
Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11, 2017 - December 15, 2017

Monday, December 11th: 

Using the Sojourner Truth speech, write your own speech modeled after  “Ain’t I a Woman”.  Write about something you feel passionate about. Think about the stereotypes people may have about you: adults may have about teens; teachers may have about students; males may have about young women; young women may have about young men.

People say that undocumented aliens take their jobs, that we are rapists, we are drug dealers.
My mother works long hard hours in the military.
She works long hard hours at the hospital.
She works long hard hours cooking.
She works long hard hours cleaning.
She works long hard hours taking care of the kids.  
She’s not a drug dealer. She’s not a killer.
And isn’t she a Latina?
Isn’t she an American?

My father works long hard hours at the post office.
My father works long hard hours cooking.
My father works long hard hours cleaning.
My father works long hard hours taking care of the kids.
And isn’t he an American? 

I spend long hard hours trying to learn so I can get a good job and live a good life.

Just because I am black doesn’t mean I……..
Just because I am latina doesn’t mean I……
Just because I am a teenager doesn’t mean I….
Just because I am a high school student doesn’t mean I….
But I am still……

I am from America. My ancestors didn’t come here from some place else.
I didn’t move here. The borders moved.

Adults say teenagers are lazy.  Adults say teenagers are not responsible.  Adults say that teenagers…..

Tomorrow, you need to have a rough draft of your speech.
By Wednesday, you need to have a final draft of your speech.
For extra credit, you will present it to the class.
In the next three minutes I want you to jot down some ideas for your speech.

Tuesday, December 12th: 
Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 13th, you need to turn in your final draft of How Did Edgar Allan Poe Die?”  This is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Please submit your notes for “Ain’t I a Woman?”
Please submit your speech modeled on “Ain’t I a Woman?”

Wednesday, December 13th: 
Today this is what is due:
Your final draft of your persuasive essay on Edgar Allan Poe’s death
You are to incorporate my corrections on your introductory, three body paragraphs, and your final paragraphs in schoology.
You are to rewrite these paragraphs into a final draft and submit them in to the final draft assignment box in schoology. 

Today you are to turn in the following:
Your notes or reading log for “Ain’t I a Woman?”
Your questions over “Ain’t I a Woman?”
Your annotated notes on the paper “Ain’t I a Woman?”
Your  original “Ain’t I a Woman” speech – both on schoology and as a hard copy

Students presented their “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech to class

Monday, December 04, 2017

Pathos, Ethos, Logos/ Voices of the Civil War - Sojourner Truth

  1. What are the three elements advertisers use to sell their product?
2.   What is pathos? 

3.   Give an example of pathos in advertising. 

4.   What is ethos? 

5.    What are some of the elements of ethos? 

6.   Give three examples of ethos in advertising.

7.   What is logos? 

8.  Which is the most effective medium for using logos? 

"Voices of the Civil War" - Sojourner Truth 
(To be answered after viewing the video "Voices of the Civil War" - Sojourner Truth 
  1. What is an abolitionist? 
2.   Did all abolitionists believe that women should have equal rights with men? 

3.   Who was Isabella Bomefree? Who did she become? 

4.   What was her first language? 

5.   What did she decide to do at the age of forty six? 

6.   What does the word sojourner mean? 

7.  Why is the name Sojourner fitting for her? 

8.   What is Sojourner’s Truth’s most famous speech? 

9.   What was the occasion for the speech?

10.  What was the important issue being debated? 

Sojourner Truth - Ain't I a Woman? Questions

Question  Answer
What does Truth say about intellect in paragraph three? Do you agree? 

What moments do you find most compelling in advancing the speaker’s argument? Explain what makes them so compelling? 

Who is the speaker? What do we know? How do we know? 

How many children did Sojourner Truth have? 

List all the reasons Truth believes that women should have equal rights. 

What methods does Truth use to build and support her argument? 

Describe the structure of the speech. How is it appropriate for her purpose and audience? 

December 4, 2017 - December 8, 2017 Weekly Agenda

 Monday, December 4th:
Don’t forget the last paragraph of your essay:
The restated thesis statement
The three main facts you covered in your essay
A final summation of your conclusion based on your evidence

Submit your introductory paragraph to the introductory inbox on schoology.
Submit your first body paragraph to the first body paragraph inbox on schoology.
Submit your second body paragraph to the second body paragraph inbox on schoology.
Submit your third body paragraph to the third body paragraph inbox on schoology.
Finally, submit your concluding paragraph to the concluding paragraph inbox on
This is your first draft.
I am going to correct your rough draft paragraphs.
Then you are going to correct the rough draft and submit your final draft in the final draft inbox.

