
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

September 8, 2015 - September 11, 2015 Weekly Agenda

  Tuesday, September 8th:


1st Period:

 Use this time during BIC to work on rewriting those assignments on which you made lower than a “C”.
On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the wrong or incomplete answer, using the corrections on your paper. Then, title the paper “Corrections for…..” , staple it to the original work and turn it in by tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9th.

The grading period closes at 4 p.m. on Thursday, September 10th.

For those who have nothing to do, please write five correct sentences using the following vocabulary words:

Be sure to use the following verbs in your sentences:
 Take, Leave, Hurt, Have, Come, Go, Do,

1.     adage: a wise saying, a proverb (a’ dage)
2.     bonanza: a very large amount of something of valuable; a sudden profit or gain.
3.     churlish: lacking politeness, being very rude and disrespectful
4.     Citadel: a very tall tower that acts like a fortress or a lookout to spot enemies.
5.     Collaborate: to work together

For homework tonight, please write one sentence per vocabulary word correctly using the vocabulary words listed above. One sentence per word. Please be sure to use one of the verbs listed above in the correct verb tense in the sentences. One  verb in its correct verb tense per sentence.

I take my brother to day care every day.
I took my brother to day care yesterday.
I have taken my brother to day care already.

I am leaving for Europe today!
David left home last night to drive to his first day of school at the university.
I left home at the age of eighteen to go to college.

I think Elizabeth hurt her arm.
Yesterday, Joanna hurt her leg skate boarding.
You are going to hurt yourself if you don’t slow down!

John came to school yesterday because he wasn’t aware it was Labor Day.
I come to school everyday prepared to learn.
We are coming to school tomorrow for the parent meeting.
We have come to speak with the principal.

Carol goes to dance class every day.
Anselmo went to ballet yesterday.
Anselmo went to the Hollywood Bowl to see the ABT perform.
Regina has gone to ballet class for many years.
Ki and Dalicia have studied karate for many years and now hold first degree black belts.
Finish for homework!

Conference with the Driver group (Jonathan and Jelani):
These are the things you need for your story:
The first page of your story needs to be a back story.
You need dialogue between the driver and the soldier who is killed.
The dialogue can help establish the back story.
We need to know the relationship between the driver and the soldier who later gets killed.  Are they good friends? Are they best friends? How long have they known each other? Since elementary school? Since boot camp?
Where are they coming from?  What do they think they are going to do after they get off from this tour? What do they want to be doing? What are they talking about as they are driving down the street?
What happens when they spot the informant? What leads to the decision to stop?
What is the driver thinking and doing while his friend is talking to the lady?
What is the driver’s reaction when he realizes his friend has been killed?
What leads to the driver’s decision to drive off with the body of his friend hanging out the door?
What is he thinking? Where is he going?
This should be two pages long, and include description as well as dialogue.

3rd Period: 

Passed work back to students. Reminded them of the procedure to correct work for a higher grade:

On a separate piece of paper, write the correction in its entirety. On the top line of the paper, write the title: “Corrections for “The Sniper” Vocabulary” or “Corrections for “The Sniper” Discussion Questions”, or “Corrections for Vocabulary Unit 1”. Then staple it to the original work and turn it into me no later than Wednesday, September 9th.

Monks lead ascetic lives, which means that they live hard lives without comfort and wealth. 
David is studying to be a monk and is living in an unheated cell with a small cot and a light blanket.
One chooses to lead an ascetic life because one believes wealth and comfort can corrupt the soul.
One leads an ascetic life because of philosophical, religious or political beliefs. 

People who live ascetic lives – Amish people, monks, scholars,
Ascetic people may give up electricity, cars, nice clothes.

Break into groups to begin work on the short story.

