
Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017 - January 20, 2017 Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade English

Monday, January 16th:
No school today!
It is Martin Luther King's Birthday!

Tuesday, January 17th:
Silent Sustained Reading – “The Isle of Calypso” Vocabulary
Act out “The Isle of Calypso”
If you haven’t written your reading log for “The Isle of Calypso”, please do so now.
Reading Log
Calypso refused to let Odysseus go home, so Athena goes to Zeus and asks him to force Calypso to release him. Zeus sends Hermes, the messenger, to tell Calypso that if she doesn’t let Odysseus go, he will plunge her island to the bottom of the ocean.  Before she lets him go, she offers him eternal life and youth, but Odysseus says no. She asks him why he wants to go home to his wife who is now old. Being smart, Odysseus answers that although Calypso is a goddess and will forever be young and beautiful, he misses his wife and family. Calypso allows him to build a raft to set sail for Ithaca. Poseidon, still angry at Odysseus for not giving him credit for helping them win the war, stirs up a huge storm that rages for 30 days. Odysseus is shipwrecked on another island, the island of Scheria.
Continue Reading: 
 Page 656; "I Am Laertes" 

Hellen is reading “I Am Laertes”

For Homework: Continue to read your AR book and write a summary, plus a comment, plus a prediction for each chapter you read.  The last day for you to turn in your AR reading log and test is Friday, February 3rd. 

Wednesday, January 18th:
Assign the Vocabulary Workshop: Level C; Unit 3
This will be due on Tuesday, January 24th
Vocabulary Workshop: Level C; Unit 3; this is due on Tuesday, January 24th.
How to do your Unit 3 Vocabulary Homework:
Definitions: (There are twenty vocabulary words) Pages 35 - 37
1.     allot (v.)  to assign or distribute in shares or portion. The teacher allotted books and school supplies to each student on the first day of school.

Completing the Sentences (pages 38 – 39)
Just write the number and the word:
1. Elite

Synonyms: (Page 39; numbers 1 – 15)
1.     innumerable opportunities to learn something new myriad

Antonyms: (Page 39; numbers 16 – 20)
16. timid when faced with a challenge audacious

Choosing the Right Word (Page 40; numbers 1 – 20)
Just write the number and the word:
1.     Unison

Vocabulary in Context: “The Other Rain Forest” (Page 41; 1 – 5)
Write the sentence and the correct letter and the definition
1. The meaning of devoid of  is:

Read "The Battle of the Cicones"
Acted out "The Battle of the Cicones"
Read by Maria
Shambling: roaming easily, comfortable
Unyoking: to take off the harness (or yoke) from a farm animal to allow them to roam freely. This usually occurs around sun down.
Mutinous: from the word “mutiny”; to rebel against the authority on board the ship. Mutinous is an adjective; it is used to describe a noun. It goes before a noun. The mutinous crew took over the ship.
Plunder: (verb) means to steal in large quantity and with little regard from a defeated enemy
Ringlets: round curls
Lances: are long sharp spears
Veils: thin material like curtains.
Acted out “The Battle of the Cicones”

For Homework: Continue to read your AR book and write a summary, plus a comment, plus a prediction for each chapter you read.  The last day for you to turn in your AR reading log and test is Friday, February 3rd. 

Thursday, January 19th:
Quiet sustained reading - "The Isle of the Cicones"
Read "The Lotus Eaters"
Open your books to page 658; “The Lotus Eaters”
There are some scholars who believe that the lotus may have been marijuana. The warning in this book or chapter regards the dangers of addiction.
Shianne: Odysseus lands on the island of the Lotus Eaters to take on fresh water. Odysseus sends out three men to see what kind of men live there, but the men do not come back. Odysseus searches for them and finds the men with the Lotus Eaters, who are harmless, and have no worries – they are sort of like modern day hippies. His men have eaten the lotus offered by their friendly and generous hosts, the Lotus Eaters,  and are now stoned.  They have lost all memories about their homeland and have lost all ambition to return home.  Odysseus forces his protesting men back to the ship, where he ties them up under the bench to prevent them from escaping. He orders his other men on the bench to immediately return to the ship to prepare to set sail.

Reading Log
Time Line
For Homework: Continue to read your AR book and write a summary, plus a comment, plus a prediction for each chapter you read.  The last day for you to turn in your AR reading log and test is Friday, February 3rd. 

Friday, January 20th:
Silent Sustained Reading 
AR Reading log
Silent Sustained Reading
AR reading logs
Kahoot – Unit 3 Vocabulary
Act out “The Lotus Eaters”
If you haven't already, write your reading log for the "Lotus Eaters" 

With a partner, make a PSA announcement, with a picture and a caption warning against the dangers of eating lotus!
For Homework: Continue to read your AR book and write a summary, plus a comment, plus a prediction for each chapter you read.  The last day for you to turn in your AR reading log and test is Friday, February 3rd.