The rough draft paragraphs are due tomorrow, December 5th.
The final draft will be due on Monday, December 11th.  Please submit your final draft to the final box inbox. 

Grammar: Kinds of Clauses

A clause is a group of words that contain a verb and its subject, and is a part of a sentence.
A subordinate clause does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone.

Elena is studying astronomy, and she wants to be an astronaut.  Use a conjunction!
Fanboys – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Elena is studying astronomy; she wants to be an astronaut.
Elena is studying astronomy; however, she wants to be an astronaut.

Can the following stand alone?
If the fog lifts – No!
When the show begins – No!
Whom we have met before – No!
They need independent clauses to express a complete thought!

1.     Egypt is most likely where the first postal system developed. Subordinate
2.     Postal systems were developed because ancient governments needed to relay messages. Independent

Tuesday, December 5th:

Showed 9 minute documentary on Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman?”

Went over questions about the video


Passed out “Ain’t I a Woman?”

Watched part of Cicily Tyson’s “Ain’t I a Woman?” 

Wednesday, December 6th: 
 The setting for Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman?” was 1851 in Akron, Ohio for the Women’s Conventions 
Watch Cicily Tyson perform Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" 

Students now analyze the text: 

What was the argument at the convention?

Women’s suffrage – or the right of women to vote!

Nadiya: One of the arguments used to oppose women’s right to vote was that women were not smart enough!

One of the main arguments against giving women the right to vote was that women had to be taken care of.

Alondra – Women were not strong enough and therefore could not and should not vote. 

What was Sojourner Truth’s counter argument against that?

A man was saying that women had to be helped into carriages.

A man was saying that women had to be lifted over ditches and mud puddles.

What was Sojourner Truth’s argument to that? 

Nobody helped her into a carriage or carried her over mud puddles – and ain’t she a woman?

Sojourner Truth showed her arms and her muscles to prove how strong she was; she got her strength and her muscles by plowing fields, which was considered men’s work -  tough hard labor. 

Thursday, December 7th:  

One man argued that women couldn’t have equal rights because Christ wasn’t a woman.

Sojourner Truth’s argument was:

Lizbeth L.: Christ was made from God and a woman – and man had nothing to do with it!

“Gathered into barns” – what does that mean?

Yessenia: she would harvest the fields and fill the barn with the harvest.

“And no man could head me?”  -

Hilaryd – no man could best her or out work her

“I could eat as much as a man – when I could get it!” Lizbeth L. – this implies that she didn’t always get enough food to eat.

“Bear the lash” – states that Sojourner Truth was beaten and bore the beating as well as any man.  “And ain’t I a woman?”

“I have borne thirteen children, and seen them most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?”

This proves that she was emotionally strong.

Intellect is intelligence.  The capacity of reasoning, understanding, and thinking. 

What does Sojourner Truth argue regarding women’s intelligence? 

If a man has a quart of smarts and a woman has a pint of smarts, then isn’t it mean for a man to “not to let me have my little measure-full.” Why am I not allowed to use my brains? Why am I denied an education to develop whatever intelligence I have?

If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down – who is she speaking of?


What did Eve do?

She wanted knowledge!!!!

Pathos has to do with emotion!

Watched a Sarah McLaughlin commercial for the ASPCA for emotional appeal. 

Friday, December 8th: 

Please finish and submit your rough draft paragraphs to the assignment boxes on schoology.
The final draft will be due on Tuesday.
The final will be your original speech based on Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman.”

Watched video showing overview of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos
Showed commercials depicting:
Pathos: ASPCA commercials
Logos: “How to Save Water”
Ethos: Lebron James and Nike

 Pathos is an argument that appeals to feelings or emotions
Logos is an argument that appeals to logic
Because it is using evidence, charts, graphs, etc.
Ethos is an argument that persuades by the character and credibility of the speaker





Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27, 2017 - December 1, 2017 Weekly Agenda

Monday, November 27th:
Ms. Payne talked to class about their graduation requirements.
Test tomorrow for those who missed the Edgar Allan Poe Test
Tomorrow begin working on the persuasive essay on how Poe died.

Tuesday, November 28th: 

Make-up test on The Cask of Amontillado
The Persuasive Essay on How Edgar Allan Poe Die

Introductory Paragraph:
Thesis Statement
Your hook
Three points or subjects that you are going to cover in your paper.
The last sentence acts as a transition to the next paragraph

Thesis Statement:
It has to have a thesis! A thesis is your theory or your argument about the subject.
Edgar Allan lived a life of mystery, but nothing is more mysterious than how he died. There are many theories regarding how Poe died, but the overwhelming evidence suggests that he died of a combination of alcoholism and exposure.

