. According
to Teiresias, why is Poseidon punishing Odysseus? (page 677) Gina and
Samantha: “In rancor for the son
whose eye you blinded!” Gina:
Odysseus didn’t give Poseidon credit for helping him win the Trojan War.
Jazmin – three notecards by the end of the period on her
research paper on Greek Mythology
Thursday, February 16th:
Kahoots - review of The Odyssey - the Land of the Dead, Circe, the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, and the Isle of Helios.
Thursday, February 16th:
Kahoots - review of The Odyssey - the Land of the Dead, Circe, the Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, and the Isle of Helios.