
Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016 - September 16, 2016 Weekly Agenda; AR

Monday, September 12th:
Library for orientation and receiving lauds email accounts

Tuesday, September 13th: 
Library to take the Star Test for reading levels.

Wednesday, September 14th: 
Pass out the students Star Reading Levels 
Library today for orientation and to check out books for AR 

Thursday, September 15th: 
Library for final orientation and tests over library procedures.
If you have not yet found an AR book,  please do so today.

Friday, September 16th: 

Please bring your AR book today to read in class.
At the end of the period, on a sheet of paper, write the name of the book, the page numbers that you read, and a minimum of a five line summary, and a comment about the book, and a prediction.