There are many theories regarding how Poe died, but there is now new compelling evidence that Poe died, not from alcoholism, as so many people thought, but of encephalitic rabies.

Edgar Allan Poe wrote of mysterious things, and mysterious was the life he led, but the most mysterious part was how he became dead – by alcohol or by a rabid animal’s bite. The evidence strongly suggests he died from alcoholism.

The plentiful amount of evidence of Poe’s death is overwhelming; however, the evidence strongly suggests he died from alcoholism.

Thesis Statement:
Topic + Your Position on the Topic = Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is anywhere in the first paragraph and restated in the final paragraph!

Write a grabber that makes someone want to read your paper.
A grabber is a hook  or an interesting fact or anecdote that makes the reader want to read your paper.

The next part of the introductory paragraph should include the three major topics or issues the paper will cover.

 Write the three ideas or evidence that your research paper will cover. 

Wednesday, November 29th: 
Passed out and went over the rubric for the persuasive essay on how Poe died.
Working on the first and second paragraph of the essay: 

Position of the writer – what does that mean?
The writer is you!!!!!
You are the writer!!!!
What does the word position mean?
What is your conclusion based on the facts and the evidence that you have analyzed? 

Interesting factoid you can  use in your paper, courtesy of Yessenia:
Yessenia: There was something called “cooping” in the 19th century, in which one group jumps a person to force him to vote a certain way. There is a theory that perhaps Edgar Allan Poe was “cooped” or jumped!

Please write a rough draft of the introductory paragraph for your persuasive essay on how Edgar Allan Poe died.
Remember, in the first paragaph you need:
 a thesis statement
a grabber: an interesting anecdote or an interesting fact
three main ideas you are going to cover in the paper
final sentence that will transition to the first body paragraph

The articles can be found on pages 184, 187, 189, and 190.

How to do the body paragraph:
 Body Paragraph
The mini-topic sentence which lets us know what the paragraph is going to be about.
The next two lines develops the mini-topic sentence
The introduction of evidence to support the thesis statement
Discussion, comments, or analysis of the evidence
Transition sentence to the next paragraph

For tonight, work on the rough draft of your introductory and first body paragraph of your paper.

Thursday, November 30th: 
In auditorium today
Please work on the grammar handout: "Kinds of Clauses"; exercise 1
Please write out the sentences and underline the independent clause and circle the subordinate clause.
This will be due at the end of the period.

Work on your persuasive essay.

Friday, December 1st: 
Went over the final concluding paragraph
Work on the essay in class.
The essay will be due on Tuesday, December 5th.

--> -->
Come see The Servant of Two Masters
Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.
Sunday at 2 p.m.
$2 for students with id
For extra credit have your ticket signed by me or an adult
Then I will give you a form that you will fill out about the play.
You will receive fifty points in extra credit!!!!

The grammar handout, Subordinate and Independent Clauses, will be due on Tuesday, December 5th.
You are to write out the sentences and underline that part of the sentence that is independent, and circle that part of the sentence that is subordinate. 

Introductory Paragraph:
Julian: Thesis statement  -
Diego and Lizbeth: Thesis statement can be anywhere in the first paragraph
David: a grabber, something that captures the reader’s attention
Alondra: three topics that you are going to discuss in the body paragraphs
Melany: the final sentence is a transition

Body Paragraph:
(We need three body paragraphs in this paper)
David: mini-topic sentence
Julian: We need a couple of sentences to develop the mini-topic sentence
Milan: We need evidence to support your thesis
We get the evidence from the articles
You need to discuss, comment on, analyze, or explain the evidence you are using.
You need a transition sentence to move to the next paragraph.

Concluding paragraph
You need to restate your thesis statement.
You need to briefly go over the main points stated in your persuasive paper.
Then you need to sum up your conclusion based on your evidence.

Do not use new information
Do not use quotations
Do not cite new evidence
Do not write in conclusion

Do not use personal pronouns like “I” or “you”.
Do not write “My essay is going to be about……”
Do not call Edgar Allan Poe “Ed” or “Eddie”

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017 - November 17, 2017

Monday, November 13th: 

Passed back The Cask of Amontillado test
If you made below an “A” and you would like to raise your grade one letter grade, then you must write out the question and write out the correct answer to the question you missed. You only have to write out the questions and the answers to those questions you missed. However, you must write out the complete questions and the complete answers, not just the letter.

Please write the questions and the answers on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the test.  It will be due Thursday, November 16th.

