
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016 - February 19, 2016 Weekly Agenda; The Odyssey: Lotus Eaters, The Cyclops

Tuesday, February 16th:
1st Period:
Silent Sustained Reading
Went over in-class assignment of clauses
Grammar: “Identifying Independent and Subordinate Clauses”
Exercise 1
Read The Odyssey; “The Lotus Eaters”
The lotus is a beautiful flower with many petals, which in some Eastern cultures, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Egyptology, represents higher consciousness.
In common lore the lotus flower, which is thought to rise up through the water in the morning, and then sink below the water at night, represents reincarnation or rebirth. (Actually, it takes three days for the plant to emerge through the water)
In all three major religions the lotus symbolizes rebirth and spirituality.

Some scholars believe that the “lotus eaters” were not eating lotus but were partaking of cannabis, a drug which many feel drain the user of ambition and energy, leaving him or her apathetic.

3rd Period: 

Read The Odyssey; “The Lotus Eaters”; page 898
Mustered: to be gathered or assembled, particularly in the military, like rows of soldiers in a platoon
What effect does the lotus flower have on the men?
Once the men eat the lotus flower they no longer have the desire to leave the island but stay there forever eating the lotus.
Rowlocks: the round piece of metal through which the oar is placed. The oarslock helps the oarsman to control the oar and to row faster and more efficiently.
Steersman: the person on the back of the boat that controls the direction of the boat.
The lotus is a beautiful flower with many petals, which in some Eastern cultures, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Egyptology, represents higher consciousness.
In common lore the lotus flower, which is thought to rise up through the water in the morning, and then sink below the water at night, represents reincarnation or rebirth. (Actually, it takes three days for the plant to emerge through the water)
In all three major religions the lotus symbolizes rebirth and spirituality.

Some scholars believe that the “lotus eaters” were not eating lotus but were partaking of cannabis, a drug which many feel drain the user of ambition and energy, leaving him or her apathetic.

Had students get up and act out “The Lotus Eaters”

Wednesday, February 17th:
Silent Sustained Reading
Reading Log

Period 1:
Subordinate and Independent Clauses
The Odyssey
Page 898
The Lotus Eaters
The Odyssey was used as part of Greek children’s education for centuries after the poem was written. How could the adventure with the Lotus Eaters teach us about the temptation to forget our troubles by doing drugs and dropping out of society?
Acted out the scene.
Reading log of what happened on the island of “The Lotus Eaters
Page 899
The Cyclops

Period 3:
Grammar: Subordinate and Independent Clauses
The Odyssey
“The Cyclops”
Page 899
Remember, Odysseus is still in the court of Alcinous telling the events of  the past ten years of his wanderings.  He is now telling about his adventures on the island of the Cylcops.
Reread page 902; from lines 277 (“Neither replay nor pity came from him..) to line 296 (…and wait for morning.)
What did the Cyclops do to Odysseus’ men?
“…but the Cyclops went on filling up his belly
with manflesh…”
“But in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two….and made them his meal….”
Tyler, Kristina, Timerica
The Cyclops ate some of Odysseus’ men alive.
Why didn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops?
Timerica: He didn’t kill the Cyclops because the door of the cave was blocked by a huge stone which only the Cyclops could move.  The men would be trapped there forever and perish in a horrible death.
Perish: to die
“If we killed him
we perished there as well, for we could never
move his ponderous doorway slab aside.”
Ponderous: big and heavy and sometimes slow.
Why did the Cyclops kill Odysseus’ men?
Maybe Cyclops was hungry for man flesh and to show how vicious and mean he was.
“When the young Dawn with fingertips of rose lit up the world” is another way of saying it’s……..What?
Timerica and Reyna: It’s morning!!!!
Kristina, Timerica, Reyna: Personification and imagery
1.What is the above quotation an example of?  Personification? Simile? Imagery?
2. Cap a quiver describes how the Cyclops closed the door of the cave. What is the phrase? Is it a simile or a metaphor? What is it being compared to?
3. What did the Cyclops do in the morning?


Ewe: a female sheep

Thursday, February 18th: 
Silent Sustained Reading
Reading Log
Remember: the second AR test and reading log are due before March 18th!

Period 1: 
Subordinate and Independent Clauses!
Read The Odyssey
“The Cyclops”
Page 899
Remember, Odysseus is still in the court of Alcinous telling the events of the past ten years of his wanderings.  He is now telling about his adventures on the island of the Cyclops.

