
Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11, 2013 - February 15, 2013 Agenda

February 11, 2013 - February 15, 2013
9th Grade Honors English

Monday, February 11th:
Go over the district assessment essays
Go over questions on pages 89 - 90 in PERSPECTIVES IN MULTICULTURALISM
Choose a quotation from the articles and write a response to it. Turn in.
Go over Modifier Handout
HOLT HANDBOOK; pages 200 - 203; exercise one; this will be due on Tuesday, February 12th
Vocabulary Workshop: Assign Unit 4; this will be due on Friday, February 15th

Tuesday, February 12th:
Go over the grammar homework
Break into groups of four to choose a scene from THE ODYSSEY to act out

Wednesday, February 13th:
Present scripts and scenes of THE ODYSSEY

Thursday, February 14th:
 Begin reading ROMEO and JULIET; with reading log
Shakespearean Insults!

Friday, February 15th:
Words and phrases from Shakespeare
Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET; with reading log