Open your books to page 188, “Poe’s Death is Rewritten as a Case of Rabies, Not Alcoholism,
Begin at the bottom of the left hand column, “The curator of the Edgar Allan Poe House….”
Who was Mr. Jerome?
David answered the question
He was the curator.
What is a curator?
David: A curator is the keeper or manager of a museum or art collection. That means that he or she knows a great deal about the subject.
David: Mr. Jerome is saying that there are many, many stories about how Poe died, but no one offers proof.
Lizbeth:  Mr. Jerome says that Poe almost certainly did not die of alcoholism; he was very sensitive to alcohol and one drink could make him violently sick for days.
Milan: to bring a solution
Lizbeth: to provide or give
Hypothetical: in theory, not in reality.
“Let me pose a hypothetical question to you, doctor. What if a man interested in a certain female doctor asked her out, what are the chances she would say yes?”
Milan: a doctor who studies forensics and the cause of death.
Julian: an autopsy is when the pathologist or the coroner examines a corpse for the to determine the cause of death.
Lizbeth: a pathologist is a doctor who studies the causes of diseases, particularly unique or lethal diseases.
Why did Dr. Benitez examine Poe’s medical records?
He was given an anonymous patient’s medical chart and was given the task to figure out how the patient died.
How did Dr. Benitez figure out that it was Poe’s medical records he was reading?
He figured it out through deduction. There were no cat scans or CTEs from the medical charts. The patient was from an earlier time – earlier than the late 20th century. The patient’s initials were E.P., a writer from Richmond.
Melany reads:
“If Only Poe Had Succeeded When He Said Nevermore to Drink”.

Two doctors offer a different opinion from Dr. Benitez and they agree with Dr. Moran that Poe died from alcoholism.
Their arguments are that there were eye-witness accounts who said Poe was drunk. 
His relatives, his uncle-in-law, his cousins, and Dr. Moran all claimed Poe was drunk or had a very long history of drinking. 
The two doctors' other argument is Poe’s own words let us know that he was still drinking. He wrote letters of deepest apologies and swore oaths to his beloved wife and mother-in-law, that he would never drink again and yet, a few weeks or months later, there would be more letters swearing again that he would never drink again. And this continued for years.

Tuesday, November 14th: 
Page 190
“Rabies Death Theory”
Reading: Jestice
Taylor – encephalitis is inflammation of the brain
Tymiah – rabid, which is what an animal that has rabies is called.
Rabid is an adjective, which describes an animal that has rabies.
According to Dr. Benitez, in the last twenty years, there have been thirty-three human cases of rabies.
David and Diego: Only 24% of those could remember being bitten by an animal.
Jestice: Fifteen cases where bat related.
But only seven of the fifteen cases could remember coming in contact with a bat.
That means eight of the fifteen did not remember coming in contact with a bat.
Jonathan: reading
How long is the incubation period of rabies?
Taylor: It can be as long as a year.
Taylor and David: came up with the definition of incubation
Incubation: the amount of time between the transmission of the disease and the appearance of the disease’s symptoms.
Did doctors know how rabies was transmitted?
What is the causative agent of rabies?
Rhabdovirus is the virus that causes rabies, which was unknown to doctors in the 19th century.
Dr. Benitez claimed he never blamed poor Caterina for giving Poe rabies.
Who is Louis Pasteur and what did he do?
Jestice and Milan:  Louis Pasteur developed the rabies vaccine but he did not know about the rhabdovirus. 
Diego:  Louis Pasteur was also a French chemist, who helped develop the important medical link between the transmission of disease and germs. Pasteur had developed a rabies vaccine taken from the tissue taken from rabid animals. However, he and other scientists had not isolated and identified the virus that causes rabies.

Wednesday, November 15th: 
Time to write the Essay for How Did Edgar Allan Poe Die?!

Evidence Poe Died from Alcoholism
Evidence Poe Died from Rabies
Arguments Against Rabies
Poe was found in a bar and appeared to be drunk – David and Taylor

The incubation period of rabies is one year – Bianca, Salamata, Jasmine
Poe went to the hospital in a stupor – Bianca, Salamate, Jasmine

There are many letters written by Poe to his family swearing off drinking which spanned many, many years.

He was dressed in other people’s clothes

Poe was hallucinating which is a classic example of end stage alcoholism – Trenton

Poe was drenched in sweat  - Diego

There were eye witness accounts by physicians who diagnosed Poe as drunk

Pair up with your next door partner and find evidence to support the theory that Poe died from Alcoholism!

