
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 22, 2016 - August 26, 2016 Weekly Agenda for 9th Grade English: Persuasive Paper

Monday, August 22nd: 

Tomorrow, please bring your vocabulary book, Level C.
Read “Do Parents Have Different Hopes and Standards for Their Sons and Daughters?
Anonymous: unknown
Aggregate: Different elements combined for a result

"Boys vs. Girls: Should parents apply same rules to both genders?"

 Thesis Statement is what the essay is about and also expresses your position or opinion on the subject.

On a separate sheet of paper, write your thesis statement. You may change it or even change your position on the topic. 

Tuesday, August 23rd: 

Today, Vocabulary, Level C, Unit One will be assigned; Unit 1 will be due on Monday, August 29th. 
 How to do the homework for Vocabulary Level C, Unit 1

Vocabulary, Level C
Unit One will  be due on Monday, August 29th
Pages 21 – 27
Pages 21 – 23
All twenty words!
Write the word
Write the part of speech (it’s in parenthesis)
Write the definition
Write the sentence
Write the synonyms

1.     Adage (n.) a proverb, a wise saying
Sentence: One way to begin an informal speech or an oral report is to quote an old adage.
Synonyms: maxim, a saw, aphorism

Be sure to do all twenty  words from page 21 to page 23

Pages 24 – 25:
Completing the Sentence; 1 – 20
All you have to do for Completing the Sentence is write the correct vocabulary word.

Synonyms; page 25
1 – 15
Write the short phrase; underline the bold faced word, then write the correct vocabulary word which is the synonym for the bold faced word.
1.     As the ad campaign slowly unfolded: evolved

Antonyms; page 25
16 – 20
Write the short phrase, underline the bold faced word, then write the correct vocabulary which means the opposite of the vocabulary word.

16. Surprised by the harmonious ending of the piece: discordant
Be sure to do all five antonyms the same way

Page 26; Choosing the Right Word
Just write the correct vocabulary words for sentences 1 – 20

Page 27:  Vocabulary in Context
Read “A Dynamic and Creative Duo”
Answer the questions 1 – 5
Write the brief phrase and then the letter and the correct word.

This is due on Monday, August 29th

Wednesday, August 24th: 

Write an original sentence using one of your vocabulary words:
Adage: an old wise saying; for example: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Bonanza: a rich mass of ore or gold. Sudden appearance of wealth or gold.
Grope: to fumble about searching for something
I had to grope for her glasses because they fell off during the night.
Jostle: to make or force one’s way through a group of people
As Zack was walking through the hallway he was jostling people’s backpack.
Collaborate: to cooperate
Briana: She collaborated with her sister on a class project.
Theatre Improv:
Shianne, Danny, Onyx

The thesis of the paper:
I agree that there should be different standards of behavior for boys and girls because boys and girls are different and have different needs.

 I believe that the same standard of behavior should be applied to both boys and girls because they are individuals and should have the same rights.

The thesis statement should have both the topic of the persuasive essay and your position on the topic.

Decide which side of the thesis you are on: Then find evidence to support your opinion in the handouts and underline it.  Please notice from which handout you found the evidence. 

“Boys vs. Girls”
According to Myrna Beth Haskell, the writer of “Boys vs. Girls”, Researchers have found that there are gender differences in the brain, such as girls having more seratonin and stronger neural connections than boys, and boys having less oxytocin (love chemicals which makes mothers love their babies). In part, neurological differences account for characteristics such as boys being more impulsive and girls being more communicative.

“All teens experience risk and parents should be observant,” Michael Assel, associate professor of pediatrics at University of Texas cautions.

“In her book, Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow into Troublesome Gaps – and What We Can Do About It?  Neuroscientist Lise Elliot explains that there is little solid evidence of organic sex differences in children’s brains.

For homework tonight: Find two more examples of evidence and write them in your notes.