Bough: a big tree branch
Ewes: female sheep
Ravage: to destroy violently

Reread page 902; from lines 277 (“Neither replay nor pity came from him..) to line 296 (…and wait for morning.)
What did the Cyclops do to Odysseus’ men?
Neither reply nor pity came from him,
But in one stride he clutched at my companions
And caught two in his hands like squirming puppies
To beat their brains out, spattering the floor.
Then he dismembered them and made his meal.”

What is the following line an example of:
“…and caught in his hands like squirming puppies
to beat their brains out, spattering the floor.”
Dalicia and Regina: simile
Homer is comparing the men to squirming puppies.

When the young Dawn with fingertips of rose
Lit up the world.
Dalicia: personification

Read up to page 902.

3rd Period: 
Draw your time line for The Odyssey
Get a sheet of paper and turn the paper in a horizontal position. Draw a straight line from one edge of the paper to the other. In the middle of the line, write “The Isle of Calypso” and draw a picture representing Calypso.
After Calypso, Odysseus winds up on the island of Scheria, or the court of Alcinous. Draw a picture representing the Court of Alcinous, and label it the Court of Alcinous.
The first story Odysseus tells the Court of Alcinous is the Battle of the Cicones.
Jonathan got it!!!! It was the Battle of the Cicones!
The second story (at least in the version we are reading) is the Island of the Lotus Eaters!
Jonathan got it again – the Island of the Lotus Eaters!
Kimberly got it!  We are now on the Island of the Cyclopes!!!
Timerica is drawing the time line of The Odyssey for the class – and doing a great job!
Open to page 902 of The Odyssey
Mutasim reads:
Dispatch: to finish, to be done with
Cap a quiver: to put a top or lid on the round container filled with arrows, which is carried on the back by archers like Katniss or Robin Hood.
Hewed: to smooth with a knife to make a piece of wood smooth and shiny.
Profusion: a great deal; in great abundance.
Ponderous: large, huge, awkward, slow
Flock: a herd of sheep or birds
Ewe: a female sheep, and it’s pronounced like “you”.
Reread from lines 297 to 329; then, write a brief summary of what it is you have just read.
Timerica: read her summary of what happened between line 297 to 329.
Cordial: friendly, warm, welcoming, etc.
(Cor’ djal)
Isabel: Odysseus’ men took out the Cyclop’s eye by driving a spike (a six foot long section of an olive tree sharpened to a razor point) into the Cyclop’s eye.
Reread what we have just read (lines 377 - 384) and write down the phrases which are filled with imagery.

Friday, February 19th: 

Silent Sustained Reading
Work on your reading log!
1st Period:
The Odyssey
“The Cyclops”
reading log
If we finish “The Cyclops” we will play
Page 902

Cap a quiver: to put a lid on the round container of arrows that is carried on the back. Quiver is the round container carried on the back of Katniss and Robin Hood.
Metaphor. Homer is comparing the stone that blocks the cave’s mouth to a cap on a quiver.
Felled: to chop down a tree
Mast: the main huge beam on a boat which stands perpendicular to the deck.  Sails are suspended from the mast.
Dung: manure
Profusion: a great abundance, a huge amount
Rogue: a con man, criminal
Carrion: road kill; a dead animal
Weird: fate
Girdler: to encircle; like a belt
Wits: intelligence
Finished “The Cyclops”
Had student reread the part we read today, pages 902 – 909. Then write a brief summary.
On Monday, do a, and act out. Go over vocabulary for Book 5 and collect. Pass out Book 9 Vocabulary

Period 3:
Collected Book 5 Vocabulary
Passed out The Odyssey, “Book 9” Vocabulary
Book 9 Vocabulary will be due on Tuesday, February 23rd. 
Went over the vocabulary words form Book 9
The Odyssey; “The Cyclops”
Read pages 904 – 909
Finished reading “The Cyclops”
Reread pages 904 – 909
Write a brief summary of what you have read.
Due at the end of the period. This will be worth 100 points.

Cap a quiver: to put a lid on the round container of arrows that is carried on the back. Quiver is the round container carried on the back of Katniss and Robin Hood.
Metaphor. Homer is comparing the stone that blocks the cave’s mouth to a cap on a quiver.
Felled: to chop down a tree
Mast: the main huge beam on a boat which stands perpendicular to the deck.  Sails are suspended from the mast.
Dung: manure
Profusion: a great abundance, a huge amount
Rogue: a con man, criminal
Carrion: road kill; a dead animal
Weird: fate
Girdler: to encircle; like a belt

Wits: intelligence