Evidence can be found in the following articles: “Poe’s Final Days” (page 184), “Poe’s Death is Rewritten as Case of Rabies, Not Telltale Alcohol” (page 187), “If Poe Had Succeeded When He Said Nevermore to Drink” (page 189), “Rabies Death Theory” (page 190)

Exposure means when someone is out in extreme weather, particularly cold, rainy, or snowy weather which can cause someone to fall very ill and even die.
Hallucination: to see things that are not real or are not there in reality.

Then pair up with your partner and find evidence from the text that supports the theory that Poe died from Encephalitic Rabies.

Thursday, November 16th: 
Nigerian King's visit. 
Friday, November 17th: 

Monday, November 06, 2017

November 6, 2017 - November 9, 2017 Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade English

Monday, November 6th:

In #233
9th grade IAB Informational Reading Test

Tuesday, November 7th: 

In room #223 to finish testing
IAB 9th Grade Informational Reading
For those who are finished with the test, read Maya Angelou’s “Woman Work” and answer those questions that are circled: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and then write a short poem that is modeled on Woman Work but it’s going to be about your life: “I’ve got homework to do….”
This will be due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 8th: 

Please turn in your reading log (notes) for The Cask of Amontillado
For extra credit, you may type it and submit it to schoology.
For extra credit, you must bring a signed ticket to dance show.
For extra credit, you must bring a signed ticket to the Halloween show.

Answer the circled questions:
1. Name the five activities listed by the speak of "Woman Work".
3. What does the catalog of images in "Woman Work" tell you about the life of the speaker? Where do you  think she lives?
4. What is the tone of the poem "Woman Work"? What is the woman's attitude towards her life? Cite details to explain the tone of the poem.
5. Look at the second through fifth stanza. Who is the woman addressing? What are the things the woman is asking for?
7. How would the poem be different if it were written by a man?
Writing "My Day"
Using the poem "Woman Work", write a poem about your day.
Start the poem off with "I've got  - " and then list the things you have to do during the course of the day.
Posted Tue Nov 7, 2017 at 1:04 pm

If you have not already, you need to turn in your packet for The Cask of Amontillado

Poe's Last Days

Page 185
Bottom of the left hand column
“According to Moran and his wife….”
Drenched in sweat, pale, delirious
Spectral: ghostly and unreal

Thursday, November 9th: 

Finished reading "Poe's Last Days" 
Reading Log 

Began reading "A Case of Rabies" 
Reading log 

Top of page 186  of “Poe’s Final Days” 

Finish reading "Poe's Last Days" 
Reading log 
Trenton: speech that suggests the speaker is not in a sane state.
Taylor: Expressed in an incomprehensible state.
When Moran questions Poe, his answers are incoherent. He did not know what happened to his trunk. He also said that he left his wife in Richmond – but Poe’s wife was dead, and he had broken up with his fiancĂ©e.
What were Poe’s last words?
Trenton: “Lord help my poor soul.”
And when did he expire?
October 6th at 3 a.m.
Expires means to die.
Diego: the only family members who visited Poe were the two daughters of his uncle-in-law, Henry Herring.
Diego: Poe became violent and had to be held down by two nurses.
Do we know how and why Poe died?
Moran reported that Poe’s heavy perspiration, trembling, and hallucinations suggest that  he died of delirium tremens, mania a potu.
Profuse: heavy, a great deal of
Milan – deadly
What do most of the people, including the doctors, think Poe died from?
From heavy alcoholism.
Congestion of the brain is what doctors referred to as alcoholism. Congestion of the brain is a euphemism for death by alcoholism
Euphemism: a more polite expression for an embarrassing thing, situation, or event.
“I have to powder my nose” is a euphemism for going to the bathroom.
Cerebral refers to the brain
Inflammation: inflamed, swollen, infected
Vigorously:with great energy, with great strength
Disputed: argued
Poe’s immune system was already weakened by years of alcoholism. He was already sick with a fever, and he was simply too drunk to care for himself.

“Poe’s Death is Rewritten as Case of Rabies, Not Telltale Alcohol”
Page 187
Cardiologist: a heart doctor
Reading: Diego
Maligned: falsely accused, slandered
Comatose: in a coma
Belligerent: angry and aggressive, ready to start a fight
Hydrophobia: fear of water
Many people do not know that they have been bitten by a rabid animal. It can take a year for the symptoms to appear.
Dr. Benitez believes that Poe had died from encephalitic rabies.
Temperance advocate: someone advocates that no one drinks.
Dr. Benitez believes that Dr. Moran had become a temperance advocate and had changed the detail of Poe’s death to convince people that drinking was dangerous and should be banned.