Conference with the Driver group: Cateryn, Emily, Jaynice, Mutasim, Tyron
These are the things you need for your story:
The first page of your story needs to be a back story.
You need dialogue between the driver and the soldier who is killed.
The dialogue can help establish the back story.
We need to know the relationship between the driver and the soldier who later gets killed.  Are they good friends? Are they best friends? How long have they known each other? Since elementary school? Since boot camp?
Where are they coming from?  What do they think they are going to do after they get off from this tour? What do they want to be doing? What are they talking about as they are driving down the street?
What happens when they spot the informant? What leads to the decision to stop?
What is the driver thinking and doing while his friend is talking to the lady?
What is the driver’s reaction when he realizes his friend has been killed?
What leads to the driver’s decision to drive off with the body of his friend hanging out the door?
What is he thinking? Where is he going?
This should be two pages long - minimum, and include description as well as dialogue.

The soldier who is killed in the turret:
Arisbeth, Arturo, Nicole, Timerica, Tyler - not on task!

This short story/play needs to be a minimum of two pages. The first page needs to be a back story regarding the character, his relationship with the driver, and the situation in which he is currently involved.  (Check out what is written about the driver of the armored car.) The dialogue can help establish the back story.
We need to know the relationship between the driver and the soldier who later gets killed.  Are they good friends? Are they best friends? How long have they known each other? Since elementary school? Since boot camp?
Where are they coming from?  What do they think they are going to do after they get off from this tour? What do they want to be doing? What are they talking about as they are driving down the street?
What happens when they spot the informant? What leads to the decision to stop?

What does the informant say to the soldier? What does he say to her?  What happens to him after he is shot? 
The short story should include dialogue and description, and should be a MINIMUM of two pages.

Wednesday, September 9th: 

1st Period: 

First thing  you have to do is
Write your name in the upper right hand corner – first name, last name
Date – Month, day, year
May 15, 2016
Period 1
On the top line please write the title
The Sniper Discussion Questions
Write five sentences from Unit One Vocabulary
1.     Decree – an order with the force of law (noun)
2.     Discordant – disagreeable in sound (adjective)
3.     Evolve – to develop gradually (verb; it can be used as an adjective but you have to add a “d” to it. Example: He was a very evolved man.
4.     Excerpt – a cutting or a short piece taken from a longer literary piece.
5.     Grope – (verb) to feel about blindly

Turn in for credit:

Conference with the “Killed Soldier in the Turret”
Stephanie, Anselmo, Taylor, Michael:
These are the things you need on the first page:
You need a back story
You need descriptive prose
You need dialogue
You need to develop a relationship between the two soldiers in the armored car.
How do they know each other? Do they like each other? Do they hang out together?
As they are driving down the street what are they talking about? 
How do they feel about being in the army and stationed in Ireland?
Be sure to include their reaction to seeing the elderly woman running down the street towards them.  How do they feel about that?
Why do you decide to stop for the elderly lady? It is dangerous to emerge from the car.  You are in a war zone.
Include dialogue between the two soldiers on deciding to stop.
Describe the soldier getting out of the tank.
Include the conversation between the soldier and the elderly lady. 
Describe the moment when the soldier gets hit. Where does he get hit?
How does he die?  Does he die?  What are his last thoughts as he is lying across the turret?

3rd Period:

The Sniper’s Brother: Cooper, Sharon,
For the Sniper’s Brother group:  Assigned a  typed two page draft due tomorrow. No exceptions!
On the first page you need a back story (exposition) – give us biographical information about the character’s past.
You can divulge information about the character through his thoughts. Use third person perspective.  You use the pronouns he, she, it, and they when you use 3rd person perspective.
On the first page, you must include where the sniper’s brother has been for the past hour or so. You must include how and why he is on the roof. Has he been sent there by his commanding officer to take down a sniper? What is he thinking as he is lying there on the roof? Why did he take the British side of the civil war?  Reveal this through his thoughts.

You must include the moment when the sniper’s brother sees the other sniper stand up and light a cigarette, and what he is thinking when he draws his gun, aims and shoots the other sniper. You must include what he is thinking when he sees the top of the sniper’s cap, fires his gun at it, and then sees the rifle fall. You must include what the sniper’s brother is thinking when his brother shoots and kills the informant and the British soldier in the turret.

