
Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12, 2016 - December 16, 2016 Weekly Agenda; The Trojan War

Monday, December 12th: 

The Trojan War Part Three

Read it aloud; brief discussion; summarize it!


Fragrant: sweet smelling

Appalled: horrified

Shroud: a burial cloth

Truce: a period where fighting is called off either permanently or temporarily

Overwrought: overcome by emotion


Achilles now has his new armor from Hesphaestus to replace the one taken by Hector. Hector, knowing that he is fated to die before Achilles, goes willingly into his final battle with Achilles for he wants to defend his country.

The Gods also take sides: Athena, the goddess of Wisdom, knocks down Ares, the god of War, and Hera takes the bow away from Artemis (Diana) and boxes her ears.

The fateful day of the battle arrives and Achilles, with Athena’s help, kills Hector. Achilles is still angry over the death of his friend, Antiloclus and refuses to return Hector’s body to his parents, Priam and Hecuba. Zeus intervenes and sends Iris, his messenger, to tell Priam what he must do to convince Achilles to give him back his son’s body.  Iris tells Priam that Achilles is not evil, but overwrought by the death of his friend, Antilocus. Priam must go to Achilles as a supplicant, and kiss the hand that slayed his son and give him gifts.

Achilles’ heart has been softened by the funeral for Antilochus and he is moved by the sight of the aged parents of Hector, so he agrees to give them the body of their son whom he killed on the battle field.

Achilles guarantees a truce for Hector’s funeral rites and orders his servants to anoint Hector’s body with fine oils and cover it with a  beautiful robe.

The mourning for Hector’s death continues for nine days.  Then Hector’s body is placed on a funeral pyre where it burns until it is reduced to ashes. Then the bones and ashes are placed in a golden funeral urn which is covered in a purple shroud and placed in a grave marked with huge stones 

Read aloud The Trojan War, Part Four; summarize it.

Exhilarated: extremely happy, ecstatic, joyous

Tuesday, December 13th:
Final Preparation for the final tomorrow

Wednesday, December 14th:
The Iliad final test

Went over answers