And finally, why does he stand up and gaze out over the cityscape after “killing” the other sniper.  What are his last thoughts as the bullet tears through his brains?

Conference with Omniscient:
Paola, Johan,

Omniscient: Which means we know what everyone is thinking!
In your version of the script you must have:
Description of the characters and their surroundings.
You may begin the story with a general description of the day and the information that a sniper is laying on a roof picking off people.
You can have a very brief paragraph describing the old woman and her reaction when she sees the tank rumbling down the street. You must state why she runs out to flag down the tank. Why would she take such a risk? Does she have a sick son? A sick grand daughter? Is her husband dying?

What are the two soldiers in the tank talking about moments before the woman runs out to stop them? Why do they stop? What do the two soldiers say to each other as the soldier prepares to go outside to talk to the woman.

Recount the dialogue – the conversation – between the soldier and the old woman. What does the driver think and do when he realizes his friend has been shot.

Now, focus on the other sniper. When did he get to the other building? Why is he there? What is he thinking? Describe his decision to shoot the sniper. Why is he fooled by the cap and rifle trick? What is he thinking when he stands up revealing himself just moments before he is killed? What are his final thoughts?

Thursday, September 10th: 

1st Period:
During BIC, please write one sentence for each vocabulary word from #11 to #15. This will be due at 8:20 when BIC is finished.

Words 11 – 15 from Unit 1 Vocabulary:

Hover: to hang in the air; to be suspended in the air. This is a verb. It describes an action. Hovering can be a verb; it can also be an adjective.
The helicopter hovered in the air.
The hovering helicopter beat the air in an ominous drone.

Jostle: To make or force one’s way through a crowd. To push, bump, elbow one’s way through a crowd. This is a verb. It describes an action.
Jelani jostled his way to the front of the crowd to buy tickets to the One Direction concert.

Laggard: A person who moves slowly or falls behind. This is a noun.
The laggards at the back of the group of students clearly did not want to go to class.

Plaudits: Applause; praise or approval. This is a noun.
After Angie’s brilliant performance on stage, she received many plaudits from her admiring fans.

Preclude: To take prior steps to prevent something from happening; to prevent.
This a verb.
Studying would be one way to preclude (prevent) failing a class.

You are going to write grammatical sentences using the vocabulary words listed above.

Jasmine hurt her right leg when a boy hit her with his skate board.
Jasmine cannot dress for dance for two weeks because she has hurt her leg yesterday.

Review of Verbs:

Go             Went            Have gone
I go to school every day.
I went to school.
I have gone to school.

Break into groups to rewrite the short story “The Sniper”.
Conference with the “Sniper’s Brother”.

Period 3:

Turn in your rewrites today!
Collected rewrites
Passed back
Students work on the presentations of their short story rewrites.
Had another conference with the “Omniscient” group:
Asiah, Isabel, Johan, Paola
The "Omniscient" group's work will be due on Friday. 
Class will present their work on Friday.

Friday, September 11th:

1st Period:
Break into your groups and begin working on your presentation of the short story rewrite of “The Sniper”.
Everyone must participate in the presentation:
People in the group may take turns reading as the narrator.
The other members of the group should act out the roles of the characters, performing the actions of the characters as the narrator is reading them.
At 8:40 we will begin presenting.

Jalani, Jayla, Eric, Jonathan:  The Armored Car Driver
Jalani and Eric are acting upstage above the narrator, cannot be seen by the audience.
Cannot really see the actors.
The action with the old lady is unclear. Jayla comes out as the old lady laughing and screaming and does a back flip.

Anselmo, Taylor, Ki, Michael, and Stephanie
Stephanie is the narrator. Unfamiliar with Anselmo’s script
Anselmo clearly wrote the script. He is playing one of the soldiers and is attempting not a bad Irish accent.
Issue with when Michael, as the old lady, is supposed to come out.
In their version the old lady is killed first.
Taylor is cursing during the scene and screaming.

Finish on Tuesday, September 15th.

3rd Period: 

Break into groups and begin rehearsing. Will begin presentations today.